pip 1.2.1
pip install pip==1.2.1
pip installs packages. Python packages. An easy_install replacement
Verified details
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Unverified details
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- License: MIT License (MIT)
- Author:The pip developers
- Tags easy_install, distutils, setuptools, egg, virtualenv
- Development Status
- Intended Audience
- License
- Programming Language
- Topic
Project description
pip is a tool for installing and managing Python packages, such asthose found in thePython Package Index. It’s a replacement foreasy_install.
$ pip install simplejson[... progress report ...]Successfully installed simplejson
Upgrading a package:
$ pip install --upgrade simplejson[... progress report ...]Successfully installed simplejson
Removing a package:
$ pip uninstall simplejsonUninstalling simplejson: /home/me/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/simplejson /home/me/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/simplejson-2.2.1-py2.7.egg-infoProceed (y/n)? y Successfully uninstalled simplejson
The main website for pip iswww.pip-installer.org. You can also installthein-development versionof pip witheasy_installpip==dev.
The homepage for pip is atpip-installer.org.Bugs can be filed in thepip issue tracker. Discussion happens on thevirtualenv email group.
Next release (1.3) schedule
Beta and final releases planned for the end of 2012.
1.2.1 (2012-09-06)
Fixed a regression introduced in 1.2 about raising an exception whennot finding any files to uninstall in the current environment. Thanks forthe fix, Marcus Smith.
1.2 (2012-09-01)
Dropped support for Python 2.4 The minimum supported Python version isnow Python 2.5.
Fixed issue #605 - pypi mirror support broken on some DNS responses. Thanksphilwhin.
Fixed issue #355 - pip uninstall removes files it didn’t install. Thankspjdelport.
Fixed issues #493, #494, #440, and #573 related to improving support for theuser installation scheme. Thanks Marcus Smith.
Write failure log to temp file if default location is not writable. Thanksandreigc.
Pull in submodules for git editable checkouts. Fixes #289 and #421. ThanksHsiaoming Yang and Markus Hametner.
Use a temporary directory as the default build location outside of avirtualenv. Fixes issues #339 and #381. Thanks TC01.
Added support for specifying extras with local editables. Thanks NickStenning.
Added--egg flag to request egg-style rather than flat installation. Refsissue #3. Thanks Kamal Bin Mustafa.
Fixed issue #510 - prevent e.g.gmpy2-2.0.tar.gz from matching a requesttopip install gmpy; sdist filename must begin with full project namefollowed by a dash. Thanks casevh for the report.
Fixed issue #504 - allow package URLS to have querystrings. Thanks W.Trevor King.
Fixed issue #58 - pip freeze now falls back to non-editable format ratherthan blowing up if it can’t determine the origin repository of an editable.Thanks Rory McCann.
Added a__main__.py file to enablepython -m pip on Python versionsthat support it. Thanks Alexey Luchko.
Fixed issue #487 - upgrade from VCS url of project that does exist onindex. Thanks Andrew Knapp for the report.
Fixed issue #486 - fix upgrade from VCS url of project with no distributionon index. Thanks Andrew Knapp for the report.
Fixed issue #427 - clearer error message on a malformed VCS url. ThanksThomas Fenzl.
Added support for using any of the built in guaranteed algorithms inhashlib as a checksum hash.
Fixed issue #321 - Raise an exception if current working directory can’t befound or accessed.
Fixed issue #82 - Removed special casing of the user directory and use thePython default instead.
Fixed #436 - Only warn about version conflicts if there is actually one.This re-enables using==dev in requirements files.
Moved tests to be run on Travis CI:http://travis-ci.org/pypa/pip
Added a better help formatter.
1.1 (2012-02-16)
Fixed issue #326 - don’t crash when a package’s setup.py emits UTF-8 andthen fails. Thanks Marc Abramowitz.
Added--target option for installing directly to arbitrary directory.Thanks Stavros Korokithakis.
Added support for authentication with Subversion repositories. ThanksQiangning Hong.
Fixed issue #315 ---download now downloads dependencies as well.Thanks Qiangning Hong.
