


Welcome To

SchemaSpy 6.2

Document your database simply and easily
Get StartedSample Output

Get Started

Welcome in SchemaSpy we will do the best to simplify documentation process of your database.
When you start using SchemaSpy you can build your documentation in continuous process

> java -jar schemaspy.jar -t mssql05 -dp C:/sqljdbc4-3.0.jar -db DATABASE -host SERVER -port 1433 -s dbo -u USER -p PASSWORD -o DIRECTORY


Process of installation is very simple because SchemaSpy is only one Java .jar application. You can learn more read theinstallation doc.


When you environment will be ready, and you can start using SchemaSpy you can read more about theconfiguration.


This is short description about the tool and how to use it. Please read morehere.

Sample output for Chinook database

SchemaSpy is generating your database to HTML documentation, including Entity Relationship diagrams.
Using HTML version of documentation you can easliy share with your team or community.

Browse some sample pages generated by SchemaSpy.
Note that this was run against an extremely limited schema so it doesn't show the full power of the tool.


Here you will find more details about SchemaSpy option and configuration

How many times you are putting off for later preparation of the documentation database ? How many times have you had to do it but never enough time ? Building documentation to be effective must be a continuous process, like writing application code. SchemaSpy changes this process by allowing the generation of documentation including diagrams, based on an existing database. Consider how much time you are able to save thanks to the documentation for your software developers, consultants support, data warehouse developers and data analysts.

If you want to know more about SchemaSpy installation and configuration please read the documentation onRead the Docs site.



This project continues the work began by John Currier in 2004 and has improved over the years with great support from our community.
You can find out more about the initial project onSource Forge

I would like to continuously improve SchemaSpy and to release a new version of this great tool because we haven't had any releases since version 5.0.0 was released in 2010.
I personally believe that work on SchemaSpy should be continued and a lot of the still-existing issues should be resolved.
I would like to say a BIG thank you to John Currier for inventing this database entity-relationship (ER) diagram generator.

SchemaSpy Team would like inform that JetBrains is helping by provided IDE to develop the application. Thanks to its support program for an Open Source projects !

Do you need help or you find the bug?

Open a new issue here on GitHub

