Subject Area | | Offered by |
ACCT | Accounting | School of Acctng, Audit & Tax |
ACTL | Actuarial Studies | School of Risk & Actuarial St |
AERO | Aerospace Engineering | School of Mech & Manf. Eng |
AGSM | Management | AGSM MBA Programs |
ANAT | Anatomy | School of Biomedical Sciences |
ARCH | Architecture | Architectural Studies Program |
ARTS | Arts | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
ATSI | Nura Gili (Indigenous Programs) | Nura Gili Indigenous Programs |
AVIA | Aviation | School of Aviation |
AVIG | Aviation | School of Aviation |
BABS | Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences | Sch Biotech & Biomolecular Sci |
BEES | Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences | Sch Biol, Earth & Environ Sci |
BEIL | BE Interdisciplinary Learning | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
BENV | Built Environment | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
BINF | Bioinformatics | School of Computer Sci & Eng |
BIOC | Biochemistry | Sch Biotech & Biomolecular Sci |
BIOM | Biomedical Engineering | Grad. School of Biomedical Eng |
BIOS | Biological Science | Sch Biol, Earth & Environ Sci |
BIOT | Biotechnology | Sch Biotech & Biomolecular Sci |
BLDG | Building | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
CDEV | Career Development | Div. Registrar & Deputy Princ |
CEIC | Chem Eng and Industrial Chemistry | School of Chemical Engineering |
CHEM | Chemistry | School of Chemistry |
CLIM | Climate Science | Faculty of Science |
CODE | Computational Design | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
COMD | Comparative Development | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
COMM | Commerce | UNSW Business School |
COMP | Computer Science | School of Computer Sci & Eng |
CONS | Construction Management | Building Construction Mgt Prog |
CRIM | Criminology | School of Social Sciences |
CRTV | Creative Practice | School of the Arts & Media |
CVEN | Civil and Environmental Engineering | School of Civil & Env Eng |
DATA | Data Science | Sch Mathematics & Statistics |
DESN | Design Next | Faculty of Engineering |
DIET | Nutrition & Dietetics | School of Health Sciences |
DPBS | College Diploma - Business | UNSW College Diplomas |
DPDE | College Diploma Design | UNSW College Diplomas |
DPGE | College Diploma General Education | UNSW College Diplomas |
DPHU | College Diploma Humanities | UNSW College Diplomas |
DPST | College Diploma - STEM | UNSW College Diplomas |
ECON | Economics | School of Economics |
EDST | Education | School of Education |
ELEC | Electrical Engineering | School of Elec Eng & Telco |
ENGG | Engineering interdisciplinary | Faculty of Engineering |
ENTR | Entrepreneurship | AGSM MBA Programs |
ENVS | Environmental Studies | Sch Biol, Earth & Environ Sci |
EXCH | Registrar's Division | Student Administration Dept |
EXPT | Exercise Sci, Exercise Physiology & Physiotherapy | School of Health Sciences |
FADA | FADA | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
FINS | Finance | School of Banking & Finance |
FOOD | Food Technology | School of Chemical Engineering |
GENC | Business General Education | UNSW Business School |
GENE | Engineering General Education | Faculty of Engineering |
GENL | Law General Education | Faculty of Law and Justice |
GENM | Medicine General Education | Faculty of Medicine and Health |
GENS | Science General Education | Faculty of Science |
GENY | Student Academic and Career Success - GE | Std Acad & Career Success |
GEOL | Geology | Sch Biol, Earth & Environ Sci |
GEOS | Geoscience | Sch Biol, Earth & Environ Sci |
GMAT | Surveying and Spatial Information Systems | School of Civil & Env Eng |
GSBE | Architecture | Architectural Studies Program |
GSOE | Grad School of Engineering | Grad. School of Engineering |
HDAT | Health Data Science | School of Biomedical Sciences |
HESC | Health and Exercise Science | School of Biomedical Sciences |
HLTH | Health | School of Health Sciences |
HUML | Humanities and Languages | School Humanities & Languages |
HUMS | Arts Administration | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
IDES | Industrial Design | Industrial Design Program |
IEST | Environmental Studies | School Humanities & Languages |
INFS | Information Systems | Sch Info Sys and Tech Mgmt |
INST | International Studies | School Humanities & Languages |
