The different coordinate systems of Cocoa and UIKit cause problem when drawing a string in a UIGraphicsContext.I have written code for macOS, where I draw a combination of primitives, attributedText, ...
I have a Flutter application with code obfuscation enabled for both Android and iOS.I want to see readable stack traces in Firebase Crashlytics for crashes in production.For Android, this is well-...
Whole warning is the following:'init(destination:isActive:label:)' was deprecated in iOS 16.0: use NavigationLink(value:label:), or navigationDestination(isPresented:destination:), inside a ...
I'm using Flutter InAppWebview as the basis for a hybrid Flutter app. The webview serves the complete application, and the Flutter application receives notifications and uses the Appbar actions and ...
This is my simple View:struct StartView: View { @State var viewModel = StartViewModel() var body: some View { Button(viewModel.settings.gameInProgress ? "1" : "2") ...
So I am using a swiftUI view inside UIKit using UIHostingController . This is the code for that partclass ProductCardViewController: UIViewController { var purchaseResult: PurchaseResult = .failure...
In my react native app I'm noticing that my header element is behaving differently on ios than android. I set the header title to width: 100% but on ios it still has considerable margins on both sides....
I am an app developer, and I have implemented in-app purchases in my application. When a user completes a purchase, Apple displays a success popup. After the user taps "OK", I send the ...
I am trying to create an AR app with procedural (generated) audio attached to detected planes in the space. I am using ARKit, and was previously using AudioKit to generate audio, although I’ve ...
We have made it possible to scale, rotate, and move images using SwiftUI.The movement gesture is implemented independently, while the zoom and rotation gestures can be performed simultaneously using ...
In a project having both an app and a website, the following two website urls are to be handed over to the corresponding app:
The iOS production app, built from Expo Go, successfully downloaded a large amount of data (over 40,000 products). However, when trying to select data from these items, the app crashes. How can this ...
I have the following revenue cat code to make inapp purchases. When I try to make a purchase, the purchase hangs and shows a loader. The purchase is not going through on sandbox. Can someone please ...
This account has used its iOS builds from the Free plan this month, which will reset in 4 days (on Tue Apr 01 2025). Upgrade your plan for more builds with shorter wait times and longer timeouts, and ...
To use the Transporter there is a very vague documentation in apple help website (I will not post the link because my account is new, avoiding stackoverflow tagging it spam post linking urls), you can ...