


Index to Politicians

Stein to Steinzer

Stein, George W. — Democrat. Member ofPennsylvaniastate senate 5th District, 1862-64.Burial location unknown.Stein, H. E. — of Hastings,AdamsCounty, Neb.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Nebraska,1920(member,Committeeon Permanent Organization).Burial location unknown.Stein, Hattie — of West Virginia. Republican. Candidate forU.S.Senator from West Virginia, 1934.Female.Burial location unknown.Stein, Irene — of Ithaca,TompkinsCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Democratic Presidential Elector for New York,1992;delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York,2000,2004,2008;member ofDemocraticNational Committee from New York, 2004-08; DemocraticPresidential Elector for New York,2012(voted forBarackObama andJosephR. Biden, Jr.).Female.Still living as of 2012.Stein, Ivan — of South Haven,Van BurenCounty, Mich.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan,1964;Republican candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan,1968(on behalf ofRichardM. Nixon andSpiroT. Agnew).Still living as of 1968.Stein, J. C. — of Watertown,CodingtonCounty, S.Dak.Member ofSouthDakota state house of representatives 31st District, 1915-18.Burial location unknown.Stein, Jennifer — of Encino, Los Angeles,LosAngeles County, Calif.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California,1996.Female.Still living as of 1996.Stein, Jill Ellen (b.1950) —also known asJill Stein — of Lexington,MiddlesexCounty, Mass.Born in Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.,May 14,1950.Green.Physician;candidate forGovernor ofMassachusetts, 2002, 2010; candidate forMassachusettsstate house of representatives Ninth Middlesex District, 2004;candidate forPresidentof the United States, 2012, 2016, 2024.Female.Jewishancestry.Still living as of 2024.

