can someone help me with this,I added wisper-sidekiq in my gemfile, and when I tried to broadcast event with async: true it is failing with errorPsych::DisallowedClass:Tried to load unspecified ...
We have a model ChatRoom which has many messages, the ChatRoom implements add_message and receives the parameters for the message along with a boolean notify which specifies whether we should send an ...
I have an application in which I have the END-point where the request is sent by another service to collect requests from my application to this service. This service then executes requests and sends ...
I am looking to integrate wisper with my existing graphql api only ruby on rails project. Just wondering if there is any way to broadcast events from graphql mutations?module Mutations module Order...
I have a service that broadcast an event when some criteria is satisfied. I also have several customer specific services. I want the customer services to be notified of the event. However, I would ...
I'm trying to write a test where I need the value created by the expected block to write the assertion.class Identification < ApplicationRecord include Wisper::Publisher after_save :...
I have a api which accepts and saves data in rails.I would like to get that data on the current UI as flash how to do it ?I tried to wisper gem and flash alerts are not supported. $ cat app/...
I'm using the fantastic wisper gem to react to changes in my models(Rails 4.1).Class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base #include Wisper::Publisher after_save { broadcast(:transaction_saved)}...
I am looking at implementing Wisper into an existing Rails application... I have been running the examples as a POC and I don't see a way to set up Events to be asynchronous when setting up listeners ...
I want to register a global listener in my ApplicationController, that contains the current_user. I ended up trying this:class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_action do ...
I use Rails Wisper gem and I want to execute listener callback (which sends email) only during specific tests (where I test email sending). In other tests I don't want to send emails even if in ...
It turns out that Spring caches my wisper listener method (I'm writing quite simple Engine).Example:app/models/myengine/my_class.rbclass Myengine::MyClass include Wisper::Publisher def ...
Are there any benefits of using wisper gem over rails-observers?They both looks quite similar at first sight, but wisper seems to be more supported by community (based on GH stars, commits and ...
I have a simple POST Grape endpoint with Wisper pub/sub in a background:module Something class Doit < Grape::API post :now do service = service.subscribe(
I have a project which used wisper to provide publisher and subscribers functionalities.The gem works perfectly under development and production modes. However, ...