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381st Bomb Group


Welcome to the Original 381st site! This site was first posted in 1993 when a search for information on the web about the 381st was scarce. It is dedicated to the Mighty Men of the 381st Bomb Group stationed in Ridgewell, England, Station 167, as part of the mighty Eighth Air Force from 1943 to 1945. The group flew in the 1st Combat Wing, First Air Division of the 8th Air Force, United States Army Air Forces. In these pages you will find group history, photos, stories and anything else deemed relative to the 381st Station. If you have something to contribute, please let us know. If you have questions regarding the group, submit them and we will try to find an answer for you or direct to optional resources. We hope you will enjoy your visit.

NBC Documentary, 1984 – “All The Fine Young Men”

This program by NBC, was produced in 1984. The field producer was Karen Rutledge. Her uncle was Harold Henslin, a pilot in the 535th squadron. His plane was shot down during mission 101. Only the co-pilot and both waist gunners were able to bail out successfully and survive. One of the waist gunners, Bill Blackman, is interviewed during this program. Click on the image to the left to view the program.

A True Story of Survival

This is the true story about two gunners of the 381st Bomb Group who survived a mission they weren’t supposed to survive. Sgts. Wade McCook and Matthew Berk experienced an event that few have ever seen. Click on the image to the right to view the program.

B-17 Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour of the inside of a B-17. The tour will allow you to explore the bombardier section, cockpit, radio/navigation room, waist gunners section and the tail gunner section. We also included an audio button that will provide the sounds of start up, take off and mission combat that will play while you are exploring the plane.

Overlay of Station 167, 1943-1945

