This page documents the 1.4 (latest stable) release.Documentation for other releases can be foundhere.
Trac is configured through thetrac.ini
file, located in the<projectenv>/conf
directory. Thetrac.ini
configuration file and its parent directory should be writable by the web server.
Trac monitors the timestamp of the file to trigger an environment reload when the timestamp changes. Most changes to the configuration will be reflected immediately, though changes to the[components]
sections will require restarting the web server. You may also need to restart the web server after creating aglobal configuration file when none was previously present.
Configuration can be shared among environments using one or more global configuration files. Options in the global configuration will be merged with the environment-specific options, with local options overriding global options. The global configuration file is specified as follows:
Multiple files can be specified using a comma-separated list. Non-absolute paths are relative to the Environmentconf
Note that you can also specify a global option file when creating a new project, by adding the option--inherit=/path/to/global/trac.ini
command. If you specify--inherit
but nevertheless intend to use a global option file with your new environment, you will have to go through the newly generatedconf/trac.ini
file and delete the entries that will otherwise override those in the global file.
There are three more options in the[inherit] section,templates_dir for sharing global templates,htdocs_dir for sharing global htdocs andplugins_dir, for sharing plugins. Those options can be specified in the shared configuration file, and in fact, configuration files can even be chained if you specify another[inherit] file
Note that the templates found in thetemplates/
directory of theTracEnvironment have precedence over those found in[inherit] templates_dir
. In turn, the latter have precedence over the installed templates, so be careful about what you put there. Notably, if you override a default template, refresh your modifications when you upgrade to a new version of Trac. The preferred way to performTracInterfaceCustomization is to write a custom plugin doing an appropriateITemplateStreamFilter
This is a reference of available configuration options, and their default settings.
sections below are added by plugins enabled on this Trac, and therefore won't be part of a default installation.
Documentation improvements should be discussed on thetrac-dev mailing list or described in aticket. Even better,submit a patch against the docstrings in the code.
max_size | Maximum allowed file size (in bytes) for attachments. | 262144 |
max_zip_size | Maximum allowed total size (in bytes) for an attachment list to bedownloadable as a | 2097152 |
render_unsafe_content | Whether attachments should be rendered in the browser, oronly made downloadable. Pretty much any file may be interpreted as HTML by the browser,which allows a malicious user to attach a file containing cross-sitescripting attacks. For public sites where anonymous users can create attachments it isrecommended to leave this option disabled. | disabled |
color_scale | Enable colorization of theage column. This uses the same color scale as the source code annotation:blue is older, red is newer. | enabled |
downloadable_paths | List of repository paths that can be downloaded. Leave this option empty if you want to disable all downloads, otherwiseset it to a comma-separated list of authorized paths (those paths areglob patterns, i.e. "*" can be used as a wild card). In amulti-repository environment, the path must be qualified with therepository name if the path does not point to the default repository(e.g. /reponame/trunk). Note that a simple prefix matching isperformed on the paths, so aliases won't get automatically resolved. | /trunk,/branches/*,/tags/* |
hide_properties | Comma-separated list of version control properties to hide fromthe repository browser. | svk:merge |
intermediate_color | (r,g,b) color triple to use for the color correspondingto the intermediate color, if two linear interpolations are usedfor the color scale (see | (no default) |
intermediate_point | If set to a value between 0 and 1 (exclusive), this will be thepoint chosen to set the | (no default) |
newest_color | (r,g,b) color triple to use for the color correspondingto the newest color, for the color scale used inblame orthe browserage column if | (255, 136, 136) |
oldest_color | (r,g,b) color triple to use for the color correspondingto the oldest color, for the color scale used inblame orthe browserage column if | (136, 136, 255) |
oneliner_properties | Comma-separated list of version control properties to renderas oneliner wiki content in the repository browser. | trac:summary |
render_unsafe_content | Whether raw files should be rendered in the browser, or only madedownloadable. Pretty much any file may be interpreted as HTML by the browser,which allows a malicious user to create a file containing cross-sitescripting attacks. For open repositories where anyone can check-in a file, it isrecommended to leave this option disabled. | disabled |
wiki_properties | Comma-separated list of version control properties to renderas wiki content in the repository browser. | trac:description |
max_diff_bytes | Maximum total size in bytes of the modified files (their old sizeplus their new size) for which the changeset view will attempt to showthe diffs inlined. | 10000000 |
max_diff_files | Maximum number of modified files for which the changeset view willattempt to show the diffs inlined. | 0 |
wiki_format_messages | Whether wiki formatting should be applied to changeset messages. If this option is disabled, changeset messages will be rendered aspre-formatted text. | enabled |
This section is used to enable or disable componentsprovided by plugins, as well as by Trac itself. The componentto enable/disable is specified via the name of theoption. Whether its enabled is determined by the option value;setting the value toenabled
will enable thecomponent, any other value (typicallydisabled
)will disable the component.