STEIN:See alsoHarrisonHenry Atwood —CalvinJoseph Bierschwale —LaurenStein McLean —NewtonNorman Minow —GodloveStein Orth —CharlesF. RenichStein, A. J. — U.S. Vice Consul inBrussels, as of 1884.Burial location unknown.Stein, Albert C. — of Ann Arbor Township,WashtenawCounty, Mich.Republican.Supervisorof Ann Arbor Township, Michigan, 1932-47.Burial location unknown.Stein, Alfred A. — of Elizabeth,UnionCounty, N.J.Democrat.Mayorof Elizabeth, N.J., 1911-13; delegate to Democratic NationalConvention from New Jersey,1924(member,Committeeon Rules and Order of Business),1928.Burial location unknown.Stein, Andrew J. (b.1945) —also known asAndrew J. Finkelstein — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.BornMarch 4,1945.Democrat. Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly, 1969-77 (62nd District 1969-72, 65th District1973-77);boroughpresident of Manhattan, New York, 1978-85; delegate to DemocraticNational Convention from New York,1980;candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 15th District, 1984.Still living as of 2010.Stein, Arthur L. — ofMilwaukeeCounty, Wis.Republican. Candidate forWisconsinstate assembly from Milwaukee County 24th District, 1956.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Stein, Ben — of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Communist. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Kings County 11th District, 1935; candidateforNew Yorkstate senate 8th District, 1936.Burial location unknown.Stein, Benjamin L. — ofPassaicCounty, N.J.Member ofNewJersey state house of assembly from Passaic County, 1929-31.Burial location unknown.Stein, Carl A. — of Rocky River,CuyahogaCounty, Ohio.Republican.Mayorof Rocky River, Ohio; elected 1933.Burial location unknown.Stein, Charles — of Bronx, New York County (nowBronxCounty), N.Y.Democrat. Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from New York County 34th District, 1909;defeated, 1909.Burial location unknown.Stein, Cheryl — Socialist. Socialist Equality candidate for Presidential Elector forMichigan,2024(on behalf ofJosephKishore).Female.Still living as of 2024.Stein, Christopher E. — of Detroit,WayneCounty, Mich.Recorder's court judge in Michigan, 1924-39. Burial location unknown.Stein, Cindy (bornc.1958) —of Springfield,GreeneCounty, Mo.Born about 1958. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Missouri,2004.Female.Still living as of 2004.Stein, Cynthia — of Mullica Township,AtlanticCounty, N.J.Independent candidate forLieutenantGovernor of New Jersey, 2009.Female.Still living as of 2009.Stein, David — of Laguna Niguel,OrangeCounty, Calif.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California,1988.Still living as of 1988.Stein, David A. — of California. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromCalifornia,2000.Still living as of 2000.Stein, Duane — Independent candidate forVicePresident of the United States, 1976.Still living as of 1976.Stein, Edward — of Pocatello,BannockCounty, Idaho.Mayorof Pocatello, Idaho, 1893.Burial location unknown.Stein, Elias — of Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1960.Still living as of 1960.Stein, Emanuel M. — of Detroit,WayneCounty, Mich.Democrat. Candidate fordelegateto Michigan state constitutional convention from Wayne County10th District, 1961.Still living as of 1961.Stein, Francine Z. — of Skokie,CookCounty, Ill.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois,1980.Female.Still living as of 1980.Stein, Fred W. — of Atchison,AtchisonCounty, Kan.Mayorof Atchison, Kan., 1952-55.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Stein, Gary — of Egg Harbor City,AtlanticCounty, N.J.; Mullica Township,AtlanticCounty, N.J.Rock the Boat candidate forU.S.Representative from New Jersey 2nd District, 2008; candidate forGovernorof New Jersey, 2009.Still living as of 2009.Stein, Gary S. — of New Jersey.Lawyer;associatejustice of New Jersey state supreme court, 1985-2002.Still living as of 2002.
 See alsoWikipediaarticle
 Relatives:Daughter of Joseph Stein and Gladys (Wool) Stein; married to RichardRohrer.
 See alsoWikipediaarticle —OurCampaignscandidate detail —Encyclopediaof American Loons
 Stein, John C. — of New York,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from New York County 7th District, 1894.Burial location unknown. Stein, Joseph — of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Socialist. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Kings County 16th District, 1914; candidateforNew Yorkstate senate 4th District, 1920, 1926.Burial location unknown. Stein, Joseph I. (d.1880) —of New York,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Lawyer;member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from New York County 20th District, 1877.Jewish. Member,Freemasons;OddFellows.One of dozens killed in thewreck of thesteamboatSeawanhaka, whichburned andsankin theEastRiver,June 28,1880.Interment atLindenHill Cemetery, Ridgewood, Queens, N.Y. Stein, Kathy — of Lexington,FayetteCounty, Ky.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kentucky,2004.Female.Still living as of 2004. Stein, Lee — of Carmel,MontereyCounty, Calif.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromCalifornia,1968.Still living as of 1968. Stein, Leslie E. — Elected ()Justice ofNew York Supreme Court 3rd District 2001.Still living as of 2001. Stein, Louis H. — of Chillicothe,LivingstonCounty, Mo.Republican.Mayorof Chillicothe, Mo., 1963-65.Still living as of 1965. Stein, Mabel — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromNew York,1940.Female.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Stein, Marie — of Loma,ChouteauCounty, Mont.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMontana,1948.Female.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Stein, Mark — of Fremont,AlamedaCounty, Calif.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California,1996.Still living as of 1996. Stein, Michael — Republican. Candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 4th District, 1916.Burial location unknown. Stein, Michael P. — of East Lansing,InghamCounty, Mich.Libertarian. Candidate forMichiganstate house of representatives 59th District, 1976; candidate forMichiganstate senate 24th District, 1982.Jewish.Still living as of 2002. Stein, Morris D. — of Nashua,HillsboroughCounty, N.H.Delegateto New Hampshire state constitutional convention from Nashua 2ndWard, 1948.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Stein, Morris J. — of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromNew York,1960,1964.Still living as of 1964. Stein, Myer J. — of New York,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from New York County 20th District, 1890-92.Burial location unknown. Stein, Nathan — of Salt Lake City,Salt LakeCounty, Utah.Republican. Postmaster atSaltLake City, Utah, 1866-67.Burial location unknown. Stein, Peter — of Ithaca,TompkinsCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York,1996.Still living as of 1996. Stein, Philip — of Pomona,LosAngeles County, Calif.Postmaster atPomona,Calif., 1887.Burial location unknown. Stein, Richard P. —U.S.Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana, 1961-67.Still living as of 1967. Stein, Robert — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromNew York,1968.Still living as of 1968. Stein, Samuel I. — of Belmont,LafayetteCounty, Wis.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromWisconsin,1896.Burial location unknown. Stein, Samuel J. — ofSussexCounty, Del.Member ofDelawarestate house of representatives from Sussex County 3rd District,1939-40.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Stein, Sidney H. (b.1945) —Born in Passaic,PassaicCounty, N.J.,1945.U.S.District Judge for the Southern District of New York, 1995-2010;took senior status 2010.Still living as of 2010.
 See alsofederaljudicial profile —BiographicalDirectory of Federal Judges
 Stein, Stan — of Wahpeton,RichlandCounty, N.Dak.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromNorth Dakota,2008.Still living as of 2008. Stein, Stanley — of Evart,OsceolaCounty, Mich.Prohibition candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan,1976;Prohibition candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan,1980(on behalf ofBenBubar andEarlF. Dodge).Still living as of 1980. Stein, Stuart L. — ofBrowardCounty, Fla.Republican. Candidate forFloridastate house of representatives 85th District, 1978.Still living as of 1978. Stein, Stuart W. — of Ithaca,TompkinsCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York,1988.Still living as of 1988. Stein, Timothy W. — of Florida. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Florida 2nd District, 1998.Still living as of 1998. Stein, Walter — Labor candidate for Presidential Elector for Pennsylvania,1920.Burial location unknown. Stein, William (bornc.1948) —of Sacramento,SacramentoCounty, Calif.Born about 1948. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention fromCalifornia,2004;Republican candidate for Presidential Elector for California,2004(on behalf ofGeorgeW. Bush andRichardB. Cheney).Still living as of 2004.


Steinbach, A. W. — of Wisconsin. Socialist. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Wisconsin 7th District, 1920.Burial location unknown.Steinbach, Theresa A. — of Forest Park,CookCounty, Ill.Candidate formayorof Forest Park, Ill., 2007.Female.Still living as of 2007.


Steinbacher, Harold E. (d.1959) —of Battle Creek,CalhounCounty, Mich.Democrat. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Michigan 3rd District, 1942;circuitjudge in Michigan 37th Circuit, 1950-59; appointed 1949; died inoffice 1959.DiedJuly 20,1959.Burial location unknown.Steinbacher, Thomas J. (b.1910) —of Kansas City,JacksonCounty, Mo.Born inAndersonCounty, Kan.,November3, 1910.Democrat. Member ofMissouristate house of representatives from Jackson County 9th District,1943-46.Burial location unknown.


