| TAFT:See alsoEvelynAtwood —EzraTaft Benson —FifiTaft Clay —EmilyTaft Douglas —DavidAlvaro Felt —ArthurChester Frost —DavidSinton Ingalls —EzraKidder —HaroldTaft King —JabezComstock Knight —TaftAlfred Larson —OtisTaft Locke —EdwinClyde McCants —GertrudeTaft McGeorge —FredericTaft Olds —RobertWilliam Packwood —HerbertTaft Root —TaftSchreiber | Taft, Alexander T., Jr. — of Kentucky.U.S.Attorney for the Western District of Kentucky, 1981, 1985-86.Still living as of 1986. | Taft, Allen R. — of Queens,QueensCounty, N.Y.American Labor candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Queens County 5th District, 1938.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Taft, Alphonso(1810-1891) —of Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio.Born in Townshend,WindhamCounty, Vt.,November5, 1810.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Ohio,1856,1860(alternate); candidate forU.S.Representative from Ohio, 1856; superior court judge in Ohio,1865-72; candidate for nomination forGovernor ofOhio, 1875;U.S.Secretary of War, 1876;U.S.Attorney General, 1876-77; U.S. Minister toAustria-Hungary, 1882-84;Russia, 1884-85.Died in San Diego,San DiegoCounty, Calif.,May 21,1891 (age80 years, 197days).Interment atSpringGrove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio. |  Relatives: Sonof Sylvia (Hayward) Taft andPeter RawsonTaft; married,August29, 1841, to Fannie Phelps; married,December26, 1853, to Louisa Maria Torrey; father ofCharles Phelps Taft,William Howard Taft (who marriedHelen Louise Herron) andHenry Waters Taft; grandfather ofWalbridge S. Taft,RobertAlphonso Taft andCharles Phelps TaftII; great-grandfather ofWilliam Howard TaftIII,Robert Taft Jr. andSeth Chase Taft; second great-grandfather ofRobert Alphonso Taft III; second cousin onceremoved ofWillardJ. Chapin; third cousin twice removed ofGeorgeFranklin Chapin; third cousin thrice removed ofSamuelAdams,SamuelHuntington andDanielChapin; fourth cousin ofWilliamWarner Hoppin,JohnMilton Thayer andEdwardM. Chapin; fourth cousin once removed ofCalvinFillmore,BelaEdgerton,HemanTicknor,ElishaDyer Jr.,William Nelson Taft andArthurChapin. | |  | Political family:Taftfamily (subset of theFourThousand Related Politicians). | |  | See alsoWikipediaarticle —U.S. State Dept career summary —NNDBdossier —Find-A-Gravememorial |
| Taft, Arthur M. (b. 1854) — of Worcester,WorcesterCounty, Mass.Born in Uxbridge,WorcesterCounty, Mass.,January28, 1854.Republican.Lawyer;member ofMassachusettsstate house of representatives Twenty-First Worcester District,1901-06; member ofMassachusettsstate senate First Worcester District, 1906-07.Congregationalist.Member,Grange;Freemasons;OddFellows;Redmen.Burial location unknown. |  Relatives: Sonof Brigham A. Taft. |
| Taft, Arthur Robert (b.1859) —of Uxbridge,WorcesterCounty, Mass.Born in Uxbridge,WorcesterCounty, Mass.,February19, 1859.Merchant;financier;president, Uxbridge & NorthbridgeElectricLight Co.; member ofMassachusettsstate house of representatives, 1898.Burial location unknown. |  Relatives: Sonof Robert Taft and Mary (Balcom) Taft; married1880 to MarySeagrave; married,May 2,1889, to Rose F. George. |