The option name is either the fully qualified name of thecomponents or the module/package prefix of the component. Theformer enables/disables a specific component, while the latterenables/disables any component in the specifiedpackage/module.
Consider the following configuration snippet:
[components] = disabledacct_mgr.* = enabled
The first option tells Trac to disable thereport module.The second option instructs Trac to enable all components intheacct_mgr
package. Note that the trailing wildcard isrequired for module/package matching.
To view the list of active components, go to thePluginspage onAbout Trac (requiresCONFIG_VIEW
See also:TracPlugins
cached_repository | Wrap | disabled |
git_bin | Path to the git executable. | git |
git_fs_encoding | Define charset encoding of paths within git repositories. | utf-8 |
persistent_cache | Enable persistent caching of commit tree. | disabled |
shortrev_len | The length at which a sha1 is abbreviated (must be ≥ 4and ⇐ 40). | 7 |
trac_user_rlookup | Enable reverse mapping of git email addresses to trac user ids.Performance will be reduced if there are many users and the A repository resync is required after changing the value of thisoption. | disabled |
use_committer_id | Use git-committer id instead of git-author id for thechangesetAuthor field. | enabled |
use_committer_time | Use git-committer timestamp instead of git-author timestampfor the changesetTimestamp field. | enabled |
wikishortrev_len | The minimum length at which a hex-string in wiki contentis formatted as a changesetTracLink (must be ≥ 4 and ⇐ 40). | 40 |
projects_base | Path to the base of your git projects | (no default) |
projects_list | Path to a gitweb-formatted projects.list | (no default) |
projects_url | Template for project URLs. | (no default) |
sync_per_request | Repositories to sync on every request(not recommended). | (no default) |
alt | Alternative text for the header logo. | (please configure the [header_logo] section in trac.ini) |
height | Height of the header logo image in pixels. | -1 |
link | URL to link to, from the header logo. | (no default) |
src | URL of the image to use as header logo.It can be absolute, server relative or relative. If relative, it is relative to one of the | site/your_project_logo.png |
width | Width of the header logo image in pixels. | -1 |
encoding | Encoding that should be used to decode filenames, filecontent, and changeset metadata. If multiple encodings areused for these different situations (or even multipleencodings were used for filenames), simply specify a list ofencodings which will be tried in turn (since | utf-8 |
hgrc | Optional path to an hgrc file which will be used to specifyextra Mercurial configuration options (see | (no default) |
node_format | Specify how the commit SHA1 hashes should bedisplayed. Possible choices are: 'short', the SHA1 hash isabbreviated to its first 12 digits, or 'hex', the hash isshown in full. | short |
show_rev | Show decimal revision in front of the commit SHA1 hash. Whilethis number is specific to the particular clone used to browsethe repository, this can sometimes give an useful hint aboutthe relative "age" of a revision. | enabled |
Headers to be added to the HTTP request. (since 1.2.3)
The header name must conform to RFC7230 and the followingreserved names are not allowed: content-type, content-length,location, etag, pragma, cache-control, expires.
htdocs_dir | Path to theshared htdocs directory. Static resources in that directory are mapped to /chrome/sharedunder the environment URL, in addition to common and site locations. This can be useful in site.html for common interface customizationof multiple Trac environments. Non-absolute paths are relative to the Environment | (no default) |
plugins_dir | Path to theshared plugins directory. Plugins in that directory are loaded in addition to those inthe directory of the environment Non-absolute paths are relative to the Environment | (no default) |
templates_dir | Path to theshared templates directory. Templates in that directory are loaded in addition to those in theenvironments Non-absolute paths are relative to the Environment | (no default) |
This section configuresInterTrac prefixes. Option names inthis section that contain a.
are of the format<name>.<attribute>
. Option names that don't contain a.
definean alias.
attribute is mandatory and is used for locating theother Trac. This can be a relative path when the other Tracenvironment is located on the same server.
attribute is used for generating a tooltip when thecursor is hovered over anInterTrac link.
Example configuration:
[intertrac]# -- Example of setting up an alias:t=trac# -- Link to an external Trac:genshi.title=Edgewall's Trac for Genshigenshi.url=
Every option in the[interwiki]
section defines oneInterWikiprefix. The option name defines the prefix. The option value definesthe URL, optionally followed by a description separated from the URLby whitespace. Parametric URLs are supported as well.
[interwiki]MeatBall = =$1.html Python Enhancement Proposal $1tsvn = tsvn: Interact with TortoiseSvn
log_file | If | trac.log |
log_format | Custom logging format. If nothing is set, the following will be used:
In addition to regular key names supported by thePython logger libraryone could use:
Note the usage of Example: | (no default) |
log_level | Level of verbosity in log. Should be one of ( | INFO |
log_type | Logging facility to use. Should be one of ( | file |
Configures the main navigation bar,which by default containsWiki,Timeline,Roadmap,Browse Source,View Tickets,New Ticket,Search andAdmin.
