This page documents the 1.4 (latest stable) release.Documentation for other releases can be foundhere.
Several of the Trac modules support content syndication using the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) XML format. RSS pushes out Trac updates whenever they occur and to whoever has subscribed to it. Using the RSS subscription feature in Trac, you can easily monitor progress of the project, a set of issues or even changes to a single file.
Trac supports RSS feeds in:
Where RSS is available in Trac you should find a small orangeRSS icon, typically at the bottom of the page:
RSS feedClicking the icon will access the RSS feed for that specific resource.
Different modules provide different data in their RSS feeds. Usually the syndicated information corresponds to the current view. For example, if you click the RSS link on a report page, the feed will be based on that report. It might be explained by thinking of the RSS feeds as analternate view of the data currently displayed.
Since Trac 1.0 an RSS feed can be retrieved from a Trac site that requires authentication. Hover over the RSS icon, right click andcopy link address.
See also:TracTimeline,TracQuery,TracReports,TracTickets,TracBrowser,TracRevisionLog
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ByEdgewall Software.
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