INTA | Interior Architecture | Interior Architecture Program |
INTD | Interdisciplinary Studies | School Humanities & Languages |
JURD | Juris Doctor | Faculty of Law and Justice |
LAND | Landscape Architecture | Landscape Architecture Program |
LAWS | Law | Faculty of Law and Justice |
LING | Linguistics | Linguistics |
MANF | Manufacturing Engineering | School of Mech & Manf. Eng |
MARK | Marketing | School of Marketing |
MATH | Mathematics | Sch Mathematics & Statistics |
MATS | Materials Science and Engineering | School of Materials Sci & Eng |
MBAE | Management | AGSM MBA Programs |
MDCN | Medicine | Faculty of Medicine and Health |
MDIA | Media | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
MECH | Mechanical Engineering | School of Mech & Manf. Eng |
MERE | Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering | Minerals Energy Resources Eng |
MFAC | Medicine | Faculty of Medicine and Health |
MFIN | Master of Finance Courses | School of Banking & Finance |
MGMT | Organisation and Management - Commerce & Economics | School of Management & Gov'nce |
MICR | Microbiology | Sch Biotech & Biomolecular Sci |
MINE | Mining Engineering | School of Mining Engineering |
MMAN | Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering | School of Mech & Manf. Eng |
MNGT | Management | AGSM MBA Programs |
MODL | Modern Language Studies | School Humanities & Languages |
MSCI | Marine Science | Faculty of Science |
MTRN | Mechatronic Engineering | School of Mech & Manf. Eng |
MUSC | Music and Music Education | School of the Arts & Media |
NCHR | HIV Social Research | Social Research in Health |
NEUR | Neuroscience | Faculty of Medicine and Health |
OBST | Obstetrics and Gynaecology - RHW | School of Clinical Medicine |
OPTM | Optometry | Schl of Optometry & Vision Sci |
PAED | Paediatrics | School of Clinical Medicine |
PATH | Pathology | School of Biomedical Sciences |
PHAR | Pharmacology | School of Biomedical Sciences |
PHCM | Public Health and Community Medicine | School of Population Health |
PHRM | Pharmacy | School of Health Sciences |
PHSL | Physiology | School of Biomedical Sciences |
PHTN | Photonics | School of Elec Eng & Telco |
PHYS | Physics | School of Physics |
PLAN | Planning and Urban Development | Planning & Urban Development |
PLTX | Practical Legal Training Program | Faculty of Law and Justice |
POLS | Politics and International Relations | School of Social Sciences |
PPEC | Philosophy, Politics and Economics | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
PSCY | Psychiatry - PH/POW | School of Clinical Medicine |
PSYC | Psychology | School of Psychology |
PTRL | Petroleum Engineering | School of Petroleum Eng |
REGZ | Registrar's Division | Div. Registrar & Deputy Princ |
REST | Real Estate | Building Construction Mgt Prog |
RISK | Risk Management | School of Risk&Safety Sciences |
SCIF | Faculty of Science | Faculty of Science |
SENG | Software Engineering | School of Computer Sci & Eng |
SLSP | Social Science and Policy | School of Social Sciences |
SOCA | Sociology and Anthropology | School of Social Sciences |
SOCF | Social Work | School of Social Sciences |
SOCW | Social Work | School of Social Sciences |
SOLA | Photovoltaics and Solar Energy | Photovoltaic Engineering |
SOMS | Medical Science | School of Biomedical Sciences |
SOSS | Social Sciences | School of Social Sciences |
SPRC | Social Policy | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
SRAP | Social Research and Policy | School of Social Sciences |
STAM | Arts and Media | School of the Arts & Media |
SURG | Surgery - PH/POW | School of Clinical Medicine |
SUSD | Sustainable Development | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
SWCH | Women & Children's Health | School of Clinical Medicine |
TABL | Taxation and Business Law | School of Acctng, Audit & Tax |
TELE | Telecommunications | School of Elec Eng & Telco |
UDES | Urban Development Studies | Faculty of Arts, Design & Arch |
VISN | Vision Science | Schl of Optometry & Vision Sci |
YENG | Arizona State University Engineering | Faculty of Engineering |
YMED | Arizona State University Medicine | Faculty of Medicine and Health |
ZZBU | Business Accelerated | UNSW Business School |
ZZEN | Engineering Accelerated | Faculty of Engineering |
ZZLJ | Law and Justice Accelerated | Faculty of Law and Justice |
ZZSC | Science Accelerated | Faculty of Science |