, andorder
attributes can be specified. Entriescan be disabled by setting the value of the navigation item todisabled
The following example renames the link toWikiStart toHome,links theView Tickets entry to a specific report and disablestheSearch entry.
SeeTracNavigation for more details.
Configures the meta navigationentries, which by default areLogin,Logout,Preferences,Help/Guide andAbout Trac. The allowed attributes are thesame as for[mainnav]
. Additionally, a special entry is supported -logout.redirect
is the page the user sees after hitting the logoutbutton. For example:
SeeTracNavigation for more details.
default_group_by | Default field to use for grouping tickets in the groupedprogress bar. (since 1.2) | component |
default_retarget_to | Default milestone to which tickets are retargeted whenclosing or deleting a milestone. (since 1.1.2) | (no default) |
stats_provider | Name of the component implementing | DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider |
As the workflow for tickets is now configurable, there canbe many ticket states, and simply displaying closed ticketsvs. all the others is maybe not appropriate in all cases. Thissection enables one to easily creategroups of states thatwill be shown in different colors in the milestone progressbar.
Note that the groups can only be based on the ticketstatus, nothing else. In particular, it's not possible todistinguish between different closed tickets based on theresolution.
Example configuration with three groups,closed,newandactive (the default only has closed and active):
# the 'closed' group correspond to the 'closed' ticketsclosed = closed# .order: sequence number in the progress barclosed.order = 0# .query_args: optional parameters for the corresponding# query. In this example, the changes from the# default are two additional columns ('created' and# 'modified'), and sorting is done on 'created'.closed.query_args = group=resolution,order=time,col=id,col=summary,col=owner,col=type,col=priority,col=component,col=severity,col=time,col=changetime# .overall_completion: indicates groups that count for overall# completion percentageclosed.overall_completion = truenew = newnew.order = 1new.css_class = newnew.label = new# Note: one catch-all group for other statuses is allowedactive = *active.order = 2# .css_class: CSS class for this intervalactive.css_class = open# .label: displayed label for this groupactive.label = in progress
The definition consists in a comma-separated list of acceptedstatus. Also, '*' means any status and could be used toassociate all remaining states to one catch-all group.
The CSS class can be one of: new (yellow), open (no color) orclosed (green). Other styles can easily be added using customCSS rule:table.progress td.<class> { background: <color> }
to asite/style.css filefor example.
pattern | A regular expression to match the names of milestones thatshould be made into versions when they are completed. The patternmust include one named group called 'version' that matches theversion number itself. | (?i)(?:v(?:er)?\.?|version)?\s*(?P<version>\d.*) |
max_preview_size | Maximum file size for HTML preview. | 262144 |
mime_map | List of additional MIME types and keyword mappings.Mappings are comma-separated, and for each MIME type,there's a colon (":") separated list of associated keywordsor file extensions. | text/x-dylan:dylan,text/x-idl:ice,text/x-ada:ads:adb |
mime_map_patterns | List of additional MIME types associated to filename patterns.Mappings are comma-separated, and each mapping consists of a MIME typeand a Python regexp used for matching filenames, separated by a colon(":"). (since 1.0) | text/plain:README(?!\.rst)|INSTALL(?!\.rst)|COPYING.* |
pygments_default_style | The default style to use for Pygments syntax highlighting. | trac |
pygments_modes | List of additional MIME types known by Pygments. For each, a tuple | (no default) |
tab_width | Displayed tab width in file preview. | 8 |
treat_as_binary | Comma-separated list of MIME types that should be treated asbinary data. | application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,application/msword,application/rtf |
admit_domains | Comma-separated list of domains that should be considered asvalid for email addresses (such as localdomain). | (no default) |
ambiguous_char_width | Width of ambiguous characters that should be used in the tableof the notification mail. If | single |
batch_subject_template | Like | ${prefix} Batch modify: ${tickets_descr} | | Default format to distribute email notifications. | text/plain |
email_address_resolvers | Comma separated list of email resolver components in the orderthey will be called. If an email address is resolved, the remainingresolvers will not be called. | SessionEmailResolver |
email_sender | Name of the component implementing This component is used by the notification system to send emails.Trac currently provides | SmtpEmailSender |
ignore_domains | Comma-separated list of domains that should not be consideredpart of email addresses (for usernames with Kerberos domains). | (no default) |
message_id_hash | Hash algorithm to create unique Message-ID header.(since 1.0.13) | md5 |
mime_encoding | Specifies the MIME encoding scheme for emails. Supported values are: | none |
sendmail_path | Path to the sendmail executable. The sendmail program must accept the | sendmail |
smtp_always_bcc | Comma-separated list of email addresses to always sendnotifications to. Addresses are not public (Bcc:). | (no default) |
