Statement of Purpose
The Tennessee Association for Institutional Research (TENNAIR) serves professionals in post-secondary education institutions and agencies whose interests include management research, policy analysis, and planning. The major purpose of TENNAIR is to:
- Foster cooperation among professionals in institutional research in Tennessee
- Disseminate information and ideas about methods, processes, and problems of common interest, and
- Support the professional development of individuals engaged in institutional research
TENNAIR’s Annual Conference is an opportunity for current and aspiring institutional research professionals, scholars, and students to showcase innovative research and ideas pertaining to the field of institutional research or to Tennessee’s current postsecondary context and landscape. Over the past several years, conference attendance has ranged from approximately 80 to 100 attendees representing various institutions and agencies from all regions of the state.
2024 TENNAIR Conference
We cordially invite you to join us from August 14-16 for the37th Annual TENNAIR Conference at the Murfreesboro Doubletree Hotel. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your knowledge and skills with Tennessee’s institutional research community.
This year’s conference theme is Partnerships for Problem Solving. We are eager to receive proposals on this subject, as well as any other topics pertinent to institutional research, accreditation, assessment, and strategic planning.
Each concurrent session will last an hour. Both novice and seasoned presenters are encouraged to participate in this enriching experience. We look forward to your contributions! Please use the provided link to submit your proposal.
We are delighted to announce that we are now welcoming session proposals for the 2024 TENNAIR conference. Please note that the final date for submissions is Friday, May 31, 2024.
Please reach out toBridgette Decent for any questions about the proposal submission process. Thank you in advance for your important contribution to the success of our 2024 conference and our profession. We look forward to seeing you in Murfreesboro!
More information regarding the 2024 conference can be foundhere