Steinbeck, A.H.SeeAugust H.SteinbeckSteinbeck, August H.(1866-1942) —also known asA. H. Steinbeck — of Union,FranklinCounty, Mo.Born in1866.Republican. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Missouri 9th District, 1928; member ofMissouristate house of representatives from Franklin County, 1939-42.Died in1942(ageabout76 years).Interment atUnion Cemetery, Union, Mo.
 See alsoFind-A-Gravememorial
 Steinbeck, Daniel F. — of Cape Girardeau,CapeGirardeau County, Mo.Postmaster atCapeGirardeau, Mo., 1822-25.Burial location unknown.


STEINBERG:See alsoHowardBrush Dean IIISteinberg, A. Ralph — of Bronx,BronxCounty, N.Y.Republican. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Bronx County 7th District, 1922.Burial location unknown.Steinberg, Allan M. — of Louisville,JeffersonCounty, Ky.Born in Louisville,JeffersonCounty, Ky.Democrat. Candidate forKentuckystate house of representatives 32nd District, 1987.Jewish.Still living as of 1987.Steinberg, Cathey — of Georgia. Democrat. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Georgia 4th District, 1992.Female.Still living as of 1992.Steinberg, Ceil — of Sunrise,BrowardCounty, Fla.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Florida,2004.Female.Still living as of 2004.Steinberg, Charles — of New York,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from New York County 16th District, 1895.Burial location unknown.Steinberg, Clif — We the People candidate for Presidential Elector for Vermont,2024(on behalf ofRobertF. Kennedy, Jr. andNicoleShanahan).Still living as of 2024.Steinberg, Darrell S. — of Sacramento,SacramentoCounty, Calif.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California,2008;Democratic Presidential Elector for California,2020(appointed to fill vacancy; voted forJosephR. Biden, Jr. andKamalaD. Harris).Still living as of 2020.Steinberg, David — Democrat. Candidate forJustice ofNew York Supreme Court 9th District, 2009.Still living as of 2009.Steinberg, Diane — Workers candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 20th District, 1976.Female.Still living as of 1976.Steinberg, Donald K. (b.1953) —of California. Born in1953.Foreign Service officer; U.S. Ambassador toAngola, 1995-.Still living as of 1999.
 See alsoU.S. State Dept career summary
 Steinberg, Ellen — Democrat. Candidate forNewJersey state house of assembly 21st District, 2003.Female.Still living as of 2003. Steinberg, Frank — of Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1968.Still living as of 1968. Steinberg, Franklin — ofCarsonCity, Nev.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromNevada,2008.Still living as of 2008. Steinberg, Geoffrey — of Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.Libertarian. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Pennsylvania 1st District, 1980.Still living as of 1980. Steinberg, Henry — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Republican. Candidate forNew Yorkstate senate 14th District, 1931; candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 12th District, 1932.Burial location unknown. Steinberg, Henry — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromNew York,1960,1964,1968.Still living as of 1968. Steinberg, Irving G. — of Illinois. Progressive. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Illinois 12th District, 1948.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Steinberg, Jack — of Harrisburg,DauphinCounty, Pa.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1984.Still living as of 1984. Steinberg, Joseph — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Republican.Lawyer;member ofNew Yorkstate assembly, 1915, 1919-24 (New York County 26th District1915, New York County 15th District 1919-24); defeated, 1915;candidate forNew Yorkstate senate 20th District, 1916.Burial location unknown. Steinberg, Lionel Sanford (b.1919) —also known asLionel Steinberg — of Fresno,FresnoCounty, Calif.; Palm Springs,RiversideCounty, Calif.Born in Fresno,FresnoCounty, Calif.,April20, 1919.Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II;farmer;businessexecutive;chair ofFresno County Democratic Party, 1952-58; delegate to DemocraticNational Convention from California,1956,1960,1964(alternate).Jewish. Member,UrbanLeague;NAACP;Veterans ofForeign Wars;Pi GammaMu.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
 Relatives: Sonof William Steinberg and Selma (Steinberg) Steinberg; married,April10, 1949, to Mary Louise Endfield.
 Steinberg, Marcia — of Queens,QueensCounty, N.Y.Liberal. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Queens County 3rd District, 1964.Female.Still living as of 1964. Steinberg, Max — of New York. Communist. Candidate forJustice ofNew York Supreme Court 2nd District, 1935.Burial location unknown. Steinberg, Melvin A. (b.1933) —ofBaltimoreCounty, Md.Born inBaltimore,Md.,October4, 1933.Democrat. Member ofMarylandstate senate, 1967-87;LieutenantGovernor of Maryland, 1987-95; candidate forGovernor ofMaryland, 1994.Jewish. Member,B'naiB'rith;AmericanJudicature Society.Still living as of 1995. Steinberg, Michael — American Delta candidate forVicePresident of the United States, 2016.Still living as of 2016. Steinberg, Oliver W. — Grassroots candidate for Presidential Elector for Minnesota,2012(on behalf ofJimCarlson andGeorgeMcMahon); Legal Marijuana Now candidate for Presidential Electorfor Minnesota,2016(on behalf ofDanR. Vacek andMarkElworth, Jr.).Still living as of 2016. Steinberg, Paul — Socialist. Socialist candidate for Presidential Elector for NewJersey,1940.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Steinberg, Paul — Democrat. Democratic Presidential Elector for Washington,2000(voted forAlGore andJosephI. Lieberman).Still living as of 2000. Steinberg, Paul B. — ofMiami-DadeCounty, Fla.Democrat. Member ofFloridastate senate 36th District; elected 1978.Still living as of 1978. Steinberg,RalphSeeA. RalphSteinberg Steinberg, Randy — of Los Angeles,LosAngeles County, Calif.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California,2004.Still living as of 2004. Steinberg, Vera — of Mt. Freedom,MorrisCounty, N.J.Republican. Member ofNew JerseyRepublican State Committee, 1976.Female.Still living as of 1976.