smtp_always_cc | Comma-separated list of email addresses to always sendnotifications to. Addresses can be seen by all recipients(Cc:). | (no default) |
smtp_default_domain | Default host/domain to append to addresses that do not specifyone. Fully qualified addresses are not modified. The defaultdomain is appended to all username/login for which an emailaddress cannot be found in the user settings. | (no default) |
smtp_enabled | Enable email notification. | disabled |
smtp_from | Sender address to use in notification emails. At least one of | trac@localhost |
smtp_from_author | Use the author of the change as the sender in notification emails(e.g. reporter of a new ticket, author of a comment). If theauthor hasn't set an email address, | disabled |
smtp_from_name | Sender name to use in notification emails. | (no default) |
smtp_password | Password for authenticating with SMTP server. | (no default) |
smtp_port | SMTP server port to use for email notification. | 25 |
smtp_replyto | Reply-To address to use in notification emails. At least one of | trac@localhost |
smtp_server | SMTP server hostname to use for email notifications. | localhost |
smtp_subject_prefix | Text to prepend to subject line of notification emails. If the setting is not defined, then | __default__ |
smtp_user | Username for authenticating with SMTP server. | (no default) |
ticket_subject_template | A Jinja2 text template snippet used to get the notificationsubject. The template variables are documented on theTracNotification page. | ${prefix} #${}: ${summary} |
use_public_cc | Addresses in the To and Cc fields are visible to all recipients. If this option is disabled, recipients are put in the Bcc list. | disabled |
use_short_addr | Permit email address without a host/domain (i.e. username only). The SMTP server should accept those addresses, and either appenda FQDN or use local delivery. See also | disabled |
use_tls | Use SSL/TLS to send notifications over SMTP. | disabled |
The notifications subscriptions are controlled by plugins. AllINotificationSubscriber
components are in charge. These componentsmay allow to be configured via this section in thetrac.ini
SeeTracNotification for more details.
Available subscribers:
Subscriber | Description |
AlwaysEmailSubscriber | |
CarbonCopySubscriber | Ticket that I'm listed in the CC field is modified |
NewTicketSubscriber | Any ticket is created |
TicketOwnerSubscriber | Ticket that I own is created or modified |
TicketPreviousUpdatersSubscriber | Ticket that I previously updated is modified |
TicketReporterSubscriber | Ticket that I reported is modified |
TicketUpdaterSubscriber | I update a ticket |
admin | E-Mail address of the project's administrator. | (no default) |
admin_trac_url | Base URL of a Trac instance where errors in this Tracshould be reported. This can be an absolute or relative URL, or '.' to referencethis Trac instance. An empty value will disable the reportingbuttons. | . |
descr | Short description of the project. | My example project |
footer | Page footer text (right-aligned). | Visit the Trac open source project at<br /><a href=""></a> |
icon | URL of the icon of the project. | common/trac.ico |
name | Name of the project. | My Project |
url | URL of the main project web site, usually the website inwhich the | (no default) |
Configure Pygmentslexer options.
For example, to set thePhpLexer optionsstartinline
The lexer name is derived from the class name, withLexer
strippedfrom the end. The lexershort names can also be used in placeof the lexer name.
default_anonymous_query | The default query for anonymous users. The query is eitherinquery language syntax, or a URL querystring starting with | status!=closed&cc~=$USER |
default_query | The default query for authenticated users. The query is eitherinquery language syntax, or a URL querystring starting with | status!=closed&owner=$USER |
items_per_page | Number of tickets displayed per page in ticket queries,by default. Set to | 100 |
ticketlink_query | The base query to be used when linkifying values of ticketfields. The query is a URL querystring starting with | ?status=!closed |
items_per_page | Number of tickets displayed per page in ticket reports,by default. Set to | 100 |
items_per_page_rss | Number of tickets displayed in the rss feeds for reports.Set to | 0 |
One of the methods for registering repositories is topopulate the[repositories]
section oftrac.ini
This is especially suited for setting up aliases, using ashared configuration, or specifyingrepositories at the time of environment creation.
SeeTracRepositoryAdmin fordetails on the format of this section, and look elsewhere on thepage for information on other repository providers.
default_log_limit | Default value for the limit argument in theTracRevisionLog. | 100 |
graph_colors | Comma-separated list of colors to use for theTracRevisionLoggraph display. (since 1.0) | #cc0,#0c0,#0cc,#00c,#c0c,#c00 |
stats_provider | Name of the component implementing | DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider |
default_disabled_filters | Specifies which search filters should be disabled bydefault on the search page. This will also restrict thefilters for the quick search function. The filter namesdefined by default components are: | (no default) |
min_query_length | Minimum length of query string allowed when performing a search. | 3 |
This section is used to handle all configurations used byspam filter plugin.
