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Page history last edited byAndrew Alder10 years, 6 months ago


a place for anything that doesn't matter very much




a new and even more boring feature of Unimpedia

Unimpedia is anunimpeded wiki-based repository of theunimportant, created by and for theunimpressed.


The highlighted words above are connected in several ways, none of them very significant.

Unimpedia is a sort ofdark companion to EnglishWikipedia. Anything that doesn't belong there might belong here, but anything which isencyclopedic doesn't. That's not to say it won'tbe here. It's just to say that Wikipedia is a better place for it.



Unimpedia has three basicpolicies:



  • Notability. That should have been the first point.

  • Accuracy. We can't even count up to four.



Unimpedia also has one ratheracidic policy:






See alsopolicy, just in case we'veforgotten one or two.




This site does not run onunimedia software. Seeunimedia for details.



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    the unimpeded repository for the unimportant

    this is not thelogo of unimpedia, it just appears here for reasons that don't matter very much







    other unarchives


    Ads by Google are paid advertisements, but who cares? We have no idea who they are, what they're advertising, or whether it sux big time. But click on them if you like. If they're desprit enough to be here they probably need help.





    legal do not notice

    if you get really bored click here

    or here




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