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Epsilon (2) (ERG) [JAXA]

Epsilon (2) CLPS (ASNARO 2) [JAXA]

TheEpsilon (designatedAdvanced Solid Rocket during development) is the replacement for theM-5 rocket.

The initial configuration,Epsilon, featured the SRB-A3 Booster of theH-2A as first stage and the M-34c and KM-V2b stages ofM-5 heritage as second and third stages. Two SMSJ (Solid Motor Side Jet) are added to the SRB-A motor for roll control. Optionally, a liquid fueled fourth stage (CLPS, Compact Liquid Propulsion Stage) can be carried. It will be capable to put about 1200 kg into low earth orbit (3 stage) or 450 kg into a sun synchronous orbit (4 stage). The focus in development will be on streamlining the launch procedures and reducing the costs.

Beginning with the second flight, it was replaced by the improvedEpsilon (2) (Enhanced Epsilon), which features the larger M-35 stage 2 and a modified stage 3 KM-V2c, which both have non-extending nozzles to improve performance and to simplify the vehicle.

The new rocket had its maiden flight in 2013.

VersionStage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4
Epsilon CLPSSRB-A3 + 2 × SMSJM-34cKM-V2bCLPS
Epsilon (2) (Enhanced Epsilon)SRB-A3 + 2 × SMSJM-35KM-V2c-
Epsilon (2) imp. CLPS (Enhanced Epsilon imp. CLPS)SRB-A3 + 2 × SMSJM-35KM-V2cimp. CLPS (PBS)
Epsilon-SSRB-3 + 2 × SMSJM-35 ?E-31PBS
Epsilon CLPS700-450----
Epsilon (2) (Enhanced Epsilon)1500------
Epsilon (2) imp. CLPS (Enhanced Epsilon imp. CLPS)-590----
No:   TNo.   Type:                   Serial:  Date:         LS         Payload

 1    1      Epsilon CLPS            F01      14.09.2013    Ka LP-MEXCEED (SPRINT A) 2    1      Epsilon (2)             F02      20.12.2016    Ka LP-MERG (SPRINT B) 3    1      Epsilon (2) CLPS        F03      17.01.2018    Ka LP-MASNARO 2 4    2      Epsilon (2) CLPS        F04      18.01.2019    Ka LP-MRAPIS 1 /ALE 1 /Hodoyoshi 2 /MicroDragon /OrigamiSat 1 /AOBA-VELOX 4 /NEXUS 5    3      Epsilon (2) CLPS        F05      09.11.2021    Ka LP-MRAISE 2 /Hibari /Z-Sat /DRUMS /TeikyoSat 4 /ASTERISC /NanoDragon /KOSEN 1 /ARICA 6    4      Epsilon (2) CLPS        F06      12.10.2022 F  Ka LP-MRAISE 3 /QPS-SAR 3, 4 /MAGNARO A, B /KOSEN 2 /MITSUBA /Waseda-SAT 0 /FSI-SATPlanned: x    5      Epsilon (2) CLPS        F07      xx.xx.2025    Ka LP-M    Small-JASMINE x    x      Epsilon-S               .        xx.xx.2030    Ka LP-MHiZ-GUNDAM x    1      Epsilon-S               F08      xx.xx.2025    Ka LP-MLOTUSat 1 x    2      Epsilon-S               F09      xx.xx.2025    Ka LP-M    RAISE 4 / ? x    5      Epsilon-S               F12      xx.xx.2026    Ka LP-M    RAISE 5 / ? x    4      Epsilon-S               F11      xx.xx.2026    Ka LP-MSolar C (EUVST)Ka = Kagoshima Space Center / Uchinoura Space Center, Kagoshima, Kyushu, JapanJapan

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Last update: 07.12.2024
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