akismet_api_key | Wordpress key required to use the Akismet API. | (no default) |
akismet_api_url | URL of the Akismet service. | |
akismet_karma | By how many points an Akismet reject impacts the overall karma ofa submission. | 10 |
attachment_karma | The karma given to attachments. | 0 |
attachment_sample_size | The maximum number of bytes from an attachment to pass throughthe spam filters. | 16384 |
authenticated_karma | The karma given to authenticated users, in case | 20 |
badcontent_file | Local file to be loaded to getBadContent. Can be used inaddition toBadContent wiki page. | (no default) |
bayes_karma | By what factor Bayesian spam probability score affects the overallkarma of a submission. | 15 |
bayes_min_dbcount | Entries with a count less than this value get removed from thedatabase when calling the reduce function. | 5 |
bayes_min_training | The minimum number of submissions in the training database requiredfor the filter to start impacting the karma of submissions. | 25 |
botscout_api_key | API key required to useBotScout. | (no default) |
botscout_karma | By how many points aBotScout reject impacts the overall karma ofa submission. | 3 |
captcha | CAPTCHA method to use for verifying humans. | ExpressionCaptcha |
captcha_expression_ceiling | Maximum value of individual terms in numeric CAPTCHAexpression. | 10 |
captcha_expression_terms | Number of terms in numeric CAPTCHA expression. | 3 |
captcha_failed_karma | By how many points a failed CAPTCHA impacts the overall score. | 1 |
captcha_image_alphabet | Alphabet to choose image CAPTCHA challenge from. | abcdefghkmnopqrstuvwxyz |
captcha_image_font_size | Font size to use in image CAPTCHA. | 25 |
captcha_image_fonts | Set of fonts to choose from when generating image CAPTCHA. | vera.ttf |
captcha_image_letters | Number of letters to use in image CAPTCHA challenge. | 6 |
captcha_karma | By how many points a successful CAPTCHA response increases theoverall score. | 20 |
captcha_karma_lifetime | Time in seconds that a successful CAPTCHA response increaseskarma. | 86400 |
captcha_keycaptcha_private_key | Private key forKeyCaptcha usage. | (no default) |
captcha_keycaptcha_user_id | User id forKeyCaptcha usage. | (no default) |
captcha_lifetime | Time in seconds before database cleanup is called. | 3600 |
captcha_recaptcha_private_key | Private key for reCaptcha usage. | (no default) |
captcha_recaptcha_public_key | Public key for reCaptcha usage. | (no default) |
extlinks_allowed_domains | List of domains that should be allowed in external links |, |
extlinks_karma | By how many points too many external links in a submission impactthe overall score. | 2 |
httpbl_api_key | Http:BL API key required for use. | (no default) |
httpbl_spammer_karma | By how many points listing as "comment spammer" impacts theoverall karma of a submission. | 6 |
ip6_blacklist_servers | Servers used for IPv6 blacklisting. |,, |
ip_blacklist_karma | By how many points blacklisting by a single server impacts theoverall karma of a submission. | 5 |
ip_blacklist_servers | Servers used for IPv4 blacklisting. |,, |
ip_throttle_karma | By how many points exceeding the configured maximum number ofposts per hour impacts the overall score. | 3 |
ipbadcontent_file | Local file to be loaded to get BadIP. Can be used inaddition to BadIP wiki page. | (no default) |
ipregex_karma | By how many points a match with a pattern on the BadIP pageimpacts the overall karma of a submission. | 20 |
is_forwarded | Interpret X-Forwarded-For header for IP checks. | disabled |
logging_enabled | Whether all content submissions and spam filtering activity shouldbe logged to the database. | enabled |
max_external_links | The maximum number of external links allowed in a submission untilthat submission gets negative karma. | 4 |
max_posts_by_ip | The maximum allowed number of submissions per hour from a singleIP address. If this limit is exceeded, subsequent submissions getnegative karma. | 10 |
min_karma | The minimum score required for a submission to be allowed. | 0 |
nolog_obvious | Don't log obvious spam (Bayes >90%%, marked as spam and notauthenticated) to the database. | disabled |
purge_age | The number of days after which log entries should be purged. | 7 |
regex_karma | By how many points a match with a pattern on theBadContent pageimpacts the overall karma of a submission. | 5 |
register_karma | The karma given to registrations. | 0 |
reject_handler | The handler used to reject content. | FilterSystem |
report_pages | List of page types to add spam report link | wiki,attachment,ticket |
session_karma | By how many points an existing and configured session improves theoverall karma of the submission. A third of the points is granted forhaving an existing session at all, the other two thirds are grantedwhen the user has his name and/or email address set in the session,respectively. | 6 |
show_blacklisted | Show the matched bad content patterns in rejection message. | enabled |
show_blacklisted_ip | Show the matched bad IP patterns in rejection message. | enabled |
show_train_only | Show the buttons for training without deleting entry. | disabled |
skip_external | Skip external calls when this negative karma is already reachedby internal tests. | 20 |
skip_externalham | Skip external calls when this positive karma is already reachedby internal tests. | 30 |
spam_monitor_entries | How many monitor entries are displayed by default (between 5 and 10000). | 100 |
spam_report_entries | How many report entries are displayed by default (between 5 and 10000). | 100 |
stop_external | Stop external calls when this negative karma is reached. | 50 |
stop_externalham | Stop external calls when this positive karma is reached. | 50 |
stopforumspam_api_key | API key used to report SPAM. | (no default) |
stopforumspam_karma | By how many points aStopForumSpam reject impacts the overallkarma of a submission. | 4 |
train_external | Allow training of external services. | enabled |
trust_authenticated | Whether content submissions by authenticated users should betrusted without checking for potential spam or other abuse. | disabled |
url_blacklist_karma | By how many points blacklisting by a single bad URL impacts theoverall karma of a submission. | 3 |
url_blacklist_servers | Servers used for URL blacklisting. |,, |
use_external | Allow usage of external services. | enabled |
extensions | Paths tosqlite extensions.The paths may be absolute or relative to the Trac environment. | (no default) |
authz_file | The path to the Subversionauthorization (authz) file.To enable authz permission checking, the | (no default) |
authz_module_name | The module prefix used in the | (no default) |
branches | Comma separated list of paths categorized as branches.If a path ends with '*', then all the directory entries found belowthat path will be included.Example: | trunk,branches/* |
eol_style | End-of-Line character sequences when If (since 1.0.2) | native |
tags | Comma separated list of paths categorized as tags. If a path ends with '*', then all the directory entries found belowthat path will be included.Example: | tags/* |
TheTracBrowser for Subversion can interpret thesvn:externals
property of folders. By default, it only turns the URLs into links asTrac can't browse remote repositories.
