


by A. R. Pittaway & I. J. Kitching
(in association with Felix Lin)
Callambulyx kitchingi. Image: © Sandra Doyle, 2023.Sphingidae research at the Natural History Museum (London)Home page of The Hong Kong Lepidopterists Society

(Legend:* = misidentification;?* = queried misidentification;? = queried inclusion)

This work is a general account of the resident and migrant species and subspecies of Sphingidae that occur within the boundaries of China, Taiwan, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Central Siberia and the Russian Far East. Agazetteer andmap of China is included and guidence notes on the site are given in theintroduction.

The three main published sources of information for this web site were/are:

ZHU, H. F. [CHU, H. F.] & WANG, L. Y. (1997). Lepidoptera Sphingidae.Fauna Sinica (Insecta),11: 1-410.

PITTAWAY, A. R. & KITCHING, I. J. (2000). Notes on selected species of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) from China, Mongolia and the Korean Peninsula.Tinea,16(3): 170-211.

KITCHING, I. J. (2019).Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory --- STI. London, UK: NHMUK.

A number of references were consulted in the preparation of this work; these are listed in thereference section. Additionally, this work would have been difficult to produce without the help received from a number of people. These are acknowledged in theacknowledgements section.

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A list of internet sites dealing with Sphingidae and Lepidoptera in general.

Last updated on: 28 February 2025
Site created: 25 September 2000

© A. R. Pittaway & I. J. Kitching (Natural History Museum, London). No part of this work may be used for commercial purposes without the written permission of the authors; however, any part may be used for research or other non-commercial purposes without prior permission. Please note that illustrations provided by authors other than Tony Pittaway remain the copyright of those authors and should not be reproduced other than with their permission.

Copyright information for an image may be stamped on that image or, more usually, displayed in an alternate (alt) text message when passing a finger/the screen cursor over that image. Unfortunately, some smartphone versions of browsers cannot display this alternate message, or only part of it.

This reference can be quoted in publications as: Pittaway, A. R. & Kitching, I. J. (2025).Sphingidae of the Eastern Palaearctic (including Siberia, the Russian Far East, Mongolia, China, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula and Japan). [Site accessed: ]

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