STEINBERGER:See alsoLeoElwood AllenSteinberger, Emerich(1896-1948) —also known asImre Steinberger — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.; Queens,QueensCounty, N.Y.; Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.Born in Budapest,Hungary,August21, 1896.Socialist.Magazineeditor; candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly, 1920 (New York County 15th District), 1928(Queens County 1st District), 1933 (Queens County 1st District), 1935(Queens County 1st District); candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 18th District, 1932, 1934.DiedMarch30, 1948 (age51 years, 222days).Burial location unknown.
 Relatives: Sonof Samuel Steinberger and Sarah or Tserra Steinberger; married toFrances Lewin.
 See alsoOurCampaignscandidate detail
 Steinberger,ImreSeeEmerichSteinberger Steinberger, John A. — ofDouglasCounty, Neb.Member ofNebraskaterritorial House of Representatives, 1857-58.Burial location unknown. Steinberger, Justus — of Oregon. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Oregon,1860.Burial location unknown.


Steinbiss, Vashte — Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector forCalifornia,2020(on behalf ofJoJorgensen andJeremyCohen).Still living as of 2020.


Steinbock, Harry M. — of Astoria,ClatsopCounty, Ore.Mayorof Astoria, Ore., 1959-73.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.


Steinbrecher, C. W. — also known asJinx Steinbrecher — Libertarian. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Texas 21st District, 2000.Still living as of 2000.Steinbrecher,JinxSeeC. W.Steinbrecher


Steinbring, Henry E. — ofEauClaire County, Wis.Republican. Candidate forWisconsinstate assembly from Eau Claire County 2nd District, 1958.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.


Steinbrink, Herman F. — of New Castle,LawrenceCounty, Pa.Republican.Mayorof New Castle, Pa., 1960.Still living as of 1960.Steinbrink, Meier — of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Republican. Candidate forNew Yorkstate attorney general, 1912;delegateto New York state constitutional convention 6th District, 1915;Justiceof New York Supreme Court 2nd District, 1932-49.Burial location unknown.


Steinbroner, John R. — ofCattaraugusCounty, N.Y.Liberal. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Cattaraugus County, 1958; candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 43rd District, 1959.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.


Steinbrook, C. L. — Socialist. Socialist Labor candidate for Presidential Elector forOhio,1924;Socialist Labor candidate for Presidential Elector for Ohio,1928.Burial location unknown.


Steinbugler, George E. — of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Kings County 21st District, 1923.Burial location unknown.


Steinburg, Robert, Sr. — of Edenton,ChowanCounty, N.C.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromNorth Carolina,2008.Still living as of 2008.


Steincipher, John — People's candidate forU.S.Representative from Missouri 8th District, 1896.Burial location unknown.


Steindler, Walter G. — ofSuffolkCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly 5th District, 1965.Still living as of 1965.


Steine, Peggy W. — of Nashville,DavidsonCounty, Tenn.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Tennessee,1996.Female.Still living as of 1996.Steine, Ronnie — of Nashville,DavidsonCounty, Tenn.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Tennessee,1996.Still living as of 1996.


Steineger, Chris — of Kansas City,WyandotteCounty, Kan.Democrat. ElectedKansasstate senate 6th District 2000.Still living as of 2000.Steineger, Joe, Jr. — of Kansas City,WyandotteCounty, Kan.Mayorof Kansas City, Kan., 1987-95.Still living as of 1995.


Steinel, B. F. — of Milwaukee,MilwaukeeCounty, Wis.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromWisconsin,1928.Burial location unknown.


Steineman, Tim — of Huntsville,LoganCounty, Ohio.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio,2000(alternate),2004.Still living as of 2004.


