


Index to Politicians

Lawaetz to Lawr

Lawford, Peter(1923-1984) —also known asPeter Sydney Ernest Aylen Lawford — Born in London,England,September7, 1923.Democrat.Actor;naturalized U.S. citizen;honored guest, Democratic National Convention,1960.Englishancestry.Died, fromcardiacarrest, while suffering fromkidneyfailure andliverfailure, in Cedars-SinaiMedicalCenter, Los Angeles,Los AngelesCounty, Calif.,December24, 1984 (age61 years, 108days).Cremated;ashes scattered in North Pacific Ocean; cenotaph atWestwood Memorial Park, Westwood, Los Angeles, Calif.

Lawaetz, Bent — Member ofVirginIslands legislature, 1981-84, 1987-92;presidentof the Virgin Islands legislature, 1989-90.Still living as of 1992.Lawaetz, Fritz — Member ofVirginIslands legislature, 1955-70.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Lawaetz, Fritz E. — of Frederiksted, St. Croix,VirginIslands.Democrat. Member ofVirginIslands legislature, 1975-78; delegate to Democratic NationalConvention from Virgin Islands,1980.Still living as of 1980.


LAWANNA:See alsoLaWannaPreston


LAWARE:See alsoRudolphI. Roulier


LAWAYNE:See alsoLawayneFlaming


Lawder, Harry, Jr. — of Havre de Grace,HarfordCounty, Md.Democrat. Acting postmaster atHavrede Grace, Md., 1941-43.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Lawder, Henry C. — of Havre de Grace,HarfordCounty, Md.Democrat. Postmaster atHavrede Grace, Md., 1914-18.Burial location unknown.


Lawe, John E. — of Mt. Vernon,WestchesterCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromNew York,1984.Still living as of 1984.Lawe, Theodore M. — of Michigan. Democrat. Candidate forMichiganstate senate 4th District, 1974.Still living as of 1974.


Lawerence, E. — of New Orleans,OrleansParish, La.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Louisiana,1860.Burial location unknown.


Lawford,PatSeePatricia KennedyLawfordLawford, Patricia Kennedy(1924-2006) —also known asPat Lawford;Patricia HelenKennedy —of Santa Monica,LosAngeles County, Calif.Born in Brookline,NorfolkCounty, Mass.,May 6,1924.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California,1960;Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for California,1960.Female.Catholic.Irishancestry.Died, frompneumonia,in ahospitalat Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.,September17, 2006 (age82 years, 134days).Interment atSouthamptonCemetery, Southampton, Long Island, N.Y.
 Relatives:Daughter ofJosephPatrick Kennedy, Sr. and Rose (Fitzgerald) Kennedy; sister ofJosephPatrick Kennedy Jr.,JohnFitzgerald Kennedy, Eunice Mary Kennedy (who marriedRobertSargent Shriver Jr.),RobertFrancis Kennedy,JeanKennedy Smith andEdwardMoore Kennedy; married,April24, 1954, toPeter Lawford; mother ofChristopher Lawford; aunt ofKathleenKennedy Townsend,JosephPatrick Kennedy II,RobertFrancis Kennedy Jr.,JohnFitzgerald Kennedy Jr.,MarkKennedy Shriver andPatrickJoseph Kennedy (born 1967); granddaughter ofPatrickJoseph Kennedy (1858-1929) andJohnFrancis Fitzgerald.
 Political family:Kennedyfamily of Boston, Massachusetts (subset of theFourThousand Related Politicians).
 See alsoWikipedia article —NNDBdossier —Internet Movie Databaseprofile —Find-A-Gravememorial
 Relatives: Sonof Sydney Turing Barlow Lawford and May Somerville (Bunny) Lawford;married,October30, 1971, to Mary Rowan; married,June 25,1976, to Deborah Gould; married,July 5,1984, to Patricia Seaton; married,April24, 1954, toPatricia Helen Kennedy(daughter ofJosephPatrick Kennedy, Sr.; sister ofJohnFitzgerald Kennedy,RobertFrancis Kennedy,JeanKennedy Smith andEdwardMoore Kennedy); father of Christopher Lawford.
 Political family:Kennedyfamily of Boston, Massachusetts (subset of theFourThousand Related Politicians).
 Epitaph: "Beloved Husband, Father &Friend."
 See alsoWikipediaarticle —NNDBdossier —Internet Movie Databaseprofile —Find-A-Gravememorial
 Lawford, PeterSydney Ernest AylenSeePeterLawford


