Sonic Mega Collection Plus
Step into the way-back machine to the days of 16-bit brilliance.
Check out the complete offerings ofMega Collection Plus:
- Sonic The Hedgehog (Sega Genesis)
- Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis)
- Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (Sega Genesis)
- Sonic & Knuckles(Sega Genesis)
- Sonic 3D Blast (Sega Genesis, Saturn)
- Sonic The Hedgehog Spinball (Sega Genesis)
- Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Sega Genesis)
- Sonic & Knuckles lock-on:Sonic The Hedgehog 2
- Sonic & Knuckles lock-on:Sonic The Hedgehog 3
- Sonic & Knuckles lock-on:Blue Spheres
- The Ooze (Sega Genesis)
- Comix Zone (Sega Genesis)
- Flicky (Sega Genesis)
- Ristar (Sega Genesis)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Game Gear)
- Sonic Chaos (Game Gear)
- Sonic Drift (Game Gear)
- Sonic Labyrinth (Game Gear)
- Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Game Gear)
- Sonic Blast (Game Gear)
Sonic the Hedgehog is different thanMario for a number of reasons. Sonic has momentum. He starts at a walking pace and has to work his way up to full speed. One going, he can't just stop on a dime. For a 2D character, he feels somewhat real and the physics ofSonic make for some truly unique games. No one has ever made games like this since, not even Sega.
The addition of a few other classic Genesis games outside of theSonic realm is what givesMega Collection itsPlus. Of these, fans will likely flip overThe Ooze and my personal fave,Comix Zone. No, these aren't the best games, not even in the top 10 of all Genesis games, but they are certainly fan favorites and worth another nostalgic look
These are old titles and as such, you can't expect much in the way of graphics. The 16-bit days were pretty long ago, but now, especially on a big-screen TV, they don't look so hot. The Game Gear games are particularly gruesome to look at on a giant TV or even a modest 24-inch television. That's to be expected, since these titles were originally created for a very small monitor. The Game Gear titles would probably be better served as a GBA collection, but they are nice for nostalgic state and the earliest Sonic Game Gear titles are just as good as those from the Genesis. It just won't look very appealing on your TV.Sega has managed to offer a very crisp looking version of its games, easily the best emulations on any console or handheld to date. Genesis games were colorful andMega Collection Plus is a refreshing change from the grim, stark visuals found in many of today's console titles. The only strange visual fault I could see is some ghosting on parts of the background. Comparing the originalSonic to theMega Collection version shows, pretty clearly, that the trees are actually sharper-looking on the Genesis. Otherwise, it's a prefect translation that removes some of the interlacing issues seen in split-screen two-playerSonic titles.
You can't find a better deal than 20 games for 20 dollars. While not everySonic game is a winner, the majority are. These games, though old, are superior to Sega's more recent 3DSonic offerings. Nothing has changed (though, for some reason, you can save your progress mid-game on Xbox), but that's okay.Sonic Mega Collection Plus offers gamers a chance to step back in time to look at games when they were a little simpler and in some ways a little better. I'm not a fan of the ugly border put around the screen, but otherwise there's nothing that should keep aSonic fan from snagging this one up.