

URL: Header
Gen IX DexGen VIII DexGen VII DexGen VI DexGen V Dex
Gen IV DexGen III DexGen II DexGen I Dex

Welcome to the International Pokédex for Pokémon Sun & Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon and Let's Go, Pikachu! & Let's Go, Eevee!. This Pokédex provides an in-depth look at all 809 Pokémon in the 7th generation. If you were looking forGeneration VI Pokédex click here.

For Steps For the Egg to hatch, the Data was extracted from the game so even unbreedable Pokémon will have Egg Step amount.

You may notice that some attacks are listed twice, this is due to the fact that they have it twice in their movesets. It is not a bug and, if a Pokémon has a - in the Level learned, that means its learned at Level 1 so should be known and thus needs the Move Relearner to teach it to it such as with Torterra and WoodHammer

For Pokémon in the Kanto Pokédex, Bulbasaur to Mew, due to the inclusion of Let's Go, Pikachu! & Let's Go, Eevee!, it is separated into two areas with a tab. Click the tab to go between Sun & Moon/Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon and Let's Go. This is due to stat calculations being different requiring multiple tables. The CP table will also initially display just Level 5, 50 and 100, but can be toggled to display all 100 levels.

In the stats, it refers to Beneficial, Hindering & Neutral natures. These are not seperate natures. The stats under Beneficial are the Max Stats when the Pokémon has a nature that raises that particular stat, Hindering is when it lowers and neutral is everything else.Click here for a list of natures

There are also multiple Pokémon with alternate forms. These forms are listed in their page with combined and seperate lists for moves where applicable. The details on how to change the form are also included



By Type:


By Egg Group:

By Stats:

Hit PointsAttackDefenseSpeedSpecial AttackSpecial DefenseAll TotalsBack to the Pokédex

By Stats (Pokémon Let's Go):

Hit PointsAttackDefenseSpeedSpecial AttackSpecial DefenseAll TotalsBack to the Pokédex

By Effort Values:

Hit PointsAttackDefenseSpeedSpecial AttackSpecial Defense

By Foreign Name:

We'll add more navigation in coming weeks

Thanks to SciresM for help with the data compilation

Pokémon of the Week
Pokémon of the Week
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Episode 90
To the Skies Once More
Airdate: 11/04/2025
Recently In USA
Episode 56
Liko VS. Rika! Toward the Battle's End

Next In USA
Episode 57
The Terapagos I Don't Know
Airdate: 25/04/2025

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