| Taft, BobSeeRobert Alphonso Taft III  | Taft, Charles Phelps(1843-1929) —also known asCharles P. Taft;CharlieTaft —of Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio.Born in Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio,December21, 1843.Republican.Lawyer;newspapereditor and publisher; member ofOhiostate house of representatives, 1871-73;U.S.Representative from Ohio 1st District, 1895-97; delegate toRepublican National Convention from Ohio,1900,1908,1912;Republican Presidential Elector for Ohio,1905.Philanthropist; owner, Chicago Cubsbaseballteam.Died, ofpneumonia,in Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio,December31, 1929 (age86 years, 10days).Interment atSpringGrove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio. | Taft, Charles Phelps II(1897-1983) —also known asCharles P. Taft — of Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio.Born in Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio,September20, 1897.Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I;lawyer;HamiltonCounty Prosecuting Attorney, 1927-28; member, Cincinnati CityCouncil, 1938-42; Republican candidate forGovernor ofOhio, 1952, 1958 (primary);mayorof Cincinnati, Ohio, 1955-57.Episcopalian.Member,American BarAssociation;BetaTheta Pi;PhiDelta Phi;Skulland Bones;PhiBeta Kappa;AmericanLegion.DiedJune 24,1983 (age85 years, 277days).Interment atSpringGrove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio. | Taft, Charles W. — of Oswego,OswegoCounty, N.Y.Republican.Chair ofOswego County Republican Party, 1910.Burial location unknown. | Taft, Charles W. — of Oneida,MadisonCounty, N.Y.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromNew York,1928.Burial location unknown. | Taft,CharlieSeeCharles PhelpsTaft | Taft, Elihu Barber(1847-1929) —of Burlington,ChittendenCounty, Vt.Born in Williston,ChittendenCounty, Vt.,March25, 1847.Republican.Lawyer;member ofVermontstate senate from Chittenden County, 1888-90.Universalist.Member,American BarAssociation;Freemasons;Shriners.Died in1929(ageabout82 years).Interment atLakeviewCemetery, Burlington, Vt. | Taft, EmilySeeEmilyTaft Douglas | Taft, Esther K. — of Norwich,New LondonCounty, Conn.Democrat. Member ofConnecticutDemocratic State Central Committee, 1940; delegate to DemocraticNational Convention from Connecticut,1948,1956(alternate).Female.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Taft, Francis H. — of Lansing,InghamCounty, Mich.Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for Michigan,1948(voted forThomasE. Dewey andEarlWarren).Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Taft, Fred L. — of Cleveland,CuyahogaCounty, Ohio.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Ohio,1908;candidate forU.S.Representative from Ohio 21st District, 1912.Burial location unknown. | Taft, George E. (bornc.1855) —of Unionville, Farmington,HartfordCounty, Conn.Born in Sheffield,BerkshireCounty, Mass., about 1855.Republican.Lawyer;member ofConnecticutstate house of representatives from Farmington, 1911-12.Burial location unknown. | Taft, Gideon — ofWashingtonCounty, N.Y.Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from Washington County, 1807-08.Burial location unknown. | Taft, Helen Herron(1861-1943) —also known asHelen Louise Herron;"Nellie" —Born in Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio,June 2,1861.FirstLady of the United States, 1909-13.Female.Died inWashington,D.C.,May 22,1943 (age81 years, 354days).Interment atArlingtonNational Cemetery, Arlington, Va. | Taft, Henry Waters(1859-1945) —also known asHenry W. Taft — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Born in Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio,May 27,1859.Republican.Lawyer;counsel, New York, New Haven and HartfordRailroad;director, Central SavingsBank ofNew York; trustee, MutualLifeInsurance Company;; candidate forJustice ofNew York Supreme Court, 1898; delegate to Republican NationalConvention from New York,1920,1924.Member,American BarAssociation;Skulland Bones;PsiUpsilon.Tripped andfell on April 27, suffered a hip injury, and subsequently died asa result, in