LAWHEAD:See alsoWilliamDavid AskrenLawhead, Beryl — Justice candidate for Presidential Elector for Florida,2012(on behalf ofRossC. Anderson andLuisJ. Rodriguez).Still living as of 2012.Lawhead, J.E.SeeJames ErskineLawheadLawhead, James Erskine(1861-1946) —also known asJ. E. Lawhead — of Union Star,DeKalbCounty, Mo.BornMarch20, 1861.Prohibition candidate for Presidential Elector for Missouri,1936(on behalf ofD.Leigh Colvin andClaudeA. Watson); Prohibition candidate for Presidential Elector forMissouri,1940(on behalf ofRogerW. Babson andEdgarV. Moorman).DiedDecember16, 1946 (age85 years, 271days).Interment atUnion Star Cemetery, Union Star, Mo.
 Relatives: Sonof Robert Jackson Lawhead and Margaretta Jane (Elder) Lawhead;married to Bertha Belle Stewart.
 See alsoFind-A-Gravememorial
 Lawhead, Marjorie — Justice candidate for Presidential Elector for Florida,2012(on behalf ofRossC. Anderson andLuisJ. Rodriguez).Female.Still living as of 2012. Lawhead, Patrick — Justice candidate for Presidential Elector for Florida,2012(on behalf ofRossC. Anderson andLuisJ. Rodriguez).Still living as of 2012.


Lawhon, J. Y. — ofJohnstonCounty, N.C.Member ofNorthCarolina state house of representatives from Johnston County,1893-94.Burial location unknown.Lawhon, Ross L. — of North Little Rock,PulaskiCounty, Ark.Mayorof North Little Rock, Ark., 1952-53.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Lawhon, Van A. — of Anderson Court House, Anderson District (now Anderson,AndersonCounty), S.C.Democrat. Postmaster atAndersonCourt House, S.C., 1833-36.Burial location unknown.


LAWHORN:See alsoEnochH. VanceLawhorn, L. L. — of Floresville,WilsonCounty, Tex.Member ofTexasstate senate 22nd District, 1893-94.Burial location unknown.Lawhorn, R. C. — of Knoxville,KnoxCounty, Tenn.Candidate formayorof Knoxville, Tenn., 2023.Still living as of 2023.Lawhorn, Rex L. — Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector forOklahoma,2016(on behalf ofGaryE. Johnson andWilliamF. Weld); Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector forOklahoma,2020(on behalf ofJoJorgensen andJeremyCohen).Still living as of 2020.Lawhorn, Victoria — Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector forOklahoma,2024(on behalf ofChaseR. Oliver andMichaelter Maat).Female.Still living as of 2024.


Lawhoun, James — of Canton,StarkCounty, Ohio.Mayorof Canton, Ohio, 1962-63.Still living as of 1963.


Lawing, J. A. — of Athens,LimestoneCounty, Ala.Postmaster atAthens,Ala., 1879.Burial location unknown.Lawing, Jim — Democrat. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Kansas 4th District, 1998.Still living as of 1998.Lawing, Karlin — of Wichita,SedgwickCounty, Kan.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kansas,1972.Still living as of 1972.


LAWITZKE:See alsoThomasR. McAllister


Lawko, Susan M. — Republican. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Ohio 19th District, 1990.Female.Still living as of 1990.


Lawlah, Gloria — of Hillcrest Heights,PrinceGeorge's County, Md.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Maryland,1996,2000,2004;electedMarylandstate senate 26th District 1998; Democratic Presidential Electorfor Maryland,2020(voted forJosephR. Biden, Jr. andKamalaD. Harris).Female.Still living as of 2020.