STEINER:See alsoGeorgeWashington Bartch —JamesLane Buckley —WilliamFrank Buckley Jr. —AlbertSidney Burleson —RaulHector Castro —ElinorSteiner Gimbel —SteinerMason —ArthurJames Moodie —EugeneHoffman Nickerson —BenjaminFranklin WeltySteiner, Aaron — ofMarionCounty, Kan.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromKansas,1892.Burial location unknown.Steiner, Albert — Socialist. Socialist Labor candidate for Presidential Elector for NewJersey,1940.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Steiner, Charles — ofBaltimore,Md.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromMaryland,1920.Burial location unknown.Steiner, D. J. — of Follansbee,BrookeCounty, W.Va.Democrat. Member ofWest VirginiaDemocratic State Executive Committee, 1945-49.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Steiner, David S. — of New Jersey. Democrat. Democratic Presidential Elector for New Jersey,1996.Still living as of 1996.Steiner,ElinorSeeElinorSteiner GimbelSteiner, Francis — of New Jersey. Communist. Workers candidate forU.S.Representative from New Jersey 11th District, 1924.Burial location unknown.Steiner, Frank O. — of Hazelwood,St. LouisCounty, Mo.Mayorof Hazelwood, Mo., 1965.Still living as of 1965.Steiner, Frederick — of Tell City,PerryCounty, Ind.Postmaster atTellCity, Ind., 1862-63.Burial location unknown.Steiner, George — of Pennsylvania. Socialist. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Pennsylvania 18th District, 1920.Burial location unknown.Steiner, Gertrude M.(1890-1953) —also known asGertrude M. Weisser;Mrs. William L.Steiner —of New Haven,FranklinCounty, Mo.Born in Jamestown,MoniteauCounty, Mo.,December6, 1890.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromMissouri,1932.Female.Died, in St. Mary'sHospital,Richmond Heights,St. LouisCounty, Mo.,May 10,1953 (age62 years, 155days).Interment atNew Haven Cemetery, New Haven, Mo.
 Relatives:Daughter of Jacob Weisser and Rosena (Mogg) Weisser; married,August22, 1909, toWilliam LouisSteiner.
 See alsoFind-A-Gravememorial
 Steiner, Henry L. — of Akron,ErieCounty, N.Y.Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from Erie County 7th District, 1896-97.Burial location unknown. Steiner, Herbert — ofSanFrancisco, Calif.Socialist. Socialist Labor candidate forU.S.Senator from California, 1946; Socialist Labor candidate forGovernor ofCalifornia, 1958, 1962, 1974; candidate formayorof San Francisco, Calif., 1967; Socialist Labor candidate forU.S.Representative from California 5th District, 1972.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
 See alsoOurCampaignscandidate detail
 Steiner, Herbert E. — Socialist. Candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 32nd District, 1910, 1910.Burial location unknown.Jacob D. SteinerSteiner, Jacob D. (b.1861) —of Big Stone City,GrantCounty, S.Dak.Born in Lomira,DodgeCounty, Wis., June,1861.Republican.Farmer;president, Evangelical MutualInsuranceCompany of Milbank, S.D.; member ofSouthDakota state house of representatives 31st District, 1903-06.Burial location unknown.
 Relatives:Married1890 to AmandaKorte.
 Image source: South Dakota LegislativeManual, 1903
 Steiner, John — Socialist. Socialist Labor candidate for Presidential Elector forMichigan,1900.Burial location unknown. Steiner, John C. — of Milwaukee,MilwaukeeCounty, Wis.U.S.Collector of Customs at Milwaukee, Wis., Wisconsin, 1951.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Steiner, Joshua C. — American Solidarity candidate for Presidential Elector for Ohio,2016(on behalf ofMichaelA. Maturen andJuanMunoz).Still living as of 2016. Steiner, Leo — of Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromIllinois,1924.Burial location unknown. Steiner, Leo V. — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Republican. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from New York County 3rd District, 1936.Burial location unknown. Steiner, Luke E. — of Oberlin,LorainCounty, Ohio.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio,1940.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Steiner, Olga K. — Socialist. Socialist Labor candidate for Presidential Elector for NewJersey,1940;Socialist Labor candidate for Presidential Elector for New Jersey,1948.Female.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Steiner, R. E. — Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Alabama,1904.Burial location unknown. Steiner, Robert — Socialist. Candidate forJustice ofNew York Supreme Court 8th District, 1916.Burial location unknown. Steiner, Sandra Jean — Reform candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan,2000.Female.Still living as of 2000. Steiner, Sarah — of Lake Worth (now Lake Worth Beach),Palm BeachCounty, Fla.Green. Green candidate for Presidential Elector for Florida,2004(on behalf ofDavidCobb andPatLaMarche); Green candidate for Presidential Elector for Florida,2016(on behalf ofJill Stein andAjamuBaraka); Green candidate for Presidential Elector for Florida,2020(on behalf ofHowieHawkins andAngelaWalker).Female.Still living as of 2020. Steiner, Steve — of Blue Springs,JacksonCounty, Mo.Mayorof Blue Springs, Mo., 2004-08.Still living as of 2008. Steiner, Sylvia — of West Orange,EssexCounty, N.J.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey,2004.Female.Still living as of 2004. Steiner, Wilfred A. — ofWayneCounty, Mich.Republican. Candidate forcircuitjudge in Michigan 3rd Circuit, 1935 (Republican primary), 1959.Burial location unknown. Steiner, William — of Oak Park,CookCounty, Ill.Democrat. Postmaster atOakPark, Ill., 1885-89.Burial location unknown. Steiner, William E. — of Muskegon,MuskegonCounty, Mich.Mayorof Muskegon, Mich., 1955-56.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Steiner, Mrs.William L.SeeGertrude M.Steiner Steiner, William Louis(1880-1971) —also known asWilliam L. Steiner — of New Haven,FranklinCounty, Mo.Born in New Haven,FranklinCounty, Mo.,October4, 1880.Republican.Schoolteacher;farmer;member ofMissouristate house of representatives from Franklin County, 1923-30.Died in New Haven,FranklinCounty, Mo.,December3, 1971 (age91 years, 60days).Interment atNew Haven Cemetery, New Haven, Mo.
 Relatives: Sonof Henry Steiner and Elisabeth (Wilson) Steiner; married,August22, 1909, toGertrude M.Weisser.
 See alsoFind-A-Gravememorial


Steinert, Albert Morris(1868-1927) —also known asAlbert M. Steinert — of Providence,ProvidenceCounty, R.I.Born in New Haven,New HavenCounty, Conn.,1868.Democrat.Musicalinstrument dealer; Democratic Presidential Elector for RhodeIsland,1913(voted forWoodrowWilson andThomasR. Marshall); Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector forRhode Island,1916.Died in Providence,ProvidenceCounty, R.I.,1927(ageabout59 years).Burial location unknown.Steinert, Fred — of Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromIllinois,1944.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Steinert, Ruth — of Waukesha,WaukeshaCounty, Wis.Democrat. Member ofWisconsinDemocratic State Central Committee, 1944; acting postmaster atWaukesha,Wis., 1950-54.Female.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.