Errors from subprocesses will display the current working directory.Thanks Antti Kaihola.
Fixed issue #369 - compatibility with Subversion 1.7. Thanks QiangningHong. Note that setuptools remains incompatible with Subversion 1.7; toget the benefits of pip’s support you must use Distribute rather thansetuptools.
Fixed issue #57 - ignore py2app-generated OS X mpkg zip files in finder.Thanks Rene Dudfield.
Fixed issue #182 - log to ~/Library/Logs/ by default on OS X frameworkinstalls. Thanks Dan Callahan for report and patch.
Fixed issue #310 - understand version tags without minor version (“py3”)in sdist filenames. Thanks Stuart Andrews for report and Olivier Girardot forpatch.
Fixed issue #7 - Pip now supports optionally installing setuptools“extras” dependencies; e.g. “pip install Paste[openid]”. Thanks Matt Makerand Olivier Girardot.
Fixed issue #391 - freeze no longer borks on requirements files with–index-url or –find-links. Thanks Herbert Pfennig.
Fixed issue #288 - handle symlinks properly. Thanks lebedov for the patch.
Fixed issue #49 - pip install -U no longer reinstalls the same versions ofpackages. Thanks iguananaut for the pull request.
Removed-E/--environment option andPIP_RESPECT_VIRTUALENV;both use a restart-in-venv mechanism that’s broken, and neither one isuseful since every virtualenv now has pip inside it. Replacepip-E path/to/venv install Foo withvirtualenv path/to/venv && path/to/venv/pip install Foo.
Fixed issue #366 - pip throws IndexError when it callsscraped_rel_links
Fixed issue #22 - pip search should set and return a userful shell status code
Fixed issue #351 and #365 - added global--exists-action command lineoption to easier script file exists conflicts, e.g. from editablerequirements from VCS that have a changed repo URL.
1.0.2 (2011-07-16)
Fixed docs issues.
Fixed issue #295 - Reinstall a package when using theinstall-I option
Fixed issue #283 - Finds a Git tag pointing to same commit as origin/master
Fixed issue #279 - Use absolute path for path to docs in setup.py
Fixed issue #314 - Correctly handle exceptions on Python3.
Fixed issue #320 - Correctly parse--editable lines in requirements files
1.0.1 (2011-04-30)
Start to use git-flow.
Fixed issue #274 -find_command should not raise AttributeError
Fixed issue #273 - respect Content-Disposition header. Thanks Bradley Ayers.
Fixed issue #233 - pathext handling on Windows.
Fixed issue #252 - svn+svn protocol.
Fixed issue #44 - multiple CLI searches.
Fixed issue #266 - current working directory when running setup.py clean.
1.0 (2011-04-04)
Added Python 3 support! Huge thanks to Vinay Sajip, Vitaly Babiy, KelseyHightower, and Alex Gronholm, among others.
Download progress only shown on a real TTY. Thanks Alex Morega.
Fixed finding of VCS binaries to not be fooled by same-named directories.Thanks Alex Morega.
Fixed uninstall of packages from system Python for users of Debian/Ubuntupython-setuptools package (workaround until fixed in Debian and Ubuntu).
Addedget-pip.pyinstaller. Simply download and execute it, using the Python interpreter ofyour choice:
$ curl -O https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py$ python get-pip.py
This may have to be run as root.
Make sure you havedistributeinstalled before using the installer!
Moved main repository to Github:https://github.com/pypa/pip
Transferred primary maintenance from Ian to Jannis Leidel, Carl Meyer, Brian Rosner
Fixed issue #14 - No uninstall-on-upgrade with URL package. Thanks Oliver Tonnhofer
Fixed issue #163 - Egg name not properly resolved. Thanks Igor Sobreira
Fixed issue #178 - Non-alphabetical installation of requirements. Thanks Igor Sobreira
Fixed issue #199 - Documentation mentions –index instead of –index-url. Thanks Kelsey Hightower
Fixed issue #204 - rmtree undefined in mercurial.py. Thanks Kelsey Hightower
Fixed bug in Git vcs backend that would break during reinstallation.
