Update: Since December 2014, I work for
TopQuadrant. This website is in dire need of a general overhaul… In the meantime, there's
Richard Cyganiak
- Mini bio:
- Linked data technologist at theLiDRC,DERI Galway, Ireland.
- Interests:
- Linked Data,RDF,data integration,Go,photography,hiking,table football
- Memberships:
- DERI,Linking Open Data project,Pedantic Web Group,Web Science Trust fellows.
- Weblog:
- Email:
- Skype:
- richard.cyganiak
- Phone:
- +353-87-2206327
- IRC nick:
- cygri
- Home address:
- 26 Dun Aengus,Galway,Ireland (Google Maps)
- Work address:
- Office 102,Digital Enterprise Research Institute, NUI Galway,Lower Dangan,Galway,Ireland (Google Maps)
- URI:
Web properties
Current projects
- A web site that simplifies a common task in the work of RDF developers: remembering and looking up URI prefixes.
- Pedantic Web Group
- I'm a co-founder of this group of people dedicated to fixing broken data on the Semantic Web.
- RDB2RDF Working Group at W3C
- I am a member of this W3C working group. It is chartered to create a specification for a language to map relational data and relational schemas to RDF and OWL.
- An entity search engine and browser for the Web of Data. Built with Michele Catasta and Szymon Danielczyk in theOKKAM Project. won 3rd prize at the 2009Semantic Web Challenge.
- any23
- Anything To Triples (any23) is a library,web service and command-line swiss army knife for parsing and converting RDF. The codebase is extracted fromSindice and maintained byDERI andFBK's Web of Data Research Unit.
- D2RQ and D2R Server
- An open-source project aimed at making relational databases part of the Web of Data. Originally founded byChris Bizer. I have maintained D2RQ and D2R Server since 2005.
- Neologism
- An open-source publishing platform for RDFS vocabularies. Currently in Alpha stage. I founded this project in 2008.
- DBpedia
- Extracting structured RDF information from Wikipedia. A large community project involving several universities and companies. I have contributed to the original extraction framework and have developed and maintained DBpedia's HTML frontend during much of 2007 and 2008.
- Linking Open Data
- A community effort to convert existing sources of open data to RDF an make them part of the Semantic Web. I'm a co-founder of the project, together withChris Bizer. My main contribution is in helping to establish best practices for publishing RDF on the Web, and maintaining theLOD dataset cloud diagram.
- Semantic Sitemaps
- A proposed standard for improving RDF discovery, originally designed byGiovanni Tummarello.
- voiD
- A work-in-progress RDFS vocabulary for describing the contents of RDF datasets.
- Pubby
- A Linked Data server that exposes RDF data from SPARQL endpoints. Originally developed for DBpedia.
Past projects
- An experimental search engine for the Web of Data. The project is lead byGiovanni Tummarello. I was a member from 2007 to 2009.
- StatCVS/StatSVN
- StatCVS generates colorful reports from CVS repository logs. I maintained the open-source project from 2002 to 2008. A port to Subversion, called StatSVN, was created by Jason Kealey and Benoit Xhenseval. They took over maintenance of StatCVS in 2008.
- Disco
- A simple RDF browser. Developed together with Tobias Gauß in 2006-2007.
- NG4J
- NG4J provided support forNamed Graphs long before this feature became standard in all RDF stores. The project was initiated by Chris Bizer in 2004, and I maintained it from 2004 to 2007.
- An early attempt at implementing expressive SPARQL queries over a database-backed triple store. I did this as an internship project at HP Labs Bristol in 2005 under the supervision of Andy Seaborne.
- A policy framework for Web Information Quality Assurance, part ofChris Bizer's doctoral thesis. I did parts of the implementation (2005-2006).
- Miscellaneous
I occasionally blog
There is alist of my very old publications (page in German). Once upon a time, I did some blogging in Germanhere.
Specifications and Tutorials
- voiD Guide – Using the Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets
- Keith Alexander, Richard Cyganiak, Michael Hausenblas, Jun Zhao. Specification, 2009.