However, if you have another Trac instance (or an other repositorybrowser likeViewVC) configured to browse thetarget repository, then you can instruct Trac which other repositorybrowser to use for which external URL. This mapping is done in the[svn:externals]
section of theTracIni.
[svn:externals]1 = svn://server/repos1 http://trac/proj1/browser/$path?rev=$rev2 = svn://server/repos2 http://trac/proj2/browser/$path?rev=$rev3 = http://ourserver/viewvc/svn/$path/?pathrev=259144 = svn:// http://ourserver/tracs/tools/browser/$path?rev=$rev
With the above, thesvn://
external willbe mapped tohttp://ourserver/tracs/tools/browser/tags/1.1/tools?rev=
will be set to the appropriate revision number if theexternal additionally specifies a revision, see theSVN Book on externals for more details).
Note that the number used as a key in the above section is purely usedas a place holder, as the URLs themselves can't be used as a key due tovarious limitations in the configuration file parser.
Finally, the relative URLs introduced inSubversion 1.5are not yet supported.
dev_release | Version of the dev release of Trac. | 1.3 |
downloads_path | Path to release files. | /var/ftp/pub/trac |
ignored_pages | List of pages to ignore. | TitleIndex,SandBox,WikiStart |
stable_release | Version of the stable release of Trac. | 1.2 |
allowed_empty_fields | Comma-separated list of | milestone,version |
default_cc | Default cc: list for newly created tickets. | (no default) |
default_component | Default component for newly created tickets. | (no default) |
default_description | Default description for newly created tickets. | (no default) |
default_keywords | Default keywords for newly created tickets. | (no default) |
default_milestone | Default milestone for newly created tickets. | (no default) |
default_owner | Default owner for newly created tickets. The component owneris used when set to the value | < default > |
default_priority | Default priority for newly created tickets. | major |
default_resolution | Default resolution for resolving (closing) tickets. | fixed |
default_severity | Default severity for newly created tickets. | (no default) |
default_summary | Default summary (title) for newly created tickets. | (no default) |
default_type | Default type for newly created tickets. | defect |
default_version | Default version for newly created tickets. | (no default) |
max_comment_size | Maximum allowed comment size in characters. | 262144 |
max_description_size | Maximum allowed description size in characters. | 262144 |
max_summary_size | Maximum allowed summary size in characters. (since 1.0.2) | 262144 |
preserve_newlines | Whether Wiki formatter should respect the new lines presentin the Wiki text.If set to 'default', this is equivalent to 'yes' for new environmentsbut keeps the old behavior for upgraded environments (i.e. 'no'). | default |
restrict_owner | Make the owner field of tickets use a drop-down menu.Be sure to understand the performance implications before activatingthis option. SeeAssign-to as Drop-Down List. Please note that e-mail addresses arenot obfuscated in theresulting drop-down menu, so this option should not be used ife-mail addresses must remain protected. | disabled |
workflow | Ordered list of workflow controllers to use for ticket actions. | ConfigurableTicketWorkflow |
In this section, you can define additional fields for tickets. SeeTracTicketsCustomFields for more details.
