


Front cover image for Manual of forensic taphonomy

Manual of forensic taphonomy

James T. Pokines (Editor),Steve A. Symes (Editor),Ericka N. L'Abbé (Editor)
"The main goals in any forensic skeletal analysis are to answer who is the person represented (individualization), how that person died (trauma/pathology), and when that person died (the postmortem interval or PMI). The analyses necessary to generate the biological profile include the determination of human, nonhuman, or nonosseous origin, the minimum number of individuals represented, age at death, sex, stature, ancestry, perimortem trauma, antemortem trauma, osseous pathology, odontology, and taphonomic effects-the postmortem modifications to a set of remains. The Manual of Forensic Taphonomy, Second Edition covers fundamental principles of these postmortem changes encountered during case analysis. Taphonomic processes can be highly destructive and subtract information from bones regarding their utility in determining other aspects of the biological profile, but they also can add information regarding the entire postmortem history of the remains and the relative timing of these effects. The taphonomic analyses outlined provide guidance on how to separate natural agencies from human-caused trauma. These analyses are also performed in conjunction with the field processing of recovery scenes and the interpretation of the site formation and their postdepositional history. The individual chapters categorize these alterations to skeletal remains, illustrate and explain their significance, and demonstrate differential diagnosis among them. Such observations may then be combined into higher-order patterns to aid forensic investigators in determining what happened to those remains in the interval from death to analysis, including the environment(s) in which the remains were deposited, including buried, terrestrial surface, marine, freshwater, or cultural contexts. Key Features: Provides nearly 300 full-color illustrations of both common and unique taphonomic affects to bones, derived from actual forensic cases Presents new research including experimentation on recovery rates during surface search, timing of marine alterations; trophy skulls; taphonomic laboratory and field methods; laws regarding the relative timing of taphonomic effects; reptile taphonomy; human decomposition; and microscopic alterations by invertebrates to bones Explains and illustrates common taphonomic effects and clarifies standard terminology for uniformity and usage within in the field. While the book is primarily focused upon large vertebrate and specifically human skeletal remains, it effectively synthesizes data from human, ethological, geological/paleontological, paleoanthropological, archaeological artifactual, and zooarchaeological studies. Since these taphonomic processes affect other vertebrates in similar manners, The Manual of Forensic Taphonomy, Second Edition will be invaluable to a broad set of forensic and investigative disciplines"-- Provided by publisher
Print Book,English, 2022
Second editionView all formats and editions
CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2022
xx, 747 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm
9780367774370, 9780367774592, 0367774372, 0367774593
1 Introduction: The Importance and Use of Forensic Taphonomic Data
2 Microscopic Destruction of Bone
3 Soft Tissue Decomposition in Terrestrial Ecosystems
4 Bone Density and Bone Attrition
5 Effects of Burial Environment on Osseous Remains
6 Fluvial Taphonomy
7 Marine Environmental Alterations to Bone
8 Contemporary Cultural Alterations to Bone: Anatomical, Ritual, and Trophy
9 Faunal Dispersal, Reconcentration, and Gnawing Damage to Bone in Terrestrial Environments
10 Deposition and Dispersal of Human Remains as a Result of Criminal Acts: Homo sapiens sapiens as a Taphonomic Agent
11 Subaerial Weathering and Other Terrestrial Surface Taphonomic Processes
12 Identifying the Origin of Taphonomic Bone Staining and Color Changes in Forensic Contexts
13 Taphonomy and the Timing of Bone Fractures in Trauma Analysis
14 Thermal Alteration to Bone
15 DNA Survivability in Skeletal Remains
16 Avian Taphonomy
17 Effects of Recovery Methods
18 Invertebrate Modification of Bone
19 Reptile Taphonomy
20 Laws of Taphonomic Relative Timing
21 Laboratory and Field Methods in Forensic Taphonomy

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