- How to Publish Linked Data on the Web (Video, ISWC 2008)
- Tom Heath, Michael Hausenblas, Christian Bizer, Richard Cyganiak, Olaf Hartig. Tutorial at ISWC 2008, Karlsruhe. Published at
- N-Quads: Extending N-Triples with Context
- Richard Cyganiak, Andreas Harth, Aidan Hogan. Specification, 2008.
- Cool URIs for the Semantic Web
- Leo Sauermann, Richard Cyganiak, Danny Ayers, Max Völkel. W3C Interest Group Note, 2008.
- Semantic Sitemaps: A Sitemap Extension
- Richard Cyganiak, Renaud Delbru, Giovanni Tummarello. Specification, 2007.
- How to Publish Linked Data on the Web
- Christian Bizer, Richard Cyganiak, Tom Heath. Tutorial, 2007.
- Debugging Semantic Web sites with cURL
- Tutorial, 2007.
- The TriG Syntax
- Chris Bizer, Richard Cyganiak. Specification, 2007.
Peer-reviewed and tech reports
- live views on the Web of Data (JWS, 2010)
- Giovanni Tummarello,Richard Cyganiak,Michele Catasta,Szymon Danielczyk,Renaud Delbru,Stefan live views on the Web of Data.Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Article in Press,2010. (doi:10.1016/j.websem.2010.08.003)
- Next steps for RDF: Keep the core and pave the cowpaths (W3C Workshop: RDF Next Steps)
- Richard Cyganiak:Next steps for RDF: Keep the core and pave the cowpaths. In: Proceedings of theW3C Workshop on RDF Next Steps, Standord, CA,June2010. (Link)
- Learning from Linked Open Data Usage: Patterns & Metrics (WebSci2010)
- Knud Möller,Michael Hausenblas,Richard Cyganiak,Siegfried Handschuh,Gunnar Grimnes:Learning from Linked Open Data Usage: Patterns & Metrics. In: Proceedings of theWeb Science Conference 2010, Raleigh, NC,April2010. (PDF)
- Semantic Statistics: Bringing Together SDMX and SCOVO (LDOW2010)
- Richard Cyganiak,Simon Field,Arofan Gregory,Wolfgang Halb,Jeni Tennison:Semantic Statistics: Bringing Together SDMX and SCOVO. In: Proceedings of theLinked Data on the Web Workshop (LDOW2010), Raleigh, NC,April2010. (PDF)
- Live views on the Web of Data (demo at WWW2010)
- Giovanni Tummarello,Richard Cyganiak,Michele Catasta,Szymon Danielczyk,Renaud Delbru,Stefan live views on the Web of Data. Demonstration at19th World Wide Web Conference (WWW2010), Raleigh, NC,April2010. (PDF)
- On Integration Issues of Site-Specific APIs into the Web of Data (Technical Report, 2009)
- Tim Berners-Lee,Richard Cyganiak,Michael Hausenblas,Joe Presbrey,Oshani Seneviratne,Oana-Elena Ureche:On Integration Issues of Site-Specific APIs into the Web of Data. Technical Report,LiDRC, DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland,October2009. (PDF)
- Live views on the Web of Data (SemWebChallenge 2009)
- Giovanni Tummarello,Richard Cyganiak,Michele Catasta,Szymon Danielczyk,Stefan live views on the Web of Data. 3rd prize at theSemantic Web Challenge at ISWC2009, Washington, DC,October2009. (PDF)
- Accessing Site-Specific APIs Through Write-Wrappers From The Web of Data (SemRUs-ISWC09)
- Oana-Elena Ureche,Aftab Iqbal,Richard Cyganiak,Michael Hausenblas:Accessing Site-Specific APIs Through Write-Wrappers From The Web of Data. In: Proceedings of theSemantics for the Rest of Us Workshop (SemRUs-ISWC09), Washington, DC,October2009. (PDF)
- Towards ECSSE: live Web of Data search and integration (SemSearch2009)
- Michele Catasta,Richard Cyganiak,Giovanni Tummarello:Towards ECSSE: live Web of Data search and integration.Semantic Search 2009 Workshop (SemSearch2009), Madrid, Spain,April2009. (PDF)
- Describing Linked Datasets (LDOW2009)
- Keith Alexander,Richard Cyganiak,Michael Hausenblas,Jun Zhao:Describing Linked Datasets. In: Proceedings of theLinked Data on the Web Workshop (LDOW2009), Madrid, Spain,April2009. (PDF)