St. Luke'sHospital,Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.,August11, 1945 (age86 years, 76days).Interment atWoodlawnCemetery, Bronx, N.Y. | Taft, Herbert James (b.1860) —also known asHerbert J. Taft — of Greenville,HillsboroughCounty, N.H.Born in Mason,HillsboroughCounty, N.H.,September1, 1860.Republican.Lawyer;member ofNewHampshire state house of representatives, 1890-91; member ofNewHampshire state senate 15th District, 1905-06.Congregationalist.Member,Freemasons;OddFellows;AncientOrder of United Workmen;Grange.Burial location unknown. |  Relatives: Sonof James Taft and Mary (Wilson) Taft; married,October21, 1887, to Ida F. Chamberlin. |
| Taft, Hoover — of Greenville,PittCounty, N.C.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromNorth Carolina,1948.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Taft, Hope (born c.1944) — also known asHope Rothert — of Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio.Born in Camden,OuachitaCounty, Ark., about 1944.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Ohio,2004.Female.Member,Habitatfor Humanity.Still living as of 2004. | Taft, James L., Jr. — of Cranston,ProvidenceCounty, R.I.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from RhodeIsland,1972(delegation chair).Still living as of 1972. | Taft, James Scollay (b.1844) —also known asJames S. Taft — of Keene,CheshireCounty, N.H.Born in Nelson,CheshireCounty, N.H.,July 16,1844.Republican.Dry goodsmerchant;potterymanufacturer; member ofNewHampshire state house of representatives, 1895;delegateto New Hampshire state constitutional convention, 1903;mayor ofKeene, N.H., 1903-05.Episcopalian.Member,Freemasons;Sonsof the American Revolution.Burial location unknown. |  Relatives: Sonof Asa Taft and Nancy (Burnap) Taft; married,January9, 1874, to Helen A. Ball. |
| Taft, John R., Jr. — of North Adams,BerkshireCounty, Mass.Mayorof North Adams, Mass., 1983.Still living as of 1983. | Taft, Joseph S. — of Houston,HarrisCounty, Tex.Republican. Postmaster atHouston,Tex., 1865-66.Burial location unknown. | Taft, Kathy — of Greenville,PittCounty, N.C.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from NorthCarolina,1996.Female.Still living as of 1996. | Taft, Kingsley Arter(1903-1970) —also known asKingsley A. Taft — of Shaker Heights,CuyahogaCounty, Ohio.Born in Cleveland,CuyahogaCounty, Ohio,July 19,1903.Republican.Lawyer;member ofOhiostate house of representatives, 1933-34; major in the U.S. Armyduring World War II;U.S.Senator from Ohio, 1946-47;justice ofOhio state supreme court, 1948-62, 1962-70; died in office 1970.Methodist.Member,American BarAssociation;Sons ofthe American Revolution;PhiBeta Kappa;PhiKappa Psi;Freemasons.Died in Columbus,FranklinCounty, Ohio,March28, 1970 (age66 years, 252days).Interment atLakeView Cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio. | Taft, Levi B. — of Michigan.Circuitjudge in Michigan 6th Circuit, 1874-75.Burial location unknown. | Taft, Lorado — Member, U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, 1925-29. Burial location unknown. | Taft, Marcus — of Woodstock,WindhamCounty, Conn.Member ofConnecticutstate house of representatives from Woodstock, 1837.Burial location unknown. | Taft, Marcus — United Christian candidate for Presidential Elector for Illinois,1908.Burial location unknown. | Taft, Minnie — of Moore,ClevelandCounty, Okla.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromOklahoma,1940.Female.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Taft, Orray, Jr. (b.1909) —of Santa Barbara,SantaBarbara County, Calif.Born in Providence,ProvidenceCounty, R.I.,February21, 1909.Foreign Service officer; U.S. Vice Consul inGuadalajara, 1932;Warsaw, as of 1934-38;Algiers, 1942; U.S. Consul inMexicali, 1942;Havana, 1943-45;Vancouver, 1945-48;Tripoli, 1949-51;Sydney, 1956-60.Episcopalian.Burial location unknown. |  Relatives: Sonof Orray Taft and Mary Margaret (Aylesworth) Taft; married,September11, 1933, to Janet Chapman Davidson. |