LAWLER:See alsoJamesJ. WalkerLawler, Anna Baltic — also known asAnna Lawler — of Mendota Heights,DakotaCounty, Minn.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Minnesota,1976(alternate),1984.Female.Still living as of 1984.Lawler, Brian — of New Bedford,BristolCounty, Mass.Mayorof New Bedford, Mass., 1983-85.Still living as of 1985.Lawler, Charles S. — of Dorchester, Boston,SuffolkCounty, Mass.Democrat. Member ofMassachusettsstate senate Seventh Suffolk District, 1917-18.Burial location unknown.Lawler, Daisy — Democrat. Member ofOklahomastate senate 24th District; elected 2002.Female.Still living as of 2002.Lawler, Daniel William(1859-1926) —also known asDaniel W. Lawler — of St. Paul,RamseyCounty, Minn.Born in Prairie du Chien,CrawfordCounty, Wis.,March28, 1859.Democrat.Lawyer;candidate forGovernor ofMinnesota, 1892;mayorof St. Paul, Minn., 1908-10; candidate forU.S.Senator from Minnesota, 1912, 1916; delegate to DemocraticNational Convention from Minnesota,1916.Catholic.Died in St. Paul,RamseyCounty, Minn.,September15, 1926 (age67 years, 171days).Burial location unknown.Lawler, Dwight R. — of Michigan. Democrat. Candidate forMichiganstate house of representatives 60th District, 1964, 1966.Still living as of 1966.Lawler, E. F. — of Carrollton,CarrollCounty, Ohio.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromOhio,1928.Burial location unknown.Lawler, Edmund H. — of Spring Valley,RocklandCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Postmaster atSpringValley, N.Y., 1937-47.Burial location unknown.Lawler, Edmund P. — of Homestead,AlleghenyCounty, Pa.Democrat. Postmaster atHomestead,Pa., 1951-54 (acting, 1951-52).Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Lawler, Edward F. — of Larksville,LuzerneCounty, Pa.Burgessof Larksville, Pennsylvania, 1923.Burial location unknown.Lawler, F. W. — Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California,1888.Burial location unknown.Lawler, Francis J. — of Rome,OneidaCounty, N.Y.Republican.Delegateto New York state constitutional convention 36th District, 1938.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Lawler, Francis J. — of New Bedford,BristolCounty, Mass.Democrat.Mayorof New Bedford, Mass., 1953, 1956-61; defeated, 1953; delegate toDemocratic National Convention from Massachusetts,1956,1960.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Lawler, Frank (1842-1896) — of Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.Born in Rochester,MonroeCounty, N.Y.,June 25,1842.Democrat.U.S.Representative from Illinois 2nd District, 1885-91.DiedJanuary17, 1896 (age53 years, 206days).Interment atCalvaryCemetery, Evanston, Ill.
 See alsocongressionalbiography —Govtrack.uspage
 Lawler, Frank Joseph (b.1863) —also known asFrank J. Lawler — of Greenfield,FranklinCounty, Mass.Born in South Deerfield, Deerfield,FranklinCounty, Mass.,July 31,1863.Democrat.Lawyer;candidate forU.S.Representative from Massachusetts 1st District, 1906.Catholic.Member,Knightsof Columbus.Burial location unknown.
 Relatives: Sonof James Lawler and Margaret (Hafey) Lawler; married,October4, 1899, to Annie C. Looney.
 Lawler, Frank R. — of St. Charles,St.Charles County, Mo.Democrat. Candidate forMissouristate senate 20th District, 1950.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Lawler, Henry E. — of Boston,SuffolkCounty, Mass.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMassachusetts,1928.Burial location unknown. Lawler, J. D. — of Mitchell,DavisonCounty, Dakota Territory (now S.Dak.).MemberDakota territorial council, 1887-88;treasurerof Dakota Territory, 1887-88.Burial location unknown. Lawler, James P. — of Winton (now Jessup),LackawannaCounty, Pa.Burgessof Winton, Pennsylvania, 1954-60.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Lawler, Joab (1796-1838) — of Alabama. Born inUnionCounty, N.C.,June 12,1796.Member ofAlabamastate house of representatives, 1826; member ofAlabamastate senate, 1831;U.S.Representative from Alabama 3rd District, 1835-38; died in office1838.DiedMay 8,1838 (age41 years, 330days).Interment atCongressionalCemetery, Washington, D.C.
 See alsocongressionalbiography —Govtrack.uspage
 Lawler, John — Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from ArizonaTerritory,1904(member,CredentialsCommittee; member,Committeeto Notify Presidential Nominee).Burial location unknown. Lawler, John — ofSt.Louis, Mo.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMissouri,1948.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Lawler, Mrs. John — ofSt.Louis, Mo.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Missouri,1956.Female.Still living as of 1956. Lawler, John, Jr. — ofSt.Louis, Mo.Democrat. Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Missouri,1972(on behalf ofGeorgeMcGovern andR.Sargent Shriver, Jr.).Still living as of 1972. Lawler, John J. — of Lewistown,MifflinCounty, Pa.Burgessof Lewistown, Pennsylvania, 1954-60.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Lawler, John M. — ofAlexandria,Va.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromVirginia,1920.Burial location unknown. Lawler, Joseph H. — of Hartford,HartfordCounty, Conn.Democrat. Member ofConnecticutstate house of representatives from Hartford; elected 1912;mayorof Hartford, Conn., 1914-16.Burial location unknown. Lawler, Joseph J. — of Jessup,LackawannaCounty, Pa.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1964,1968.Still living as of 1968. Lawler, Joseph V. — Democrat. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Ohio 16th District, 1902.Burial location unknown. Lawler, Levi W. — of Talladega,TalladegaCounty, Ala.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Alabama,1860,1872.Burial location unknown. Lawler, Matthew — of Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.Mayorof Philadelphia, Pa., 1801-05.Burial location unknown. Lawler, Michael F. — of Winton (now Jessup),LackawannaCounty, Pa.Democrat.Burgessof Winton, Pennsylvania, 1927, 1933; delegate to DemocraticNational Convention from Pennsylvania,1948,1952,1956,1960.Burial location unknown. Lawler, Nicholas J. — of Greenfield,FranklinCounty, Mass.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMassachusetts,1900,1912(alternate).Burial location unknown. Lawler, Norman A. — ofWestchesterCounty, N.Y.Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from Westchester County 2nd District, 1886.Burial location unknown. Lawler, Oscar (b. 1875) — of Los Angeles,LosAngeles County, Calif.Born in Marshalltown,MarshallCounty, Iowa,April 2,1875.Republican.Lawyer;U.S.Attorney for the Southern District of California, 1905-09;director, Farmers and Merchants NationalBank, LosAngeles; director, San Pedro, Los Angeles, and Salt LakeRailway.Member,Freemasons;American BarAssociation;AmericanSociety for International Law.Burial location unknown.
 Relatives: Sonof William Thomas Lawler and Margaret (O'Connor) Lawler; married,June 17,1901, to Hilda Brode.
 Lawler, Patty — of Clarks Summit,LackawannaCounty, Pa.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,2004.Female.Still living as of 2004. Lawler, Philip F. — Constitution candidate forU.S.Senator from Massachusetts, 2000.Still living as of 2000. Lawler, Ross — of Chico,ButteCounty, Calif.Mayorof Chico, Calif., 1961-63.Still living as of 1963. Lawler, Thomas B. — of Ensley (now part of Birmingham),JeffersonCounty, Ala.Postmaster atEnsley,Ala., 1901.Burial location unknown. Lawler, Thomas B. — Democrat. Member,Committee on Rules and Order of Business,Democratic National Convention, 1928.Burial location unknown. Lawler, Thomas G. — of Rockford,WinnebagoCounty, Ill.Republican. Postmaster atRockford,Ill., 1879-85, 1889-94, 1898-1908.Burial location unknown. Lawler, W. J. — of Willmar,KandiyohiCounty, Minn.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMinnesota,1952.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.


