This is the Savannah documentation wiki.
Table of contents of principal pages
Using Savannah - Information for Savannah Users
- WhyChooseSavannah
- DownloadArea
- General FAQs
- HomepageAvailabilityOfPhpAndMysql
- HomepageUpload
- LostPassword
Mail FAQs
Project FAQs
Savannah FAQs
Savannah Administration
Information for Savannah volunteer administrators who performadministration tasks (mostly on the Savannahwebsite, and sometimes directly on Savannah servers).
- CodeOfConduct
- HowToAdminThisWiki
Version Control
Savannah Hacking
Information for Savannah hackers who needto sys-admin the servers, modify the PHP code,and perform advanced administrations tasks or troubleshooting.
Also recommended for people who wish to learn more aboutSavannah internals, or join as new Savannah hackers.
- SavannahArchitecture - overview of Savannah servers
- SavannahServices - list of services as seen by users(e.g. gitweb, cgit, ssh, rsync, web) and pointers to their servers andconfiguration files.
- SavannahInternals - pointers to Savannah inner-working(e.g. cron-jobs)
- SavannahHosts - server setup instructions for thenew Savannah VMs.
- SavannahDatabaseSchema - (some) details about Savannah databaseschema, mainly users and group membership.
- UserAuthentication - SSH authentication on VCS based on savane'sdatabase, with libnss-mysql
- https - certbot/let's-encrypt setup for SSL certificates
- FrontEndSetup -
- FrontEndDevelopmentSite - How to setup a dedicated development sitefor Savannah (on
- FrontEndHostRedirection - notes about automatic gnu/nongnu hostredirection, important for development sites.
- FrontEndNotificationEmails - how notification emails from the PHPfrontend work, and how to override them during development.
FrontEndDebuggingTips - points for easier PHP debugging.
- Backup
- Compromise2010
- DataExport
- FrontEnd
- GnuArchitecture
- HomePage
- JustSFTP
- MailSystem
- ManuallyInstalledPackages
- Mirmon
- Nagios
- RemountableHome
- SavaneConfiguration
- ShellAccess
- Stats
- SqlQueries
FSF Tech Notes Directory
Automatically-generated list of all pages
- AboutTranslations
- AccountCredentials
- AdminSvnImport
- AdvancedURLs
- AnnouncementMailingList
- ApprovingSubmission
- Architecture.png
- Architecture.svg
- Architecture2010.png
- Architecture2022.png
- Architecture2022.svg
- AudioVideo
- BackEndSetup
- Backup
- BobsGuideToSystemUpgrades
- ChangingLicense
- CodeOfConduct
- Compromise2010
- CplIssues
- CvS
- CvSToSvN
- CvsAnonymous
- CvsDisabling
- CvsFromBehindFirewall
- CvsGettingStarted
- CvsImportExistingProject
- CvsImportExistingRepo
- CvsNotifications
- CvsRsyncWriteAccess
- DataExport
- Debbugs
- DeletingUserAccount
- DoWeHaveYourPassword
- DocumentationFormats
- DocumentationNotices
- DotNetIssues
- DownloadArea
- DualLicensing
- FaQ
- FightingSpam
- FileFormats
- ForAdministrators
- FrontEnd
- FrontEndDebuggingTips
- FrontEndDevelopmentSite
- FrontEndHostRedirection
- FrontEndNotificationEmails
- FrontEndSetup
- FrontPage
- GNUArch
- GettingHelp
- Git
- GnuArchitecture
- GnuGplTwoOrLater
- GnuOrgTranslationTeams
- GpgAgent
- Hg
- HomePage
- HomepageAvailabilityOfPhpAndMysql
- HomepageUpload
- HowDoIAddSearchTerms
- HowDoIResetMyProject
- HowKnowIfALicenseIsFreeIn3Points