| Taft, PaulineGertrudeSeeGertrudeTaft McGeorge | Taft, Peter Rawson(1785-1867) —of Vermont. Born in Uxbridge,WorcesterCounty, Mass.,April14, 1785.Member of Vermont state legislature, 1820. Died in Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio,January1, 1867 (age81 years, 262days).Interment atSpringGrove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio. | Taft, Putnam W. — of Worcester,WorcesterCounty, Mass.Republican. Union candidate formayorof Worcester, Mass., 1857.Burial location unknown. | Taft, Robert, Jr.(1917-1993) —of Indian Hill,HamiltonCounty, Ohio.Born in Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio,February26, 1917.Republican. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II;lawyer;member ofOhiostate house of representatives, 1955-62; delegate to RepublicanNational Convention from Ohio,1956,1960,1964,1972;U.S.Representative from Ohio, 1963-65, 1967-71 (at-large 1963-65, 1stDistrict 1967-71);U.S.Senator from Ohio, 1971-76; defeated, 1964, 1976.Member,American BarAssociation.DiedDecember7, 1993 (age76 years, 284days).Interment atIndianHill Episcopal Church Cemetery, Indian Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. | Taft, Robert — of Greenville,HillsboroughCounty, N.H.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from NewHampshire,1964.Still living as of 1964.  | Taft, Robert Alphonso(1889-1953) —also known asRobert A. Taft;"Mr.Republican";"Mr. Integrity";"OurIllustrious Dunderhead" —of Indian Hill,HamiltonCounty, Ohio.Born in Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio,September8, 1889.Republican.Lawyer;member ofOhiostate house of representatives, 1921-26;Speaker ofthe Ohio State House of Representatives, 1926; delegate toRepublican National Convention from Ohio,1928(member,ResolutionsCommittee;speaker),1932,1944;member ofOhiostate senate, 1931-32;U.S.Senator from Ohio, 1939-53; died in office 1953; candidate forRepublican nomination for President,1940,1944,1948,1952.Episcopalian.Member,PsiUpsilon.Co-sponsor of the Taft-Hartley Act. Died, frommalignanttumors, inNew YorkHospital, Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.,July 31,1953 (age63 years, 326days).Interment atIndianHill Episcopal Church Cemetery, Indian Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio;memorial monument atCapitolGrounds, Washington, D.C. | Taft, Robert Alphonso III (b.1942) —also known asBob Taft — of Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio.Born in Boston,SuffolkCounty, Mass.,January8, 1942.Republican.Servedin the Peace Corps; member ofOhiostate house of representatives, 1977-81;HamiltonCounty Commissioner, 1981-90; candidate forLieutenantGovernor of Ohio, 1986;secretaryof state of Ohio, 1991-99;Governor ofOhio, 1999-2007; delegate to Republican National Convention fromOhio,2004;in 2005, hepleaded nocontest to four misdemeanors involvingfailureto disclose gifts, and wasfined$4,000; subsequentlyreprimandedby the Ohio Supreme Court.Methodist.Still living as of 2014. | Taft, Royal Chapin(1823-1912) —also known asRoyal C. Taft — of Providence,ProvidenceCounty, R.I.Born in Northbridge,WorcesterCounty, Mass.,February14, 1823.Republican. Member ofRhodeIsland state house of representatives, 1880-84;Governor ofRhode Island, 1888-89; president, Merchants NationalBank;president, Boston & ProvidenceRailroad;director, New