


Index to Politicians


Byrne, Bradley Roberts (b.1955) —also known asBradley Byrne — of Fairhope,BaldwinCounty, Ala.Born in Mobile,MobileCounty, Ala.,February16, 1955.Republican.Lawyer;member ofAlabamastate senate, 2002-07; candidate forGovernor ofAlabama, 2010;U.S.Representative from Alabama 1st District, 2013-.Still living as of 2018.

BYRNE:See alsoF.Byrne Austin —JohnStrode Barbour —JohnStrode Barbour Jr. —JamesBarbour —EdL. Boggs —WilliamGay Brown —JohnHenry Buschemeyer —DonnaLynn Byrne-McKee —WilliamS. Connor —ThomasByrne Dunn —PeterT. Farrell —DavidFisher —AnthonyJerome Griffin —EdmondMartin Hanrahan —MarionPierce Mack —LawrenceP. Murphy —JudyByrne Riley —JosephPatrick Tumulty —RobertE. Wasson —AmbroseAugustine Weeks Jr. —MiltonRuben YoungByrne, A. P. — of Balboa, Canal Zone (nowPanama).Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromCanal Zone,1928.Burial location unknown.Byrne, Barbara — of Long Island (unknowncounty), N.Y.Working Families candidate forJustice ofNew York Supreme Court 10th District, 2009.Female.Still living as of 2009.Byrne, Benjamin Wilson(1820-1903) —also known asBenjamin W. Byrne — ofBraxtonCounty, Va. (now W.Va.);KanawhaCounty, W.Va.Born in Burnsville,BraxtonCounty, Va. (now W.Va.),May 16,1820.Democrat.Delegateto Virginia secession convention from Braxton, Nicholas, Clay &Webster counties, 1861;WestVirginia superintendent of schools, 1873-77; member ofWestVirginia state senate 9th District, 1883-86.Died in Charleston,KanawhaCounty, W.Va.,September12, 1903 (age83 years, 119days).Interment atSpringHill Cemetery, Charleston, W.Va.
 Relatives: Sonof John B. Byrne and Anne (Haymond) Byrne.
 See alsoFind-A-Gravememorial
 See alsocongressionalbiography —Wikipediaarticle —Encyclopediaof American Loons
 Byrne, Brendan T. — of Roseland,EssexCounty, N.J.; Short Hills,EssexCounty, N.J.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey,2004,2008.Still living as of 2008. Byrne, Brendan Thomas(1924-2018) —also known asBrendan T. Byrne — of West Orange,EssexCounty, N.J.; Princeton,MercerCounty, N.J.; Roseland,EssexCounty, N.J.Born in West Orange,EssexCounty, N.J.,April 1,1924.Democrat.Lawyer;superior court judge in New Jersey, 1970-73;Governor ofNew Jersey, 1974-82; delegate to Democratic National Conventionfrom New Jersey,1976,1980,1996.Catholic.Died in Livingston,EssexCounty, N.J.,January4, 2018 (age93 years, 278days).Cremated;ashes scattered.
 Relatives:Father ofBrendan Thomas ByrneJr..
 See alsoNationalGovernors Association biography —Wikipediaarticle —NNDBdossier —Find-A-Gravememorial
 Byrne, Brendan Thomas,Jr. —of New Jersey. Democrat.New JerseyDemocratic state chair, 1994-97; delegate to Democratic NationalConvention from New Jersey,1996.Still living as of 2000.
 Relatives: SonofBrendan Thomas Byrne.
 Byrne, C. C. — of Raceland,GreenupCounty, Ky.Democrat. Member ofKentuckystate house of representatives 88th District, 1938-39.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, Charles D.(1926-1986) —ofDenver,Colo.BornMarch24, 1926.Republican. Denver City Auditor, 1963-75, 1979-83.; delegate toRepublican National Convention from Colorado,1964(alternate),1972.DiedMay 26,1986 (age60 years, 63days).Interment atMt.Olivet Cemetery, Wheat Ridge, Colo. Byrne, Charles P. — Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1888.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Charles R. — of Cheshire,New HavenCounty, Conn.Democrat. Candidate forConnecticutstate house of representatives from Cheshire, 1932.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Charles Raymond — also known asCharles R. Byrne — of Buckhannon,UpshurCounty, W.Va.Democrat. Postmaster atBuckhannon,W.Va., 1940-63.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, Charles V. (d.1933) —of New York. Republican.Justice ofNew York Supreme Court 5th District, 1932-33; died in office 1933.Died in1933.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Mrs. Cornelius — of Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1968.Female.Still living as of 1968. Byrne, D. C. — of Bay Minette,BaldwinCounty, Ala.Postmaster atBayMinette, Ala., 1879.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Daniel D. — ofKentCounty, Mich.Democrat. Candidate forMichiganstate house of representatives from Kent County 3rd District,1946, 1950.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, David C. — Candidate forGovernor ofGeorgia, 2010.Still living as of 2010.Doris I. ByrneByrne, Doris I. — of Bronx,BronxCounty, N.Y.; Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Democrat.Lawyer;member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from Bronx County 2nd District, 1934-37; delegateto Democratic National Convention from New York,1944(member,Platformand Resolutions Committee),1948;vice-chairof New York Democratic Party, 1945.Female.Burial location unknown.
 Image source:New York Red Book 1936
 Byrne, Edward B. — of Scottdale,WestmorelandCounty, Pa.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention fromPennsylvania,1972.Still living as of 1972. Byrne, Edward J. — of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Democrat.Delegateto New York state constitutional convention 5th District, 1915;Justiceof New York Supreme Court 2nd District, 1927-36; appointed 1927.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Emmet Francis(1896-1974) —also known asEmmet F. Byrne — of Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.Born in Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.,December6, 1896.Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I;lawyer;U.S.Representative from Illinois 3rd District, 1957-59.Catholic.Member,AmericanLegion;Forty andEight;PhiAlpha Delta.Died in Evanston,CookCounty, Ill.,September25, 1974 (age77 years, 293days).Interment atHolySepulchre Cemetery, Alsip, Ill.