Fixed bug in Mercurial vcs backend related to pip freeze and branch/tag resolution.
Fixed bug in version string parsing related to the suffix “-dev”.
Avoid redundant unpacking of bundles (from pwaller)
Fixed issue #32, #150, #161 - Fixed checking out the correcttag/branch/commit when updating an editable Git requirement.
Fixed issue #49 - Added ability to install version control requirementswithout making them editable, e.g.:
pip install git+https://github.com/pypa/pip/
Fixed issue #175 - Correctly locate build and source directory on Mac OS X.
Addedgit+https:// scheme to Git VCS backend.
Added global –user flag as shortcut for –install-option=”–user”. FromRonny Pfannschmidt.
Added support forPyPI mirrors asdefined inPEP 381, fromJannis Leidel.
Fixed issue #138 - Git revisions ignored. Thanks John-Scott Atlakson.
Fixed issue #95 - Initial editable install of github package from a tag fails. Thanks John-Scott Atlakson.
Fixed issue #107 - Can’t install if a directory in cwd has the same name as the package you’re installing.
Fixed issue #39 - –install-option=”–prefix=~/.local” ignored with -e.Thanks Ronny Pfannschmidt and Wil Tan.
Track whichbuild/ directories pip creates, never remove directoriesit doesn’t create. From Hugo Lopes Tavares.
Pip now acceptsfile:// index URLs. Thanks Dave Abrahams.
Various cleanup to make test-running more consistent and less fragile.Thanks Dave Abrahams.
Real Windows support (with passing tests). Thanks Dave Abrahams.
pip-2.7 etc. scripts are created (Python-version specific scripts)
contrib/build-standalone script creates a runnable.zip form ofpip, from Jannis Leidel
Editable git repos are updated when reinstalled
Fix problem with--editable when multiple.egg-info/ directoriesare found.
A number of VCS-related fixes forpip freeze, from Hugo Lopes Tavares.
Significant test framework changes, from Hugo Lopes Tavares.
Set zip_safe=False to avoid problems some people are encountering wherepip is installed as a zip file.
Fixed opening of logfile with no directory name. Thanks Alexandre Conrad.
Temporary files are consistently cleaned up, especially afterinstalling bundles, also from Alex Conrad.
Tests now require at least ScriptTest 1.0.3.
Fixed uninstallation on Windows
Addedpip search command.
Tab-complete names of installed distributions forpip uninstall.
Support tab-completion when there is a global-option before thesubcommand.
Install header files in standard (scheme-default) location when installingoutside a virtualenv. Install them to a slightly more consistentnon-standard location inside a virtualenv (since the standard location isa non-writable symlink to the global location).
pip now logs to a central location by default (instead of creatingpip-log.txt all over the place) and constantly overwrites thefile in question. On Unix and Mac OS X this is'$HOME/.pip/pip.log'and on Windows it’s'%HOME%\\pip\\pip.log'. You are still able tooverride this location with the$PIP_LOG_FILE environment variable.For a complete (appended) logfile use the separate'--log' command lineoption.
Fixed an issue with Git that left an editable packge as a checkout of aremote branch, even if the default behaviour would have been fine, too.
Fixed installing from a Git tag with older versions of Git.
Expand “~” in logfile and download cache paths.
Speed up installing from Mercurial repositories by cloning withoutupdating the working copy multiple times.
Fixed installing directly from directories (e.g.pip install path/to/dir/).
Fixed installing editable packages withsvn+ssh URLs.
Don’t print unwanted debug information when running the freeze command.
Create log file directory automatically. Thanks Alexandre Conrad.
Make test suite easier to run successfully. Thanks Dave Abrahams.
Fixed “pip install .” and “pip install ..”; better error for directorywithout setup.py. Thanks Alexandre Conrad.
Support Debian/Ubuntu “dist-packages” in zip command. Thanks duckx.
Fix relative –src folder. Thanks Simon Cross.
Handle missing VCS with an error message. Thanks Alexandre Conrad.
