Twenty years ago today,Star Wars fans were eagerly awaiting theREVENGE OF THE SITH, exploring the depths ofNar Shaddaa in theKNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II, and beginning to buildWOOKIEEPEDIA—theStar Wars wiki. As an ever-growing community of volunteers that anyone can edit, the Wookieepedia project now celebrates its 20th year.
Our encyclopedia officially reached200,000 articles last month. This was only possible with the work of hundreds upon hundreds of fans over the past twenty years. Most Wookieepedians started off editing with little to no writing or coding experience, but our efforts have brought us closer to the goal of creating the most accurate, comprehensive, and well-presented resource about all thingsStar Wars.
Since Wookieepedia'stenth anniversary in 2015, we have expanded thebreadth, depth, and quality of our documentation of both theStar Wars Legends and the newcanon continuities, as well as coverage ofStar Wars media and production behind the scenes. Wookieepedia has also been buildinga more friendly and welcoming community. Informed by our contributors' experiences, we have launched ongoing efforts in revamping ourpolicies to be clearer and more fair, improving accessibility, and developing newediting tutorials.
Since 2015, editor recruitment has advanced on Wookieepedia, with the great majority of the currentadministrators andreview board members having joined those groups in recent years. The past ten years has also seen the progress of theDiscussions forum and the launch of twenty-two new collaborativeWookieeProjects. These include theProject Stardust initiative focusing on essential topics andProject Pride's efforts to improve the wiki's coverage of LGBTQIA+ topics. Most external links on Wookieepedia now havebackup archival links to keep a better record of the ever-changing Internet, andbot systems have automated many monotonous site maintenance tasks such as page archivals for thestatus article peer review system.
Our work continues unabated. Thousands more pagesneed to be created,lack citations,await expansion, and could usemore images. All the while, the franchise continues to grow andrequire updates. As we enter our second decade, we would love for more readers tojoin our ranks! May the Force be with us in the next twenty years… ✨

Below are some of the current community projects happening around Wookieepedia. If you are interested in joining in, check out ournewcomers hub page to start your editing journey!
- Project Stardust is improving theMustafar andMustafar/Legends articles. See their respectivecanon andLegends project pages to help out.
- TheFeatured article,Good article, andComprehensive article nomination processes help bring articles up to the highest possible standards. Join the effort by helping review nominations.
- WookieeProject Creators is adding the full credits to all media articles. You can assist the team by visiting any article on a piece of media and expanding the credits list.
- WookieeProject Pride is providing citations for pronouns and gender forin-universe topics. See theSourcing policy for rules on how to cite pronouns and gender.
- Ogg files are being converted to alternate formats to improve the site's usability on Safari. See theFiles policy for guidance on eligibility.
We are theStar Wars encyclopedia that anyone can edit — created by fans, for fans. Founded in 2005, our goal has been to build themost accurate, comprehensive, and well-presented resource about all things related to the galaxy far, far away.
We want readers like you to join our ranks!Sign up for an account to remove ads,chat with fellow fans, andjoin our editing community. Not sure where to start?Our dedicatedediting guides are here to help you. Want to share your thoughts and help make Wookieepedia better? Fill out ourreader experience survey!
- 1935 –Julian Glover is born.
- 1942 –Michael York is born.
- 1943 –Grant McCune is born.
- 1953 –Patricia C. Wrede is born.
- 1962 –Kevin J. Anderson is born.
- 1979 –Star Wars (1977) 24 published
- 2002 –Star Wars: Zam Wesell published.
- 2002 –The Official Star Wars Fact File 13 published.
- 2004 –Peter Diamond dies.
- 2009 –Timeline 1: Treaty of Coruscant released onStarWarsTheOldRepublic.com.
- 2009 –Anthony Daniels visitsStar Wars: The Exhibition in Madrid.
- 2018 –Star Wars: Episode VIIIThe Last Jedi released on 4K and Blu-ray.
- 2019 –Vader - Dark Visions 2 published.
- 2019 –Doctor Aphra (2016) 30 published.
- 2019 –Star Wars Adventures (2017) 19 published.
- 2020 – "Deal No Deal" airs onDisney+.
- 2020 – "BB-8 - A Hero Rolls Out" is uploaded on YouTube.
- 2024 – "The Harbinger" airs on Disney+.
- 2024 –Obi-Wan Kenobi 6 published.
- 2024 –The High Republic Adventures: Crash Landing published.