Rasmus Kirk
About me
Hi, I am Rasmus Kirk. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Aarhus University, Denmark, and I am currently pursuing a master’s degree with a specialization in Cryptography and Formal Software Verification, that I will finish January 2026. I have been working part-time as a student worker at Concordium, a cryptocurrency firm, for about two years. I like Rust and Haskell and I am also currently learning Japanese.
Here is a list of some of my software interests:
- Decentralized Technologies
- Cryptography
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs
- Free and Open Software
- Functional Programming
- Linux
- NixOS
Some notable projects:
- My bachelor’s project: High Assurance Cryptography - Implementing Bulletproofs inHacspec
- A Rust Toy-Blockchain: A toy blockchain project based on the exercises from the course “Distributed Systems and Security” from Aarhus University.
- Halo2 Accumulation in Rust: A Rust implementation of the accumulation scheme used in halo2. The repo also contains a report explaining the background, theory and implementation details of the project.
- Nixarr: A Nixos module that aims to make the installation and management of a home media server as easy, and pain free, as possible.
- Submerger: Combines subtitles from two files into one, with customizable position and color settings.
Feel free to explore my projects and reach out if you have any questions.
- Email: mail@rasmuskirk.com
- Phone number: +45 50 16 93 79
- Matrix:@tuisto:matrix.org