


ACM Logo
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Advancing Computing as a Science & Profession

ChaptersACM's Local Neighborhoods

ACM chapters offer a range of resources and benefits for computing professionals and students to help them shape the future of computing.

Understanding Chapter Policies

ACM provides guidelines that direct chapters toward effective, efficient operation and accountability. Find out how to assure your chapter’s success as a forum for discussion, debate and dialogue on computing issues, impacts and opportunities.

Chapter Management Toolkit

ACM offers resources to recruit members, manage finances, organize meetings and events, schedule speakers, guide member outreach and communications, recognize service, and more.

Chapter Administrative Interface

The Administrative Interface helps manage member rosters, add newly elected officers, update address and contact information, submit events to the ACM Local Activities Calendar, and produce annual reports.


Teach Your Members About ACM and Chapters

Download this presentation on ACM and ACM chapters. It provides relevant information regarding the chapters program and our organization. Use this as an opportunity to gather and engage your current members and raise awareness to recruit more.

ACM Distinguished Speakers Program

The Distinguished Speakers Program (DSP) is one of ACM's most valued outreach programs, providing universities, corporations, event and conference planners, and local ACM chapters with direct access to top technology leaders and innovators from nearly every sector of the computing industry. ACM will cover the cost of transportation for the speaker to travel to your event.

Chapter-in-a-Box: Everything You Need to Run and Grow Your ACM Chapter

Chapter-in-a-Box contains the resources required for organizing and maintaining an ACM chapter. This compilation of materials and practices includes advice about recruiting members, ideas for activities, how-tos for running meetings and conferences, and much more.

Start an ACM Chapter

ACM local chapters engage members through talks by local practitioners, visits from prominent speakers from the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program, technical and career workshops, field trips to computing installations, and social activities. Chapters are the engines that drive networking and learning on a local level. 


Participate in ACM Student Chapter Excellence Awards

To recognize chapters that demonstrate outstanding achievement in their activities calendar, website utility, recruitment, and community and school service during the academic year, ACM presents cash and other rewards to winning entries. Applications for all categories are due by April 30 each year.


Recently Chartered Chapters

ACM Professional Chapter

  • The New World Foundation ACM Chapter

ACM Student Chapter

  • SRU ACM Student Chapter
  • ICFAI Tech - Hyderabad ACM Student Chapter
  • SAU ACM Student Chapter
  • GRIET ACM Student Chapter
  • BIT Belagavi ACM Student Chapter
  • Kuwait University ACM Student Chapter
  • University of Tennessee at Chattanooga ACM Student Chapter
  • VUP ACM Student Chapter
  • Virginia State University ACM Student Chapter
  • SCMS School of Engineering and Technology ACM Student Chapter
  • Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences ACM Student Chapter
  • CEC-CGC Landran ACM Student Chapter

ACM-W Professional Chapter

  • Cleveland ACM-W Chapter
  • Fez ACM-W Chapter
  • Gothenburg ACM-W Chapter

ACM-W Student Chapter

  • OIST ACM-W Student Chapter
  • SR University ACM-W Student Chapter
  • National University of Singapore ACM-W Student Chapter
  • MIT ADT ACM-W Student Chapter

Find a Chapter Near You

Chapters are the "local neighborhoods" of ACM. They serve as activity hubs for ACM members and the computing community at large, offering seminars, presentations, and opportunities to meet peers and experts in many computing fields.

Have Questions...Get Answers...Chapters FAQs

Visit ACM Chapters FAQs for answers to questions about web accounts, the administrative interface, annual reports, new chapter officers, and more.


ACM Local Meetups

Visit our ACM Local Meetups Calendar to learn more about ACM Meetups near you. ACM Meetups are informal groups that meet regularly to discuss diverse topics in computing and IT, ranging from tutorials on basic concepts and applications, to success stories from local practitioners, to discussions of tools, new technologies, and best practices. All are welcome to attend.