- Semantic Web Publishing with Drupal (Technical Report, 2009)
- Stéphane Corlosquet,Richard Cyganiak,Axel Polleres,Stefan Decker:Semantic Web Publishing with Drupal. DERI Technical Report2009-04-30,DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland,April2009. (PDF)
- DBpedia – A Crystallization Point for the Web of Data (JWS, 2009)
- Christian Bizer,Jens Lehmann,Georgi Kobilarov,Sören Auer,Christian Becker,Richard Cyganiak,Sebastian Hellmann,DBpedia – A Crystallization Point for the Web of Data.Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web,2009. (doi:10.1016/j.websem.2009.07.002)
- Quality-Driven Information Filtering Using the WIQA Policy Framework (JWS, 2009)
- Christian Bizer,Richard Cyganiak,Quality-Driven Information Filtering Using the WIQA Policy Framework.Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 1-10,January2009. (doi:10.1016/j.websem.2008.02.005,PDF)
- Neologism – Easy Vocabulary Publishing (SFSW2008)
- Cosmin Basca,Stéphane Corlosquet,Richard Cyganiak,Sergio Fernández,Thomas Schandl:Neologism – Easy Vocabulary Publishing.4th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web, Tenerife, Spain,June2008. (PDF)
- Semantic Sitemaps – Efficient and Flexible Access to Datasets on the Semantic Web (ESWC2008)
- Richard Cyganiak,Holger Stenzhorn,Renaud Delbru,Stefan Decker,Giovanni Tummarello:Semantic Sitemaps – Efficient and Flexible Access to Datasets on the Semantic Web.5th European Semantic Web Conference, Tenerife, Spain,June2008. (PDF)
- Browsing Linked Data with Fenfire (Demo at LDOW2008)
- Tuukka Hastrup,Richard Cyganiak,Uldis Bojārs:Browsing Linked Data with Fenfire (Demo).Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2008), Beijing, China,April2008. (PDF)
- Weaving SIOC into the Web of Linked Data (LDOW2008)
- Uldis Bojārs,Alexandre Passant,Richard Cyganiak,John Breslin:Weaving SIOC into the Web of Linked Data.Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2008), Beijing, China,April2008. (PDF)
- – A Document-oriented Lookup Index for Open Linked Data (IJMSO, 2008)
- Eyal Oren,Renaud Delbru,Michele Catasta,Richard CyganiakHolger Stenzhorn,Giovanni – A Document-oriented Lookup Index for Open Linked Data.International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 3 (1),2008. (PDF)
- DBpedia – A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data (ISWC2007)
- Sören Auer,Christian Bizer,Georgi Kobilarov,Jens Lehmann,Richard Cyganiak,Zachary Ives:DBpedia – A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data.6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2007), Busan, Korea,November2007. (PDF)
- D2RQ – Lessons Learned (W3C RdfRDB 2007)
- Chrisitan Bizer,Richard Cyganiak:D2RQ – Lessons Learned.W3C Workshop on RDF Access to Relational Databases, Boston, USA,October2007
- DBpedia – A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data (Poster at CSSW2007)
- Christian Bizer,Richard Cyganiak:DBpedia – A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data (Poster).SABRE Conference on Social Semantic Web (CSSW 2007), Leipzig, Germany,September2007. (Poster)
- RDF Book Mashup – From Web APIs to a Web of Data (SFSW2007)
- Christian Bizer,Richard Cyganiak,Tobias Gauß:The RDF Book Mashup – From Web APIs to a Web of Data.3rd Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web (SFSW2007), Innsbruck, Austria,June2007 (PDF)
- DBpedia – Querying Wikipedia like a Database (Dev Track at WWW2007)
- Christian Bizer,Sören Auer,Richard Cyganiak,Georgi Kobilarov:DBpedia – Querying Wikipedia like a Database.16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2007), Banff, Canada,May2007.