Added –no-download option to install; pairs with –no-install to separatedownload and installation into two steps. Thanks Simon Cross.
Fix uninstalling from requirements file containing -f, -i, or–extra-index-url.
Leftover build directories are now removed. Thanks Alexandre Conrad.
Fixed import error on Windows with regard to the backwards compatibilitypackage
Fixed uninstall when /tmp is on a different filesystem.
Fixed uninstallation of distributions with namespace packages.
Added support for thehttps andhttp-static schemes to theMercurial andftp scheme to the Bazaar backend.
Fixed uninstallation of scripts installed with easy_install.
Fixed an issue in the package finder that could result in aninfinite loop while looking for links.
Fixed issue withpip bundle and local files (which weren’t beingcopied into the bundle), from Whit Morriss.
Addpip uninstall and uninstall-before upgrade (from CarlMeyer).
Extended configurability with config files and environment variables.
Allow packages to be upgraded, e.g.,pip installPackage==0.1thenpip installPackage==0.2.
Allow installing/upgrading to Package==dev (fix “Source version does notmatch target version” errors).
Added command and option completion for bash and zsh.
Extended integration with virtualenv by providing an option toautomatically use an active virtualenv and an option to warn if no activevirtualenv is found.
Fixed a bug with pip install –download and editable packages, wheredirectories were being set with 0000 permissions, now defaults to 755.
Fixed uninstallation of easy_installed console_scripts.
Fixed uninstallation on Mac OS X Framework layout installs
Fixed bug preventing uninstall of editables with source outside venv.
Creates download cache directory if not existing.
Fixed a couple little bugs, with git and with extensions.
Added ability to override the default log file name (pip-log.txt)with the environmental variable$PIP_LOG_FILE.
Made the freeze command print installed packages to stdout instead ofwriting them to a file. Use simple redirection (e.g.pip freeze >stable-req.txt) to get a file with requirements.
Fixed problem with freezing editable packages from a Git repository.
Added support for base URLs using<basehref='...'> when parsingHTML pages.
Fixed installing of non-editable packages from version control systems.
Fixed issue with Bazaar’s bzr+ssh scheme.
Added –download-dir option to the install command to retrieve packagearchives. If given an editable package it will create an archive of it.
Added ability to pass local file and directory paths to--find-links,e.g.--find-links=file:///path/to/my/private/archive
Reduced the amount of console log messages when fetching a page to find adistribution was problematic. The full messages can be found in pip-log.txt.
Added--no-deps option to install ignore package dependencies
Added--no-index option to ignore the package index (PyPI) temporarily
Fixed installing editable packages from Git branches.
Fixes freezing of editable packages from Mercurial repositories.
Fixed handling read-only attributes of build files, e.g. of Subversion andBazaar on Windows.
When downloading a file from a redirect, use the redirectedlocation’s extension to guess the compression (happens specificallywhen redirecting to a bitbucket.org tip.gz file).
Editable freeze URLs now always use revision hash/id rather than tip orbranch names which could move.
Fixed comparison of repo URLs so incidental differences such aspresence/absence of final slashes or quoted/unquoted specialcharacters don’t trigger “ignore/switch/wipe/backup” choice.
Fixed handling of attempt to checkout editable install to anon-empty, non-repo directory.
Make-e work better with local hg repositories
Construct PyPI URLs the exact way easy_install constructs URLs (youmight notice this if you use a custom index that isslash-sensitive).
Improvements on Windows (fromIonel Maries Cristian).
Fixed problem with not being able to install private git repositories.
Makepip zip zip all its arguments, not just the first.
Fix some filename issues on Windows.
Allow the-i and--extra-index-url options in requirementsfiles.
Fix the way bundle components are unpacked and moved around, to makebundles work.
Adds-s option to allow the access to the global site-packages if avirtualenv is to be created.
Fixed support for Subversion 1.6.
Improved virtualenv restart and various path/cleanup problems on win32.
Fixed a regression with installing from svn repositories (when notusing-e).
Fixes when installing editable packages that put their source in asubdirectory (likesrc/).