The workflow for tickets is controlled by plugins. By default,there's only aConfigurableTicketWorkflow
component in charge.That component allows the workflow to be configured via this sectionin thetrac.ini
file. SeeTracWorkflow for more details.
abbreviated_messages | Whether wiki-formatted event messages should be truncated or not. This only affects the default rendering, and can be overriden byspecific event providers, see their own documentation. | enabled |
changeset_collapse_events | Whether consecutive changesets from the same author havingexactly the same message should be presented as one event.That event will link to the range of changesets in the log view. | disabled |
changeset_long_messages | Whether wiki-formatted changeset messages should be multiline ornot. If this option is not specified or is false and | disabled |
changeset_show_files | Number of files to show ( This can also be | 0 |
default_daysback | Default number of days displayed in the Timeline, in days. | 30 |
max_daysback | Maximum number of days (-1 for unlimited) displayable in theTimeline. | 90 |
newticket_formatter | Which formatter flavor (e.g. 'html' or 'oneliner') should beused when presenting the description for new tickets.If 'oneliner', the [timeline] abbreviated_messages option applies. | oneliner |
ticket_show_component | Enable the display of component of tickets in the timeline.(since 1.1.1) | disabled |
ticket_show_details | Enable the display of all ticket changes in the timeline, not onlyopen / close operations. | enabled |
anonymous_session_lifetime | Lifetime of the anonymous session, in days. Set the option to 0 to disable purging old anonymous sessions.(since 1.0.17) | 90 |
auth_cookie_domain | Auth cookie domain attribute. The auth cookie can be shared among multiple subdomainsby setting the value to the domain. (since 1.2) | (no default) |
auth_cookie_lifetime | Lifetime of the authentication cookie, in seconds. This value determines how long the browser will cacheauthentication information, and therefore, after how muchinactivity a user will have to log in again. The valueof 0 makes the cookie expire at the end of the browsingsession. | 0 |
auth_cookie_path | Path for the authentication cookie. Set this to the commonbase path of several Trac instances if you want them to sharethe cookie. | (no default) |
auto_preview_timeout | Inactivity timeout in seconds after which the automatic wiki previewtriggers an update. This option can contain floating-point values. Thelower the setting, the more requests will be made to the server. Setthis to 0 to disable automatic preview. | 2.0 |
auto_reload | Automatically reload template files after modification. | disabled |
backup_dir | Database backup location | db |
base_url | Reference URL for the Trac deployment. This is the base URL that will be used when producingdocuments that will be used outside of the web browsingcontext, like for example when inserting URLs pointing to Tracresources in notification e-mails. | (no default) |
check_auth_ip | Whether the IP address of the user should be checked forauthentication. | disabled |
database | Database connectionstring for thisproject | sqlite:db/trac.db |
debug_sql | Show the SQL queries in the Trac log, at DEBUG level. | disabled |
default_charset | Charset to be used when in doubt. | utf-8 |
default_date_format | The date format. Valid options are 'iso8601' for selectingISO 8601 format, or leave it empty which means the defaultdate format will be inferred from the browser's defaultlanguage. (since 1.0) | (no default) |
default_dateinfo_format | The date information format. Valid options are 'relative' fordisplaying relative format and 'absolute' for displaying absoluteformat. (since 1.0) | relative |
default_handler | Name of the component that handles requests to the baseURL. Options include Thesession preference for default handlertake precedence, when set. | WikiModule |
default_language | The preferred language to use if no user preference has been set. | (no default) |
default_timezone | The default timezone to use | (no default) |
genshi_cache_size | The maximum number of templates that the template loader will cachein memory. You may want to choose a higher value if your site uses alarger number of templates, and you have enough memory to spare, oryou can reduce it if you are short on memory. (deprecated, will be removed in Trac 1.5.1) | 128 |
htdocs_location | Base URL for serving the core static resources below It can be left empty, and Trac will simply serve those resourcesitself. Advanced users can use this together withtrac-admin ... deploy <deploydir> to allow serving thestatic resources for Trac directly from the web server.Note however that this only applies to the | (no default) |
ignore_auth_case | Whether login names should be converted to lower case. | disabled |
jquery_location | Location of the jQuery JavaScript library (version 1.12.4). An empty value loads jQuery from the copy bundled with Trac. Alternatively, jQuery could be loaded from a CDN, for example:, or (since 1.0) | (no default) |
jquery_ui_location | Location of the jQuery UI JavaScript library (version 1.12.1). An empty value loads jQuery UI from the copy bundled with Trac. Alternatively, jQuery UI could be loaded from a CDN, for example: (since 1.0) | (no default) |
jquery_ui_theme_location | Location of the theme to be used with the jQuery UI JavaScriptlibrary (version 1.12.1). An empty value loads the custom Trac jQuery UI theme from the copybundled with Trac. Alternatively, a jQuery UI theme could be loaded from a CDN, forexample: (since 1.0) | (no default) |
