rtmpdump is a toolkit for RTMP streams. All forms of RTMP are supported,including rtmp://, rtmpt://, rtmpe://, rtmpte://, and rtmps://.
License: GPLv2
Copyright (C) 2009 Andrej Stepanchuk
Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Howard Chu
Download the source:git clone git://git.ffmpeg.org/rtmpdump
The latest release is 2.4 which you can check out from git. Aside from variousminor bugfixes since 2.3, RTMPE type 9 handshakes are now supported.
Releases will also be provided as compressed tar archives inthedownload directory. There are also zip archivesin this directory; these contain binaries of builds for Windows or otherplatforms.
Read theChangeLog for a summary of the changes ineach release.
To build with all features enabled, you will also need a Cryptography libraryand thezlib compression library.It usesOpenSSL by default,but you can also useGnuTLSorPolarSSL instead.
As of 2.2 the main protocol code is now available in its own library, librtmp.This library is licensed under LGPL so it may be used freely in otherapplications. As of 2.3 the library may also be built as a shared library,not just a static library
Some manpages have been added for 2.2. You can read thertmpdump manpage and thertmpgw manpage online as well.
An overview of the library is also available in thelibrtmp manpage.
As of 2.1 there are two additional server programs,rtmpsrv andrtmpsuck.
rtmpsrv is a stub for a server; it logs the connect and play parametersfrom a regular client that connects to it. It then invokes rtmpdump withthose parameters to retrieve the stream.
rtmpsuck is a transparent proxy; it intercepts connections from a clientand then makes an outbound connection to the real server. After allhandshaking is complete and encryption keys with both sides arenegotiated, it records the cleartext stream data into files whilerelaying the data from the server to the client.
2016-05-07: Old builds and source tarballs can be found in ourdownloads section, but they are very outdated and we recommend using git master.
Unofficial builds can be found in both of the rtmpdump forums.
Subscribe to the mailing list:
or read the list archives:http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/rtmpdump/
Discussion forums:
http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=29 note, this forum is not affiliated with the RTMPDump project.
http://stream-recorder.com/forum/rtmpdump-f54.html - note, that site is not affiliated with the RTMPDump project, but they're pretty active with helping answer questions.
Projects using rtmpdump:
TV3 al Cabàs
MTV.it download
Ed's iPlayer Javascript BBC ripper
rtmpdumphelper (windows network hook for rtmpsuck/rtmpsrv)
Projects using librtmp:
MPlayer (thru ffmpeg)
HTS Home Theater System
Patches for librtmp on other projects:
See Also:
rtspdump is a program which downloads rtsp:// multimedia stream from a Microsoft WMServer.
If you know of more related projects and want to see them linked,please emailprojects@mplayerhq.hu.