Lawless, Diane G. — of Lexington,FayetteCounty, Ky.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kentucky,2000,2004;member, Credentials Committee,2008.Female.Still living as of 2008.Lawless, Gordon — of Tuscaloosa,TuscaloosaCounty, Ala.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromAlabama,1960,1964.Still living as of 1964.Lawless, John B. — Democrat. Candidate forJustice ofNew York Supreme Court 6th District, 1964.Still living as of 1964.Lawless, Joseph F. — of Bridgeport,MontgomeryCounty, Pa.Burgessof Bridgeport, Pennsylvania, 1929.Burial location unknown.Lawless, Joseph T. — of Virginia.Secretaryof state of Virginia, 1899.Burial location unknown.Lawless, Joseph T. — of Lamar,ProwersCounty, Colo.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromColorado,1916.Burial location unknown.Lawless, Marie C. — ofCovington,Va.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Virginia,1980.Female.Still living as of 1980.Lawless, Martin — ofHudsonCounty, N.J.Member ofNewJersey state house of assembly from Hudson County, 1892-93.Burial location unknown.Lawless, Michael O'Brien — of Syracuse,OnondagaCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York,1988.Still living as of 1988.Lawless, Tom — Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for Tennessee,2016(voted forDonaldTrump andMikePence).Still living as of 2016.Lawless, Warren A. — Republican. Candidate forTexasstate senate 15th District, 2000.Still living as of 2000.Lawless, William B., Jr. — of Buffalo,ErieCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromNew York,1956;Justiceof New York Supreme Court 8th District, 1960.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.