Steinfeld, Sam (bornc.1907) —of Louisville,JeffersonCounty, Ky.Born about 1907. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromKentucky,1940,1956;chiefjustice of Kentucky state supreme court, 1950.Burial location unknown.Steinfeld, Sanford — ofBergenCounty, N.J.Republican. Candidate forNewJersey state house of assembly 37th District, 2003.Still living as of 2003.


Steinfeldt, William M. — of Rochester,MonroeCounty, N.Y.Republican. Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly 134th District, 1970-74; defeated, 1966.Still living as of 1974.


Steingold, Andy — of Safety Harbor,PinellasCounty, Fla.Mayorof Safety Harbor, Fla., 2009.Still living as of 2009.


Steingrebe, Edward L. — ofOnondagaCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Candidate forNew Yorkstate senate 38th District, 1914.Burial location unknown.


STEINGRIMUR:See alsoSteingrimurO. Thorlaksson


Steingut, Stanley(1920-c.1990) —of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Born in Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.,May 20,1920.Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II;lawyer;member ofNew Yorkstate assembly, 1953-77 (Kings County 18th District 1953-65, 44thDistrict 1966, 41st District 1967-77);Speaker ofthe New York State Assembly, 1970;leader ofKings County Democratic Party, 1962-69; delegate to DemocraticNational Convention from New York,1964,1968.Jewish. Member,JewishWar Veterans.Died about 1990 (ageabout 70years).Burial location unknown.
Irwin SteingutSteingut, Irwin(1893-1952) —of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Born in New York,New YorkCounty, N.Y.,October17, 1893.Democrat.Newspaperreporter;realestate andinsurancebusiness; member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from Kings County 18th District, 1922-52; died inoffice 1952;Speaker ofthe New York State Assembly, 1935;delegateto New York convention to ratify 21st amendment, 1933; delegateto Democratic National Convention from New York,1936,1940,1944,1948;member ofNew YorkDemocratic State Committee, 1936, 1948;delegateto New York state constitutional convention 8th District, 1938.Jewish. Member,Elks;Freemasons;Knightsof Pythias.Died, from aheartattack, in Long Island CollegeHospital,Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.,September26, 1952 (age58 years, 345days).Interment atMontefioreCemetery, Springfield Gardens, Queens, N.Y.
 Relatives: Sonof Simon Steingut and Lena (Wolbach) Steingut; married,June 12,1914, to Rae Kaufman; father ofStanleySteingut.
 See alsoWikipediaarticle —Find-A-Gravememorial
 Image source: New York Red Book1936
 Relatives: SonofIrwin Steingut; married to MadelineFellerman.


STEINHAGEN:See alsoAugustWilliam MillerSteinhagen, Robert (bornc.1969) —of Dallas,DallasCounty, Tex.Born about 1969. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Texas,2004.Still living as of 2004.


Steinhardt, David — of New York. Republican. Candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 19th District, 1928.Burial location unknown.Steinhardt,DougSeeDouglasSteinhardtSteinhardt, Douglas — also known asDoug Steinhardt — of Hopatcong,SussexCounty, N.J.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromNew Jersey,2008;Republican candidate for Presidential Elector for New Jersey,2016(on behalf ofDonaldTrump andMikePence).Still living as of 2016.Steinhardt, George I. — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.; Bronx,BronxCounty, N.Y.Socialist. Candidate forNew Yorkstate senate, 1914 (16th District), 1930 (18th District);candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly, 1919 (New York County 16th District), 1932 (BronxCounty 8th District), 1933 (Bronx County 8th District), 1934 (BronxCounty 8th District), 1935 (Bronx County 8th District), 1938 (BronxCounty 8th District).Burial location unknown.Steinhardt, Laurence Adolph(1892-1950) —also known asLaurence A. Steinhardt — of New York. Born in New York,New YorkCounty, N.Y.,October6, 1892.Served in the U.S. Army during World War I;lawyer;U.S. Minister toSweden, 1933-37; U.S. Ambassador toPeru, 1937-39;Soviet Union, 1939-41;Turkey, 1942-45;Czechoslovakia, 1945-48;Canada, 1948-50, died in office 1950.Jewish. Member,American BarAssociation.Died in aplanecrash near Ramsayville,Ontario,March28, 1950 (age57 years, 173days).Interment atArlingtonNational Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
 Relatives:Married1923 to DulcieYates Hoffman; nephew ofSamuelUntermyer.
 Political family:Untermyer-Steinhardtfamily of New York City, New York.
 See alsoU.S. State Dept career summary —NNDBdossier —Find-A-Gravememorial
 Steinhardt, Lewis — of Michigan. U.S. Labor candidate forU.S.Representative from Michigan 16th District, 1974.Still living as of 1974.


