| Porter,KateeSeeKatharinePorter | Porter, Katharine (bornc.1970) —also known asKatee Porter — of Kansas City,JacksonCounty, Mo.Born about 1970. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Missouri,2004.Female.Still living as of 2004. | Porter, Katherine H. — also known asKathy Porter — of Takoma Park,MontgomeryCounty, Md.Mayorof Takoma Park, Md., 1997-.Female.Still living as of 2004. | Porter,KathySeeKatherine H.Porter | Porter, Keith A., Sr. — of Albert Lea,FreebornCounty, Minn.Candidate formayorof Albert Lea, Minn., 2012.Still living as of 2012. | Porter, LaMar — of Pocatello,BannockCounty, Idaho.Candidate formayorof Pocatello, Idaho, 1985.Still living as of 1985. | Porter, Lester W. — ofCookCounty, Ill.Republican. Candidate forIllinoisstate senate 11th District, 1934.Burial location unknown. | Porter, Lewis — of Minnesota. Member ofMinnesotastate senate 17th District, 1867.Burial location unknown. | Porter, Lillian A. — of Worcester,WorcesterCounty, Mass.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromMassachusetts,1952.Female.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Porter, Linn B. — People's candidate forU.S.Representative from Massachusetts 8th District, 1894.Burial location unknown. | Porter, Linn S. — of Preston,FranklinCounty, Idaho.Candidate formayorof Preston, Idaho, 1969.Still living as of 1969. | Porter, Linsey — of Highland Park,WayneCounty, Mich.Mayorof Highland Park, Mich., 2002.Africanancestry.Still living as of 2002. | Porter, Linus — ofDelawareCounty, N.Y.Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from Delaware County, 1845.Burial location unknown. | Porter, Lori — of Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois,2004.Female.Still living as of 2004. | Porter, Louis D. — Prohibition candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 35th District, 1916.Burial location unknown. | Porter, Louise — of North Little Rock,PulaskiCounty, Ark.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromArkansas,1960.Female.Still living as of 1960. | Porter, Mary C. — of Columbus,FranklinCounty, Ohio.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio,1972.Female.Still living as of 1972. | Porter, Maude D. — of Ogden,WeberCounty, Utah.Democrat. Member ofDemocraticNational Committee from Utah, 1920.Female.Burial location unknown. | Porter, Micah — ofWashtenawCounty, Mich.Member ofMichiganstate house of representatives from Washtenaw County, 1844.Burial location unknown. | Porter, Michael — Constitution candidate for Presidential Elector for Texas,2012(on behalf ofVirgilH. Goode, Jr. andJamesN. Clymer).Still living as of 2012. | Porter, Nancy — of Iowa. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromIowa,2000.Female.Still living as of 2000. | Porter, Nathan — American Independent candidate for Presidential Elector forCalifornia,2024(on behalf ofRobertF. Kennedy, Jr. andNicoleShanahan).Still living as of 2024. | Porter, Nathan S. — of Nebraska. Member ofNebraskaterritorial House of Representatives, 1864-65.Burial location unknown. | Porter,NathanielSeeWilliamNathaniel Porter | Porter,NessSeeJ.Ness Porter | Porter, Newton Hazelton(1877-1945) —of Montclair,EssexCounty, N.J.Born in Somerville,SomersetCounty, N.J.,April13, 1877.Lawyer;common pleas court judge in New Jersey, 1924-26; circuit judge in NewJersey, 1926-38;associatejustice of New Jersey state supreme court, 1938-45; died inoffice 1945.Episcopalian.Member,American BarAssociation.DiedMay 16,1945 (age68 years, 33days).Burial location unknown. |  Relatives: Sonof Edward B. Porter and Emma J. Porter; married to Alice B.Chamberlain. |
| Porter, Noel E. — of Palo Alto,SantaClara County, Calif.Mayorof Palo Alto, Calif., 1960.Still living as of 1960. | Porter, Nora — of Washington. Democrat. Democratic Presidential Elector for Washington,1992.Female.Still living as of 1992.
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