- HowToAdminThisWiki
- HowToBecomeASavannahHacker
- HowToGetYourProjectApprovedQuickly
- IdleAccounts
- ImpersonatingSomebody
- ImportMailingListArchive
- ImportingCVSRepository
- JavaIssues
- JustSFTP
- LicensingRequirements
- ListHelperAntiSpam
- ListServer
- LostAccounts
- LostPassword
- MailFiltering
- MailSystem
- MailWhyNoMailFromSavannah
- MailingListCreation
- MailingListNotes
- MailingListsInternals
- ManuallyChangeE-mail
- ManuallyInstalledPackages
- MigrationChecklist
- MigrationFromSourceForge
- Mirmon
- Mirroring
- MirroringExternalRepository
- ModerationAutomation
- ModifyingGroupType
- MonoToNe
- Nagios
- NewAccount
- NewServiceSupport
- NoAdvertising
- NonGnuToGnu
- NonGnuToGnuSysadmin
- NotSavannahAdmins
- PasswordAuthentication
- PhpIssues
- ProjectApproval
- ProjectDependencies
- ProprietaryUseOfFreeSoftware
- RecoveredAccounts
- RecruitingVolunteers
- RemountableHome
- RemovingProject
- RenamingAccounts
- RenamingProjectGroup
- RequirementThreshold
- ResetListPassword
- ReverseEngineering
- RunningSavaneLocally
- SavaneConfiguration
- SavaneInABox
- SavaneReleases
- SavaneRewrite
- SavaneSetup
- SavaneSvkBranch
- SavaneTasks
- SavannahAnnounce
- SavannahArchitecture
- SavannahCountryRestrictions
- SavannahCryptographicRestrictions
- SavannahDatabaseSchema
- SavannahHacker
- SavannahHackersCommunication
- SavannahHackingIdeas
- SavannahHosts
- SavannahInternals
- SavannahInvalidHTML
- SavannahServices
- SavannahTLSInfo
- SavannahTeam
- SavannahURLShortcuts
- SavannahUpdateDelays
- SharedDownloadArea
- ShellAccess
- SqlQueries
- SshAccess
- Stats
- StatusMonitor
- SvN
- SvNTasks
- SvnImportExistingRepo
- SynchronizedExternalRepositories
- TasksList
- URIsToTheDependencies
- UpstreamCollaboration
- UserAuthentication
- UsingBzr
- UsingCvs
- UsingGit
- UsingGnuArch
- UsingGpg
- UsingHg
- UsingVcs
- VPNConfiguration
- ValidNotices
- WebUIOverview
- WhatDoesItMeanToBecomeAGNUPackage
- WhatIsTheRegistrationProcess
- WhatIsTheStatusOfMyProjectRegistration
- WhyChooseSavannah
- WhyLegalChecksBeforeRelease
- WhyLogin
- ZWiki
- ZopeBackup
- back-page
- favicon.ico
- fsf
- bash-style-guide
- checklists
- debugging
- hardware
- services
- tickets
- awstats
- conferences
- cryptocurrencies
- cups
- dns
- esd
- firewall
- git
- gmg
- gnu
- hardware
- irc
- jitsi-meet
- lists
- low-filesystem-space
- mediawiki
- mirror
- networking
- raid
- savannah
- sql
- ssh
- ssl
- trisquel
- vcs
- video
- web
- xmpp
- tools
- Crypto-keys
- anonomize-log-ips
- apache
- auditd
- awstats
- badblocks
- bash
- bind
- db
- decisions
- dig
- edward
- exim
- fail2ban
- ftp
- gnupg
- journalctl
- kiwiirc
- kvm
- local-vm
- mediawiki
- member-card-builder
- monit
- munin
- mydumper-myloader
- nagios
- netcat
- onion service
- openscap
- openssl
- postgresql
- privoxy
- prometheus
- pwgen
- rsync
- siege
- smartctl
- split
- ssh
- stress
- sysrq
- systemd
- tor
- tor usage
- ufw
- yourls
- https
- ikiwiki
- index
- local.css
- recentchanges
- sandbox
- savannah-database-groups-and-users.dia
- savannah-database-groups-and-users.png
- savannah-internals-2015.dia
- savannah-internals-2015.png
- savannah-internals-group-edit-icons.png
- shortcuts
- style.css
- templates
- wikiicons