Steinhart, Alphonso W. — of Anaheim, Los Angeles County (nowOrangeCounty), Calif.Republican. Postmaster atAnaheim,Calif., 1869-70.Burial location unknown.Steinhart, Frank Maxmillian(1864-1938) —also known asFrank Steinhart — of Havana (La Habana),Cuba.Born in Munich (München),Germany,May12, 1864.Republican. U.S. Consul General inHavana, 1903-07; president and general manager, HavanaElectricRailways,Light andPower Company.Died in1938(ageabout74 years).Entombed atNecropolisCristobal Colon, La Habana, Cuba.
 Relatives: Sonof Simon Steinhart and Regina (Levinger) Steinhart; married,February8, 1890, to Alice Florence Ledden.
 Steinhart, Jesse Henry (b.1881) —also known asJesse H. Steinhart — ofSanFrancisco, Calif.; Belvedere,MarinCounty, Calif.Born inSanFrancisco, Calif.,May 11,1881.Republican.Lawyer;delegate to Republican National Convention from California,1944(alternate),1948,1952.Jewish. Member,AmericanJewish Committee;B'naiB'rith.Burial location unknown.
 Relatives: Sonof William Steinhart and Louise (D'Allemand) Steinhart; married,November11, 1939, to Genevieve Tully.
 Steinhart, Richard L. — of Ann Arbor,WashtenawCounty, Mich.Candidate in Human Rights primary formayorof Ann Arbor, Mich., 1973.Still living as of 1973.


Steinhauser, John — ofOneidaCounty, N.Y.Socialist. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Oneida County 3rd District, 1921.Burial location unknown.


Steinhice, Laurel — of Hixson,HamiltonCounty, Tenn.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromTennessee,1972.Female.Still living as of 1972.


Steinhilber, Elmer — of Oshkosh,WinnebagoCounty, Wis.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromWisconsin,1960.Still living as of 1960.Steinhilber, Jack D. — ofWinnebagoCounty, Wis.Republican. Member ofWisconsinstate senate 19th District; elected 1970.Still living as of 1970.Steinhilber, Walter — of New York. Socialist. Industrial Government candidate forjudge ofNew York Court of Appeals, 1944.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.


STEINHOFF:See alsoHenryMartin ArensSteinhoff, Otto C. — Socialist. Socialist Labor candidate forU.S.Representative from Ohio 12th District, 1902.Burial location unknown.


Steinhorst, Dean — of Baraboo,SaukCounty, Wis.Mayorof Baraboo, Wis., 2000.Still living as of 2000.


Steiniger, Beverly A. — Republican. Candidate forMissouristate house of representatives 41st District, 2012.Still living as of 2012.


Steininger, Jacob — of Jefferson City,ColeCounty, Mo.Republican. Postmaster atJeffersonCity, Mo., 1881-86.Burial location unknown.


Steinkamp, Harold W. — of Batesville,RipleyCounty, Ind.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromIndiana,1972.Still living as of 1972.Steinkamp, John George(1864-1930) —also known asJohn G. Steinkamp — of Elmore,OttawaCounty, Ohio.Born inSanduskyCounty, Ohio,April22, 1864.Republican. President and general manager, Sandusky HomeTelephoneCompany;chair ofOttawa County Republican Party, 1916; alternate delegate toRepublican National Convention from Ohio,1920;Republican Presidential Elector for Ohio,1920.Died in Elmore,OttawaCounty, Ohio,January12, 1930 (age65 years, 265days).Interment atHarris-Elmore Union Cemetery, Elmore, Ohio.
 See alsoFind-A-Gravememorial


STEINKE:See alsoEdwardJulius ElsaesserSteinke, Eldon — of Benton Harbor,BerrienCounty, Mich.Republican. Member ofMichiganRepublican State Central Committee, 1949.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Steinke, Ernst — of Jacksonville,DuvalCounty, Fla.HonoraryConsul for Germany inJacksonville,Fla., 1935.Burial location unknown.Steinke, Frederick F. — of Fort Wayne,AllenCounty, Ind.Democrat. Candidate formayorof Fort Wayne, Ind., 2007.Still living as of 2007.Steinke, Gustav W. — of St. Peter,NicolletCounty, Minn.Mayorof St. Peter, Minn., 1883-84.Burial location unknown.Steinke, Judy — of Sacramento,SacramentoCounty, Calif.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromCalifornia,1996.Female.Still living as of 1996.Steinke, William C. — of Hartford,HartfordCounty, Conn.Independent Citizens candidate forConnecticutstate house of representatives from Hartford, 1934.Burial location unknown.


Steinkohl, Max — of Bronx,BronxCounty, N.Y.Republican. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Bronx County 4th District, 1932, 1934.Burial location unknown.


Steinkraus, Herman W. — of Westport,FairfieldCounty, Conn.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromConnecticut,1948,1956.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.


Steinle, Roland J. (b.1896) —of Wisconsin. Born in Milwaukee,MilwaukeeCounty, Wis.,March21, 1896.Served in the U.S. Army during World War I;lawyer;circuit judge in Wisconsin, 1940-54;justice ofWisconsin state supreme court, 1954; appointed 1954.Burial location unknown.
Roland J. Steinle
 Image source:Wisconsin Blue Book 1954


Steinley, David R. — of Moorhead,ClayCounty, Minn.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMinnesota,1944.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.


Steinly, Charles C. — of Waterbury,New HavenCounty, Conn.Socialist. Social Democratic candidate forConnecticutstate house of representatives from Waterbury, 1900.Burial location unknown.