never_obfuscate_mailto | Never obfuscate | disabled |
permission_policies | List of components implementing | DefaultWikiPolicy,DefaultTicketPolicy,DefaultPermissionPolicy,LegacyAttachmentPolicy |
permission_store | Name of the component implementing | DefaultPermissionStore |
pg_dump_path | Location of pg_dump for Postgres database backups | pg_dump |
request_filters | Ordered list of filters to apply to all requests. | (no default) |
resizable_textareas | Make | enabled |
secure_cookies | Restrict cookies to HTTPS connections. When true, set the | disabled |
show_email_addresses | Show email addresses instead of usernames. If false, emailaddresses are obfuscated for users that don't have EMAIL_VIEWpermission. | disabled |
show_full_names | Show full names instead of usernames. (since 1.2) | enabled |
timeout | Timeout value for database connection, in seconds.Use '0' to specifyno timeout. | 20 |
use_base_url_for_redirect | Optionally use In some configurations, usually involving running Trac behinda HTTP proxy, Trac can't automatically reconstruct the URLthat is used to access it. You may need to use this option toforce Trac to use the | disabled |
use_chunked_encoding | If enabled, send contents as chunked encoding in HTTP/1.1.Otherwise, send contents with | enabled |
use_xsendfile | When true, send a | disabled |
wiki_toolbars | Add a simple toolbar on top of Wiki <textarea>s.(since 1.0.2) | enabled |
xsendfile_header | The header to use if | X-Sendfile |
base_language | Base language to be used without prefix/suffix | En |
languages_page | Page name of table containing available languages | TracLanguages |
regexp | Regular expression to match a language code | ([A-Z][a-z]{1,2}(?:_[A-Z]{2}|-[A-Z][a-z]+)?) |
template | Page name template of translated pages | {lang}:{page} |
allowed_repository_dir_prefixes | Comma-separated list of allowed prefixes for repositorydirectories when adding and editing repositories in the repositoryadmin panel. If the list is empty, all repository directories areallowed. | (no default) |
default_repository_type | Default repository connector type. This is used as the default repository type for repositoriesdefined in therepositories sectionor using the "Repositories" admin panel. | svn |
paths | List of URL paths to allow voting on. Globs are supported. | /ticket*,/wiki* |
default_edit_area_height | Default height of the textarea on the wiki edit page.(Since 1.1.5) | 20 |
ignore_missing_pages | Enable/disable highlightingCamelCase links to missing pages. | disabled |
max_size | Maximum allowed wiki page size in characters. | 262144 |
render_unsafe_content | Enable/disable the use of unsafe HTML tags such as For public sites where anonymous users can edit the wiki it isrecommended to leave this option disabled. | disabled |
safe_origins | List of URIs considered "safe cross-origin", that will berendered as To make any origins safe, specify "*" in the list. | data: |
safe_schemes | List of URI schemes considered "safe", that will be rendered asexternal links even if | cvs,file,ftp,git,irc,http,https,news,sftp,smb,ssh,svn,svn+ssh |
split_page_names | Enable/disable splitting theWikiPageNames with space characters. | disabled |
done_phrases | Analogous to | DONE,DEBUGGED,FIXED,REVIEWED |
fixme_phrases | A list of attentional phrases or single words, separated by comma( | BUG,FIXME |
lbox_width | Width of left aligned boxes (defaults to | 300 |
rbox_width | Width of right aligned boxes. | 300 |
shadowless_boxes | Use shadowless boxes. | disabled |
todo_phrases | Analogous to | REVIEW,TODO |
wide_toc | Right aligned boxes with table of contents,produced by the | disabled |
Custom phrases are configurable by providing associationsbetween a CSS class and the list of phrases separated by comma.
[wikiextras-custom-phrases]nice=NICE, COOL
The set of symbols is configurable by providing associationsbetween symbols and wiki keywords. A default set of symbols andkeywords is defined, which can be revoked one-by-one (_remove) orall at once (_remove_defaults).
[wikiextras-symbols]_remove_defaults = true_remove = <- ->« = <<» = >>∑ = (SUM)♥ = <3
Keywords are space-separated!
A symbol can also be removed by associating it with no keyword:
← =
Use theShowSymbols
macro to find out the current set of symbolsand keywords.
_remove | Space-separated(!) list of keywords that shall not be interpretedas symbols (even if defined in this section). | (no default) |
_remove_defaults | Set to true to remove all default symbols. | disabled |
The error reporting page has aCreate button for reportingissues. The site to which issues are reported depends on theconfiguration of the Trac site and the user’s permissions.
If the user doesn’t possess TRAC_ADMIN, the site to which a user is directed to create a ticket is determined by the[trac] admin_trac_url setting:
), the ticket will becreated on the site which the error occurred.admin_trac_url
.If[project] admin is not empty, the administrator's email address will be rendered on the error page.
If the user possesses TRAC_ADMIN, theCreate button will direct the user to report the issue on If the error was generated in a plugin, the error will be reported to the project URL provided that the plugin author has included the project URL in the plugin installation data. The user possessing TRAC_ADMIN also sees a traceback and system information on the error page.
See also:TracAdmin,TracEnvironment
Powered byTrac 1.4.3
ByEdgewall Software.
Visit the Trac open source project at
Copyright © 2003-2024 Edgewall Software. All rights reserved.