Lawley, Roberta B. — of Red Bank,MonmouthCounty, N.J.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromNew Jersey,1960.Female.Still living as of 1960.


LAWLOR:See alsoPatrickWilliam Dunne —EdwardFitzsimmons Dunne —JohnLawlor JolleyLawlor, Daniel F. — Independent candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 20th District, 1892.Burial location unknown.Lawlor, James J. — of Connecticut. Democrat. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Connecticut 5th District, 1992.Still living as of 1992.Lawlor, James R. IV — of Alabama. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Alabama,2000.Still living as of 2000.Lawlor, John — Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Wisconsin,1872.Burial location unknown.Lawlor, John, Jr. — of Northampton,HampshireCounty, Mass.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMassachusetts,1972.Still living as of 1972.Lawlor, Joseph H. (bornc.1878) —of Waterbury,New HavenCounty, Conn.Born in Waterbury,New HavenCounty, Conn., about 1878.Democrat. Member ofConnecticutstate senate 16th District, 1925-31; member ofConnecticutDemocratic State Central Committee, 1928-30.Chargedin 1938 withacceptinga bribe in 1935.Burial location unknown.Lawlor, Joseph P.(1893-1982) —of Ames,StoryCounty, Iowa.Born in De Witt,ClintonCounty, Iowa,1893.Served in the U.S. Army during World War I;engineer;served in the U.S. Navy during World War II;mayor ofAmes, Iowa, 1954-57.Died in1982(ageabout89 years).Burial location unknown.
 Relatives:Married,September20, 1922, to Loretto Wiesman.
 Lawlor, Maurice — of Bellows Falls, Rockingham,WindhamCounty, Vt.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Vermont,1956.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Lawlor, Michael — of Atlantic City,AtlanticCounty, N.J.Democrat. Postmaster atAtlanticCity, N.J., 1858-61.Burial location unknown. Lawlor, Peter (bornc.1873) —of Waterbury,New HavenCounty, Conn.Born in Waterbury,New HavenCounty, Conn., about 1873.Democrat.Cigaragent; member ofConnecticutstate senate 16th District, 1911-12.Burial location unknown. Lawlor, Richard P. — of Hartford,HartfordCounty, Conn.Democrat. Candidate formayorof Hartford, Conn., 1987.Still living as of 1987. Lawlor, Richmond E. — of Staten Island,RichmondCounty, N.Y.Socialist. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Richmond County 2nd District, 1934, 1935.Burial location unknown. Lawlor, Thomas J. — of Beverly Hills,LosAngeles County, Calif.Democrat. Postmaster atBeverlyHills, Calif., 1961-64 (acting, 1961-62).Still living as of 1964.


Lawly, Thomas — of Hollidaysburg,BlairCounty, Pa.Democrat.Chair ofBlair County Democratic Party, 1937.Burial location unknown.


Lawman, F. D. — of Sandwich,DeKalbCounty, Ill.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois,1924.Burial location unknown.


LAWN:See alsoThomasBuxton Lawn LaytonLawn, Victor H. — of New York. Socialist. Candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 8th District, 1920.Burial location unknown.


Lawpe, Carl — Socialist. Socialist Labor candidate for Presidential Elector forMichigan,1900.Burial location unknown.


Lawr, Mrs. Perry — of Grand Rapids,KentCounty, Mich.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan,1952.Female.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.Lawr, Perry M. — ofKentCounty, Mich.Democrat. Candidate forMichiganstate house of representatives from Kent County 2nd District,1958, 1960; candidate forMichiganstate senate 17th District, 1962.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of apolitical graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyardis a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries.Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260politicians, living and dead.
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Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained byLawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address isThe Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted —The Political Graveyard opened onJuly 1, 1996; the last full revision was done onFebruary 17, 2025.

