


School of Data

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Digital Literacies for The Tech We Want

A new era is dawning for School of Data – after 13 years of pioneering data learning, we are preparing to bridge the digital literacy gap using tools and methods that are useful, simple and focused on solving people’s real problems and developing critical thinking about the role of knowledge and digital technologies today.

New Course

Quality and Consistent Data with the Open Data Editor

Designed for non-technical users working with tabular data (Excel, Google Sheets, CSV) but without advanced technical knowledge.

Detecting and fixing errors in tables

  • Learn to work with tabular data
  • Don’t get lost when validating your spreadsheet
  • Clean up your spreadsheets to gain valuable insights

FAIR data principles

  • Understand how to guarantee theFindability,Accessibility,Interoperability, andReuse of digital assets
  • Master all about metadata
  • Understand the Open Definition and the principles of open data


  • Follow in the footsteps of an exclusive instructor
  • Get hands-on and learn from your mistakes and successes
  • Learn how to handle databases without writing code
Enroll now

Learn more about the Open Data Editor

Developed in partnership with:

Our numbers tell the story

In the last 13 years…


People trained using online and classroom-based courses


Countries represented by network member organisations or students


Learning modules for use in many disciplines


Data experts qualified through The Fellowship Programme


Member organisations, mostly based in the Global Majority


Individual members multiplying learning in their countries

Our archive

Online Courses

🐣Data Fundamentals

Provides a solid overview over the workflow with data guiding you from what data is, to how to make your data tell a story.

+Explore modules

🧹Data Cleaning

Gives you a clear overview what can go wrong in spreadsheets and how to fix it (if it does).

+Explore modules

🔍Exploring Data

This set of modules will give you essential tools to explore and analyse data to find insights.

+Explore modules

📇Extracting Data

You know the data you need is somewhere out there on the Web – but how do you get it on your computer? This course will lead you there.

+Explore modules

🪄Presenting Data

Data presentation can mean Data visualisation, but not only. This course will introduce you to some interesting tools and methods, so you can tackle data presentation in various ways.

+Explore modules

More Online Courses

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We’re reigniting the School of Data community and working on new activities for 2025. Leave your email to find out more.


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