My name isMichael Hausenblasand I work atDERI. If you are interested in further details, you may also want to visit myprivate homepage or read my Web of Datablog.
My OpenID is
My email address ismichael.hausenblas AT
My nickname on skype, IRC, and most other social media sites ismhausenblas
Some of the activities I'm involved at the moment:
- Co-ordinator ofLATC (LOD Around-The-Clock), an FP7 EC Support Action
- Creator ofaLODin (Linked Open Data with actions)
- Contributing toTabulator, a generic data browser.
- More viaGithub ...
Business Card

Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI),
National University of Ireland, Galway
IDA Business Park, Lower Dangan,
+353 91 495730Location
I am based in
Galway(53.2719444 latitude,-9.0488889 longitude.)WebID
Public Exponent:65537
Modulus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expires: 2011-05-29]
Some of the people I know and had the pleasure to work with, so far:
For a more complete list see also
Semantic Web,linked data,multimedia,Social Web, etc.