


Front cover image for A history and ethnography of the Beothuk

A history and ethnography of the Beothuk

Ingeborg Marshall (Author)
Although lengthy, this highly readable history of the Beothuk will add much to what has been meager information about the tribe which was decimated by early Newfoundland settlers in the 1800s. This history covers the period between their first incounter with Europeans to their eventural death. Since they have not existed for 160 years, had no written language, and left little impression on history, Marshall had a difficult task, but she has fulfilled it admirably
eBook,English, ©1996
McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal [Que.], ©1996
1 online resource (xxi, 640 pages, 2 unnumbered leaves of plates) : illustrations (some color), maps, portraits
9780773565890, 0773565892
Tables, Maps, Graphs, and Sketches
1 The Sixteenth Century: First Contact
Introduction: Before Contact
The Historic Period: Early Records of Native People in Newfoundland
The Cabots and CÃ?rte Real
Other Early Sixteenth-Century Sources
Jacques Cartier at Blanc Sablon
Accounts by Hoare, Crignon, and Alphonse
Descriptions by Jehan Mallart and André Thevet
Meetings and Trade between Sixteenth-Century Fishing Crews and Newfoundland Indians Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Expedition and an Eyewitness Account from 15942 The Seventeenth Century: Colonization, Trade, and Encroachment
English Plans to Colonize
John Guy Meets with Beothuk
Henry Crout Returns to Trinity Bay
Colonies Founded by Other English Promoters
Failure to Convert the Beothuk
Interaction with Seasonal Fishing Crews
Beothuk Contact with the Dutch and French
3 Relations between the Beothuk and Their Native Neighbours
Micmac Hunting and Trapping
The Beothuk in Micmac Tradition
Micmac in Beothuk Tradition The Effect of Micmac Hostilities on the BeothukConflict between Inuit and Fishing Crews
Beothuk/Inuit Conflict
Beothuk/Montagnais Relations
Information on Montagnais from Shanawdithit
4 Competition for Resources on the Coast
Redistribution of Beothuk in the Early 1700s
The Growth of the English Salmon Fishery
The Beothuk's Exclusion from Salmon Rivers
Sea Travel to Bird Colonies Becomes Hazardous
5 Hostilities over Hunting and Trapping
The English Fur Business
Beothuk and Furriers Clash
Intermittent Small Trade with Beothuk Factors That Prevented a Regular Fur TradeThe Growth of the English Fur Business
The Effect of English Sealing on the Beothuk
6 Lieutenant John Cartwright Explores Beothuk Country
Preparation and Exploration
Information on the Beothuk
A Beothuk Captive
A Proclamation Is Issued
7 Intensified Conflict between Beothuk and Settlers
Records of Hostile Acts by Beothuk
Traditions Recorded by J.P. Howley
Hostile Acts by the English
Failure to Control Persisting Persecution
Why the Beothuk Continued to Take and Damage Equipment 8 Plans to Conciliate the BeothukGeorge Cartwright's Plan for an Indian Reserve
A Proposal by George Christopher Pulling, RN
Chief Justice John Reeves's Endeavour
Governor Waldegrave's Attempts at Improving Relations with Beothuk
9 The Capture of Beothuk to Make Peace
Seeking Friendly Relations through Exchanges
The Capture of Beothuk
Captives as Conciliators
William Cull Captures a Beothuk Woman
Luring the Beothuk with a Painting
Instructions to Convert Beothuk
Records of White People Captured by Beothuk

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