This page documents the 1.4 (latest stable) release.Documentation for other releases can be foundhere.
Trac supports logging of system messages using Python'slogging module.
Logging is configured in the[logging] section ofTracIni.
The log method is set using the[logging] log_type option, which accepts the following values:
are resolved relative to the environmentlog
. By default, syslog will write them to the/var/log/messages
file.The verbosity level of logged messages can be set using the[logging] log_level option. The log level defines the minimum level of urgency required for a message to be logged:
Additionally, you can enable logging of SQL statements at debug level. This is turned off by default, as it's very verbose. Set[trac] debug_sql = yes to activate.
The output format for log entries can be specified in the[logging] log_format option. The format is a string which can contain any of thePython logging Formatter variables. Additionally, the following Trac-specific variables can be used:
Note that variables are identified using a dollar sign ($(...)s
) instead of percent sign (%(...)s
The default format is:
log_format=Trac[$(module)s] $(levelname)s: $(message)s
In a multi-project environment where all logs are sent to the same place (e.g.syslog
), it makes sense to add the project name. In this example we usebasename
as that can generally be used to identify a project:
log_format=Trac[$(basename)s:$(module)s] $(levelname)s: $(message)s
See also:TracIni,TracEnvironment
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ByEdgewall Software.
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