STEIN:See alsoHarrisonHenry Atwood —CalvinJoseph Bierschwale —LaurenStein McLean —NewtonNorman Minow —GodloveStein Orth —CharlesF. Renich Stein, A. J. — U.S. Vice Consul inBrussels, as of 1884.Burial location unknown. Stein, Albert C. — of Ann Arbor Township,WashtenawCounty, Mich.Republican.Supervisorof Ann Arbor Township, Michigan, 1932-47.Burial location unknown. Stein, Alfred A. — of Elizabeth,UnionCounty, N.J.Democrat.Mayorof Elizabeth, N.J., 1911-13; delegate to Democratic NationalConvention from New Jersey,1924(member,Committeeon Rules and Order of Business),1928.Burial location unknown. Stein, Andrew J. (b.1945) —also known asAndrew J. Finkelstein — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.BornMarch 4,1945.Democrat. Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly, 1969-77 (62nd District 1969-72, 65th District1973-77);boroughpresident of Manhattan, New York, 1978-85; delegate to DemocraticNational Convention from New York,1980;candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 15th District, 1984.Still living as of 2010. Stein, Arthur L. — ofMilwaukeeCounty, Wis.Republican. Candidate forWisconsinstate assembly from Milwaukee County 24th District, 1956.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Stein, Ben — of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Communist. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Kings County 11th District, 1935; candidateforNew Yorkstate senate 8th District, 1936.Burial location unknown. Stein, Benjamin L. — ofPassaicCounty, N.J.Member ofNewJersey state house of assembly from Passaic County, 1929-31.Burial location unknown. Stein, Carl A. — of Rocky River,CuyahogaCounty, Ohio.Republican.Mayorof Rocky River, Ohio; elected 1933.Burial location unknown. Stein, Charles — of Bronx, New York County (nowBronxCounty), N.Y.Democrat. Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from New York County 34th District, 1909;defeated, 1909.Burial location unknown. Stein, Cheryl — Socialist. Socialist Equality candidate for Presidential Elector forMichigan,2024(on behalf ofJosephKishore).Female.Still living as of 2024. Stein, Christopher E. — of Detroit,WayneCounty, Mich.Recorder's court judge in Michigan, 1924-39. Burial location unknown. Stein, Cindy (bornc.1958) —of Springfield,GreeneCounty, Mo.Born about 1958. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Missouri,2004.Female.Still living as of 2004. Stein, Cynthia — of Mullica Township,AtlanticCounty, N.J.Independent candidate forLieutenantGovernor of New Jersey, 2009.Female.Still living as of 2009. Stein, David — of Laguna Niguel,OrangeCounty, Calif.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California,1988.Still living as of 1988. Stein, David A. — of California. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromCalifornia,2000.Still living as of 2000. Stein, Duane — Independent candidate forVicePresident of the United States, 1976.Still living as of 1976. Stein, Edward — of Pocatello,BannockCounty, Idaho.Mayorof Pocatello, Idaho, 1893.Burial location unknown. Stein, Elias — of Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1960.Still living as of 1960. Stein, Emanuel M. — of Detroit,WayneCounty, Mich.Democrat. Candidate fordelegateto Michigan state constitutional convention from Wayne County10th District, 1961.Still living as of 1961. Stein, Francine Z. — of Skokie,CookCounty, Ill.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois,1980.Female.Still living as of 1980. Stein, Fred W. — of Atchison,AtchisonCounty, Kan.Mayorof Atchison, Kan., 1952-55.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Stein, Gary — of Egg Harbor City,AtlanticCounty, N.J.; Mullica Township,AtlanticCounty, N.J.Rock the Boat candidate forU.S.Representative from New Jersey 2nd District, 2008; candidate forGovernorof New Jersey, 2009.Still living as of 2009. Stein, Gary S. — of New Jersey.Lawyer;associatejustice of New Jersey state supreme court, 1985-2002.Still living as of 2002. |