Steinman, B. U. — of Sacramento,SacramentoCounty, Calif.Mayorof Sacramento, Calif., 1893-95.Burial location unknown.Steinman, Bunny — of Boynton Beach,Palm BeachCounty, Fla.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromFlorida,2008.Still living as of 2008.Steinman, Frederick — of Lancaster,LancasterCounty, Pa.Chiefburgess of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1801.Burial location unknown.Steinman, George — Democrat. Jeffersonian candidate for Presidential Elector forPennsylvania,1896.Burial location unknown.Steinman,HaleSeeJ. HaleSteinmanSteinman, Henry — ofNemahaCounty, Neb.Member ofNebraskastate house of representatives, 1869.Burial location unknown.Steinman, J. Hale — of Lancaster,LancasterCounty, Pa.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1936.Burial location unknown.Steinman, Leonard — of New York. Conservative. Candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 17th District, 1984.Still living as of 1984.Steinman, Sidney — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Socialist. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from New York County 21st District, 1938.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.


Steinmann, Mrs. Karl F. — ofBaltimore,Md.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Maryland,1940.Female.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Steinmann, W. A. — U.S. Vice & Deputy Consul inZurich, as of 1902-05.Burial location unknown.


STEINMEIER:See alsoChristoffelSteinmeier Gorsira


Steinmetz, Clifford F. — of Catasauqua,LehighCounty, Pa.Democrat. Postmaster atCatasauqua,Pa., 1943-69 (acting, 1943-45).Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Steinmetz, Edward R. — of Pennsylvania. Prohibition candidate for Presidential Elector for Pennsylvania,1904.Burial location unknown.Steinmetz, Frank J. — of Buffalo,ErieCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Erie County 3rd District, 1925, 1927.Burial location unknown.Steinmetz, Harry C. — of California. Independent Progressive candidate forU.S.Representative from California 23rd District, 1948.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Steinmetz, Jacob Lieber — also known asJacob L. Steinmetz — of Lancaster,LancasterCounty, Pa.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1876;member ofPennsylvaniastate house of representatives, 1877-78.Interment atWoodwardHill Cemetery, Lancaster, Pa.Steinmetz, Jay — Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector for Ohio,2020(on behalf ofJoJorgensen andJeremyCohen).Still living as of 2020.Steinmetz, Shirley W. — of Wethersfield,HartfordCounty, Conn.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromConnecticut,1996,2000.Female.Still living as of 2000.Steinmetz, W. D. — of Greenville,DarkeCounty, Ohio.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromOhio,1908.Burial location unknown.Steinmetz, William — Republican. Candidate forU.S.Representative from California 6th District, 1988.Still living as of 1988.


Steinmeyer, George W. — of Beatrice,GageCounty, Neb.Member ofNebraskastate house of representatives, 1915.Burial location unknown.Steinmeyer, Harry A. — of Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois,1928;Union Progressive candidate forIllinoisstate auditor of public accounts, 1936.Burial location unknown.Steinmeyer, Henry — of Clatonia,GageCounty, Neb.Member ofNebraskastate house of representatives, 1901.Burial location unknown.Steinmeyer, Theo J. — of Ballwin,St. LouisCounty, Mo.Mayorof Ballwin, Mo., 1961-63.Still living as of 1963.


Steinorth, Marc — of Rancho Cucamonga,SanBernardino County, Calif.Candidate formayorof Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., 2010.Still living as of 2010.


Steinour, Marcia A. — America's Party candidate for Presidential Elector for Texas,2016(on behalf ofTomHoefling andSteveSchulin).Female.Still living as of 2016.


Steinport, Patricia M. — of Grand Rapids,KentCounty, Mich.Libertarian. Candidate forMichiganstate house of representatives 76th District, 2012.Female.Still living as of 2012.


Steinsapir, Seymour — of New York City (unknowncounty), N.Y.Socialist. Delegate to Socialist National Convention from New York,1960.Still living as of 1960.Steinsapir, Vera — of New York City (unknowncounty), N.Y.Socialist. Delegate to Socialist National Convention from New York,1960.Female.Still living as of 1960.


Steinson, George — of Long Island City (now part of Queens),QueensCounty, N.Y.People's candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 1st District, 1894.Burial location unknown.


Steinthal, Martin — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for New York,1908;delegate to Republican National Convention from New York,1912,1916.Burial location unknown.


Steintorf, Paul P. — U.S. Consul General inManila, as of 1947;Antwerp, as of 1949.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.


Steinwedal, Albert A. — of Seymour,JacksonCounty, Ind.Democrat.Indianastate auditor, 1958-60.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.


Steinwiddle, William — Democrat. Alternate delegate to Gold Democrat National Conventionfrom Illinois, 1896.Burial location unknown.


Steinzer, Isidore — of Bronx,BronxCounty, N.Y.Communist. Workers candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Bronx County 4th District, 1926.Burial location unknown.

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of apolitical graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyardis a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries.Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260politicians, living and dead.
 The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President,members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders inall fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; andthe chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifyingmunicipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, forany of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellatejudges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet,diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys,collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of majorfederal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmastersof qualifying communities; (5) state and national political partyofficials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and otherparticipants in national party nominating conventions;(6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nationsbefore 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify",for Political Graveyard purposes, if theyhave at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive ofpredecessor, successor, and merged entities. 
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Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained byLawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address isThe Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted —The Political Graveyard opened onJuly 1, 1996; the last full revision was done onFebruary 17, 2025.

