


WebLaF - Java Look and Feel

Java Look and Feel for cross-platform Swing applications


Library version update information

News and v1.28 release


About news and site updates

As you might have noticed – it was a really long time since last post here, I were still releasing new library versions in background but I didn’t post here due to time constraints and since I didn’t actually find anything specific worth noticing. I have taken all that time to think about structuring information on the site better and improving the library itself. So today’s post will bring a few important news and v1.28 release notes.

If you were tracking GitHub updates you might have already seen some of this post parts in the README file on the home WebLaF page on GitHub, but this post contains some extended comments and notes, so make sure you don’t miss anything!

Let’s now continue to the interesting part…


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Roadmap & build


Project roadmap

Since new versions takes pretty much time to finish and assemble i have decided to populate upcoming versionsroadmap and keep it updated. This roadmap is much more specific than just some abstract “future plan” and it contains all of the features/bugs/improvements i am going to finish before the final version release. Roadmap might also be modified several times to include or exclude some of the changes depending on the situation. All changes marked with GREEN might be found in projectsources even before the final release.

ANT build script

To make source code comfortable to use i have added ANT build script into the project which has 6 targets:

  • Build WebLookAndFeel.jar
  • Build
  • Build WebLookAndFeel_demo.jar
  • Build NinePatchEditor.jar
  • Run WebLookAndFeel_demo.jar
  • Run NinePatchEditor.jar

Using them you can build exactly the same libraries/packages i am uploading to this site when new version is released.

You can read an extended “how to build” description in FAQ forum topic here:

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Source code repository


I have finally moved WebLaF dev-version code to Google Code project repository, so from now on you can access the new upcoming features even before the release!

 – Here you can find theWebLaF project:

– And here is thesource:

– Tocheck out the project use either this command:
svn checkout weblookandfeel-read-only

– or this address as theSVN repository in your IDE or SVN client:

Note that dev-version unlike the stable release versions might have some critical bugs in it.
In case you find one – you can inform me about it anytime.


About 1.4 version…

I am still (yeh, already a few months) working on it, but it will be released this week.
Pretty possible that 1.4 version will get a few post-updates in case some bugs will still be there

I will post full updates and new features list together with the release, don’t miss it!

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Nine-patch editor within the library


It have been a long time since last post here, but from now on i will also inform you about upcoming features with separate posts.

Today i will tell you some news and interesting information about upcoming features and would love to see any kind of feedback in the comments or onemail!


There was a smallannounce of a new visual editor for Android9-patch format on HabraHabr which is now a part of  Web Look and Feel library (and could be found in upcoming release or in the post on HabraHabr). If you are Android developer – that might be interesting for you since it is much more comfortable and easy in use than abasic editor that is offered to Android developers.

Also with upcoming release there will be a cross-platform installer available ondownloads page for desktop 9-patch editor version so Android developers can quickly install and use it.


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WebLookAndFeel v.1.2 released


So here we go! Second big update since the release of alpha-version.
It took me almost a month and lots of effort to finish this release.
It is still in alpha-state but since next (1.3) version it will become beta.

Also, hopefully, 1.4 version will already be stable and since that version there will be a lot of changes coming in library and on this site aswell.

So, let’s get back to new 1.2 version and see what is new in it…


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WebLookAndFeel v.1.1 released


First large update is here!
You can download new library version fromDownload page.

Some of new features/improvements are:

– A bit new JButton and JToggleButton styling:

– Improved buttons rollover reaction:

– New custom-shaped tooltips:

– And also custom-content tooltips:


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