Added support for editable packages created from Git, Mercurial and Bazaarrepositories and ability to freeze them. Refactored support for versioncontrol systems.
Do not usesys.exit() from inside the code, instead use areturn. This will make it easier to invoke programmatically.
Put the install record inPackage.egg-info/installed-files.txt(previously they went insite-packages/install-record-Package.txt).
Fix a problem withpip freeze not including-e svn+ when ansvn structure is peculiar.
Allowpip-E to work with a virtualenv that uses a differentversion of Python than the parent environment.
Fixed Win32 virtualenv (-E) option.
Search the links passed in with-f for packages.
Detect zip files, even when the file doesn’t have a.zipextension and it is served with the wrong Content-Type.
Installing editable from existing source now works, likepip install-e some/path/ will install the package insome/path/.Most importantly, anything that package requires will also beinstalled by pip.
Add a--path option topip un/zip, so you can avoid zippingfiles that are outside of where you expect.
Add--simulate option topip zip.
Fixed small problem that prevented usingpip.py without actuallyinstalling pip.
Fixed--upgrade, which would download and appear to installupgraded packages, but actually just reinstall the existing package.
Fixed Windows problem with putting the install record in the rightplace, and generating thepip script with Setuptools.
Download links that include embedded spaces or other unsafecharacters (those characters get %-encoded).
Fixed use of URLs in requirement files, and problems with some blanklines.
Turn some tar file errors into warnings.
Renamed topip, and to install you now dopip install PACKAGE
Added commandpip zip PACKAGE andpip unzip PACKAGE. Thisis particularly intended for Google App Engine to manage librariesto stay under the 1000-file limit.
Some fixes to bundles, especially editable packages and whencreating a bundle using unnamed packages (like just an svnrepository without#egg=Package).
Added an option--install-option to pass options to passarguments tosetup.py install
.svn/ directories are no longer included in bundles, as thesedirectories are specific to a version of svn – if you build abundle on a system with svn 1.5, you can’t use the checkout on asystem with svn 1.4. Instead a filesvn-checkout.txt isincluded that notes the original location and revision, and thecommand you can use to turn it back into an svn checkout. (Probablyunpacking the bundle should, maybe optionally, recreate thisinformation – but that is not currently implemented, and it wouldrequire network access.)
Avoid ambiguities over project name case, where for instanceMyPackage and mypackage would be considered different packages.This in particular caused problems on Macs, whereMyPackage/ andmypackage/ are the same directory.
Added support for an environmental variable$PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE which will cache package downloads, sofuture installations won’t require large downloads. Network accessis still required, but just some downloads will be avoided whenusing this.
Always usesvn checkout (notexport) so thattag_svn_revision settings give the revision of the package.
Don’t update checkouts that came from.pybundle files.
Improve error text when there are errors fetching HTML pages whenseeking packages.
Improve bundles: include empty directories, make them work witheditable packages.
If you use-E env and the environmentenv/ doesn’t exist, anew virtual environment will be created.
Fixdependency_links for finding packages.
Fixed a NameError exception when running pip outside of avirtualenv environment.
Added HTTP proxy support (from Prabhu Ramachandran)
Fixed use ofhashlib.md5 on python2.5+ (also from PrabhuRamachandran)
Initial release
Project details
Verified details
These details have beenverified by PyPIMaintainers
Unverified details
These details havenot been verified by PyPIProject links
- License: MIT License (MIT)
- Author:The pip developers
- Tags easy_install, distutils, setuptools, egg, virtualenv
- Development Status
- Intended Audience
- License
- Programming Language
- Topic
Release historyRelease notifications |RSS feed
Download files
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File details
Details for the filepip-1.2.1.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: pip-1.2.1.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 102.4 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 12a9302acfca62cdc7bc5d83386cac3e0581db61ac39acdb3a4e766a16b88eb1 | |
MD5 | db8a6d8a4564d3dc7f337ebed67b1a85 | |
BLAKE2b-256 | c3a2a63244da32afd9ce9a8ca1bd86e71610039adea8b8314046ebe5047527a6 |