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XMLTV is a few things with the same name.

  • XMLTV is a very popular XML based file format for describing TV listings. seeXMLTVFormat
  • XMLTV is an interface contract between programs the emit guide data and programs that consume it. seeHowtoWriteAGrabber andHowtoUseGrabbers
  • XMLTV is a perl module that helps to create XMLTV formatted documents. seeXMLTVModule
  • XMLTV is a collection of tools to obtain, manipulate, and search TV Listings. seeXMLTVProject

Most of this Wiki has to do with theXMLTVProject

XMLTV Project Status

(for more info seeXMLTVProject)

The current release (1.3.1 was made on 2024-02-24 and is available at

New Grabbers

  • tv_grab_uk_freeview (a new grabber for UK Freeview users)

Deleted Grabbers

  • tv_grab_eu_epgdata (upstream site gone)
  • tv_grab_na_dtv (upstream site changes)
  • tv_grab_pt_meo (upstream site changes)
  • tv_grab_uk_guide (upstream site changes)


  • tv_grab_ch_search (fix setting of configured channels)
  • tv_grab_fi (updates for STAR Chanel/FOXTV rename, and YLE data source (API key needs))
  • tv_grab_zz_sdjson (improvements to episode/season handling)
  • tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite (improvements to episode/season handling, 3rd-party metadata, lineups handling, and more)

Please see the commit log for all changes in this release

Related Projects

There are lots of applications that use XMLTV-formatted files., these include guide viewers and PVRs. There are also some grabbers not included in the XMLTV project distribution. SeeXmltvRelatedProjects.

TheXmltvUnrelatedProjects are things which don't use the XMLTV format but are somehow connected to TV listings.

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