- Cool URIs for the Semantic Web (Technical Report, 2007)
- Leo Sauermann,Richard Cyganiak,Max Völkel:Cool URIs for the Semantic Web. DFKI Technical MemoTM-07-01,DFKI GmbH, Germany,February2007. (PDF)
- D2R Server – A Semantic Web Front-end to Existing Relational Databases (Poster at BXMLT2006)
- Richard Cyganiak,Christian Bizer:D2R Server – A Semantic Web Front-end to Existing Relational Databases (Poster).Berliner XML Tage, Berlin, Germany,September2006. (PDF) (Poster)
- DODA 0.1 – An Ontology for Lightweight Integration of Semantic Data Access Technologies (SIIK2006)
- Giovanni Tummarello,Christian Morbidoni,Michele Nucci,Richard Cyganiak:DODA 0.1 – An Ontology for Lightweight Integration of Semantic Data Access Technologies.1st International Workshop on Semantic Information Integration on Knowledge Discovery (SIIK 2006), Yogyakarta, Indonesia,December2006. (PDF)
- The DODA Ontology – Lightweight Integration of Semantic Data Access Technologies (SWAP2006)
- Christian Morbidoni,Giovanni Tummarello,Michele Nucci,Richard Cyganiak:The DODA Ontology – Lightweight Integration of Semantic Data Access Technologies.3rd Italian Semantic Web Workshop (SWAP 2006), Pisa, Italy,December2006. (PDF)
- D2R Server – Publishing Releational Databases on the Semantic Web (Poster at ISWC2006)
- Christian Bizer,Richard Cyganiak:D2R Server – Publishing Releational Databases on the Semantic Web (Poster).5th International Semantic Web Conference, Athens, USA,November2006. (PDF) (Poster)
- D2R Server – Publishing Relational Databases on the Web as SPARQL Endpoints (Dev Track at WWW2006)
- Richard Cyganiak,Christian Bizer:D2R Server – Publishing Relational Databases on the Web as SPARQL Endpoints.15th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2006), Edinburgh, Scotland,May2006.
- The TriQL.P Browser – Filtering Information using Context-, Content- and Rating-Based Trust Policies (SWPW2005)
- Christian Bizer,Richard Cyganiak,Tobias Gauß,and Oliver Maresch:The TriQL.P Browser – Filtering Information using Context-, Content- and Rating-Based Trust Policies.Semantic Web and Policy Workshop at the 4th International Semantic Web Conference, Galway, Ireland,November2005. (PDF)
- NG4J – Named Graphs API for Jena (Poster, ESWC2005)
- Christian Bizer,Richard Cyganiak,Rowland Watkins:NG4J – Named Graphs API for Jena (Poster).2nd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2005), Heraklion, Greece,May2005. (PDF) (Poster)
Talks and slides
Some day I will upload all my presentations tomy SlideShare account. For now, just some notes.
- See publication list above
- Linked Data in 7 Easy Steps, Tutorial, ISWC2008
- Using the Web of Data, WOD-PD 2008
- There's more than US-ASCII, lightning talk at ESWC2008
-, lightning talk at LOD Gathering, ESWC2008
-, Linked Data Planet, 2008
- Web of Data, XTech 2008
- Linking Open Data, New York Semantic Web Meetup, 2008
- D2RQ, W3C RDF2RDB XG, 2008
- Semantics and Complexity of SPARQL, DERI Reading Group, 2007
- D2R Server, JUC 2006
- D2RQ, HP Labs, 2005
All of these are made withOmniGraffle. On some, I have contributed not as an author but only by creating the poster itself.

Event organizer
PC memberships etc.
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