York, New Haven, and HartfordRailroad.DiedJune 4,1912 (age89 years, 111days).Interment atSwanPoint Cemetery, Providence, R.I. | Taft, Russell Smith(1835-1902) —also known asRussell S. Taft — of Vermont. Born in Williston,ChittendenCounty, Vt.,January28, 1835.LieutenantGovernor of Vermont, 1872-74;justice ofVermont state supreme court, 1880-99;chiefjustice of Vermont Supreme Court, 1899-1902.Died in Burlington,ChittendenCounty, Vt.,March22, 1902 (age67 years, 53days).Interment atMorse Cemetery, Williston, Vt. |  Relatives: Sonof Elijah Taft and Orinda (Kimball) Taft; married to Maria LouiseCarlisle and Jane Marlett. | |  | Epitaph: "Blessed is he who has foundhis work." | |  | See alsoFind-A-Gravememorial |
| Taft, Seth Chase (b.1922) —also known asSeth C. Taft — of Cleveland,CuyahogaCounty, Ohio.Born in Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio,December31, 1922.Republican. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II;lawyer;candidate forOhiostate senate, 1962; candidate formayorof Cleveland, Ohio, 1967;CuyahogaCounty Commissioner, 1971; candidate forGovernor ofOhio, 1982.Episcopalian.Member,PhiBeta Kappa;Order ofthe Coif;Jaycees.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. |  Relatives: Sonof Eleanor (Chase) Taft andCharles Phelps TaftII; married,June 19,1943, to Frances Prindle; nephew ofRobertAlphonso Taft; grandson ofWilliam HowardTaft,IrvingHall Chase andHelen Herron Taft;grandnephew ofCharles Phelps Taft andHenry Waters Taft; great-grandson ofAlphonso Taft,StephenWright Kellogg,JohnWilliamson Herron andAugustusSabin Chase (1828-1896); great-grandnephew ofWilliamCollins; second great-grandson ofPeterRawson Taft andElaCollins; first cousin ofWilliam Howard TaftIII andRobert Taft Jr.; first cousinonce removed ofWalbridge S. Taft,AugustusSabin Chase (1897-1970),FrederickLippitt andRobert Alphonso Taft III;second cousin thrice removed ofMardenSabin andJosephSpalding; second cousin four times removed ofWillardJ. Chapin,GeorgeAnson Starkweather,SamuelStarkweather andDavidAustin Starkweather; second cousin five times removed ofJosiahCowles,AlvahSabin andGeorgeSmith Catlin; third cousin twice removed ofClementPhineas Kellogg; third cousin thrice removed ofHenryHoward Starkweather. | |  | Political family:Taftfamily (subset of theFourThousand Related Politicians). |
| Taft, Thomas K. — of Cornwall-on-Hudson,OrangeCounty, N.Y.Prohibition candidate forNew Yorkstate senate 25th District, 1912; Dry candidate fordelegateto New York convention to ratify 21st amendment, 1933.Burial location unknown. | Taft, Tim — Republican. Candidate forJudge ofTexas Court of Criminal Appeals, 2002.Still living as of 2002. | Taft, Walbridge S.(1884-1951) —of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Born in Pelham Manor,WestchesterCounty, N.Y.,November29, 1884.Republican. Candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 16th District, 1916.Died in1951(ageabout66 years).Burial location unknown. | Taft, Willard — of Spokane,SpokaneCounty, Wash.Mayorof Spokane, Wash., 1955-58.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Taft, William H. — of Connecticut. Socialist. Candidate forU.S.Senator from Connecticut, 1952.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.  | Taft, William Howard(1857-1930) —also known asWilliam H. Taft;"BigBill" —of Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio; New Haven,New HavenCounty, Conn.;Washington,D.C.Born in Cincinnati,HamiltonCounty, Ohio,September15, 1857.Republican.Lawyer;U.S.Collector of Internal Revenue at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1882-83;superior court judge in Ohio, 1887-90; U.S. Solicitor General,1890-92;Judgeof U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, 1892-1900; resigned1900;lawprofessor;Governor-Generalof the Philippine Islands, 1901-04;U.S.Secretary of War, 1904-08;Presidentof the United States, 1909-13; defeated, 1912;ChiefJustice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1921-30; resigned 1930.Unitarian.Englishancestry. Member,Freemasons;PsiUpsilon;Skulland Bones;PhiAlpha Delta;American BarAssociation.Died inWashington,D.C.,March 8,1930 (age72 years, 174days).Interment atArlingtonNational Cemetery, Arlington, Va. |  Relatives: SonofAlphonso Taft and Louisa Maria (Torrey)Taft; half-brother ofCharles Phelps Taft;brother ofHenry Waters Taft; married,June 19,1886, toHelen Louise Herron (daughterofJohnWilliamson Herron; sister-in-law ofHenryFrederick Lippitt; niece ofWilliamCollins; aunt ofFrederickLippitt; granddaughter ofElaCollins); father ofRobert Alphonso TaftandCharles Phelps Taft II; uncle ofWalbridge S. Taft; grandson ofPeter Rawson Taft; grandfather ofWilliam Howard Taft III,Robert Taft Jr. andSethChase Taft; great-grandfather ofRobertAlphonso Taft III; second cousin twice removed ofWillardJ. Chapin; fourth cousin once removed ofWilliamWarner Hoppin,JohnMilton Thayer,EdwardM. Chapin andGeorgeFranklin Chapin. | |  | Political family:Taftfamily (subset of theFourThousand Related Politicians). | |  | Cross-reference:WalterP. Johnson —FredWarner Carpenter —CharlesD. Hilles | |  | The formercommunityof Taft, now part ofLincolnCity, Oregon, wasnamed forhim. — William Howard TaftHighSchool, inSanAntonio, Texas, isnamed forhim. — William Howard TaftHighSchool, inBronx, NewYork (closed 2008), wasnamed forhim. — TaftHighSchool, inChicago,Illinois, isnamed forhim. — William Howard TaftHighSchool (opened 1960; became charter school 2013-14), inLosAngees, California, isnamed forhim. | |  | Epitaph: "#S#(1908) Progress andProsperity." | |  | See alsoWikipediaarticle —Ballotpedia article —NNDBdossier —Find-A-Gravememorial —OurCampaignscandidate detail —BiographicalDirectory of Federal Judges —ArlingtonNational Cemetery unofficial website | |  | Books about William Howard Taft: PaoloEnrico Coletta,ThePresidency of William Howard Taft — James Chace,1912: Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft and Debs : The Election that Changed theCountry — Alpheus Thomas Mason,WilliamHoward Taft — Lewis L. Gould,TheWilliam Howard Taft Presidency — Mike Resnick, ed.,AlternatePresidents [anthology] | |  | Critical books about William HowardTaft: Nathan Miller,Star-SpangledMen : America's Ten Worst Presidents | |  | Image source: American Monthly Reviewof Reviews, August 1901 |
| Taft, William Howard III(1915-1991) —of Ohio; Connecticut;Washington,D.C.Born in Bar Harbor,HancockCounty, Maine,August7, 1915.Republican. U.S. Ambassador toIreland, 1953-57; U.S. Consul General inLourenco Marques, 1960-62.Died in1991(ageabout75 years).Burial location unknown. | Taft, William L. — ofMonroeCounty, Mich.Candidate in primary forJudge,Michigan Court of Appeals 2nd District, 1964; candidate in primary forcircuitjudge in Michigan 38th Circuit, 1966.Still living as of 1966. | Taft, William Nelson(1847-1889) —also known asWilliam N. Taft — of Charleston,CharlestonCounty, S.C.Born in Smithfield,ProvidenceCounty, R.I.,1847.Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War;lawyer;member ofSouthCarolina state senate from Charleston County, 1876-80; postmasteratCharleston,S.C., 1881-85; delegate to Republican National Convention fromSouth Carolina,1884.Died in1889(ageabout42 years).Interment atMagnoliaCemetery, Charleston, S.C.
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