 See alsocongressionalbiography —Govtrack.uspage
 Byrne, F. G. — of Bay Minette,BaldwinCounty, Ala.Postmaster atBayMinette, Ala., 1889.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Francis J. — of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from Kings County 10th District, 1903.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Francis S. — of Marquette,MarquetteCounty, Mich.Democrat. Postmaster atMarquette,Mich., 1914-15.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Frank — of Glens Falls,WarrenCounty, N.Y.Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from Warren County, 1885.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Frank Michael(1858-1927) —also known asFrank M. Byrne — of Faulkton,FaulkCounty, S.Dak.Born in Volney,AllamakeeCounty, Iowa,October23, 1858.Republican.Farmer;real estatebusiness; member ofSouthDakota state senate, 1889-90, 1907-10 (35th District 1889-90,1907-08, 36th District 1909-10);LieutenantGovernor of South Dakota, 1911-13;Governor ofSouth Dakota, 1913-17; delegate to Republican National Conventionfrom South Dakota,1916.Congregationalist.Irishancestry. Member,Freemasons;KnightsTemplar;Shriners;Elks;Knightsof Pythias.DiedDecember24, 1927 (age69 years, 62days).Burial location unknown.
 Relatives: Sonof Lawrence Byrne and Delia (Hart) Byrne; married1888 to EmmaFrances Beaver.
 See alsoNational GovernorsAssociation biography
 Byrne, Garrett H. — of Boston,SuffolkCounty, Mass.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMassachusetts,1956,1960,1964.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, Gerrett H. — of Boston,SuffolkCounty, Mass.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMassachusetts,1928.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Gerry — Democrat. Candidate forMissouristate house of representatives 13th District, 2012.Still living as of 2012. Byrne, Harry J. (b. 1896) — ofSt.Louis, Mo.BornSeptember5, 1896.Democrat.Automobilebroker;safetyinspector; member ofMissouristate senate 6th District, 1951-52.Burial location unknown.
 Relatives:Married,October25, 1921, to Loretta V. Trachite.
 Byrne, Harry S. — of Omaha,DouglasCounty, Neb.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Nebraska,1928(alternate),1936(alternate),1944(alternate),1948(alternate),1952.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Henry — ofHudsonCounty, N.J.Member ofNewJersey state house of assembly from Hudson County, 1890-91.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Holt — of Beckley,RaleighCounty, W.Va.Republican. Candidate forsecretaryof state of West Virginia, 1956.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, Hugh — Member ofMinnesotastate house of representatives District 19, 1885-86.Burial location unknown.
 See alsoMinnesotaLegislator record
 Byrne, James — of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Socialist. Socialist Labor candidate for Presidential Elector for NewYork,1900.Burial location unknown. Byrne, James — Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector forIllinois,2020(on behalf ofJoJorgensen andJeremyCohen).Still living as of 2020. Byrne, James Aloysius(1906-1980) —also known asJames A. Byrne — of Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.Born in Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.,June 22,1906.Democrat.Funeraldirector; delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1936,1956(alternate),1960(alternate); member ofPennsylvaniastate house of representatives, 1951-52;U.S.Representative from Pennsylvania 3rd District, 1953-73.Catholic.Died in Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.,September3, 1980 (age74 years, 73days).Interment atHolySepulchre Cemetery, Cheltenham, Pa.
 Relatives:Married,June 7,1939, to M. Virginia Mullin.
 See alsocongressionalbiography —Govtrack.uspage —Find-A-Gravememorial
 Byrne, James E., Sr. — of Syracuse,OnondagaCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for New York,1956.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, James F. — of East Haven,New HavenCounty, Conn.Democrat. Candidate forConnecticutstate house of representatives from East Haven, 1902.Burial location unknown. Byrne, James F. — of Norwich,ChenangoCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Chenango County, 1924, 1938; candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 34th District, 1930; actingpostmaster atNorwich,N.Y., 1945-49.Burial location unknown. Byrne, James J.(1863-1930) —of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Born in Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.,April 8,1863.Democrat. Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from Kings County 9th District, 1905;boroughpresident of Brooklyn, New York, 1926-30; died in office 1930.Catholic.Irishancestry. Member,Elks;Knightsof Columbus.Died, fromgallstones,in BrooklynHospital,Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.,March14, 1930 (age66 years, 340days).Interment atHolyCross Cemetery, Brooklyn, N.Y.
 Relatives: Sonof Richard Byrne and Bridget (Lawrey) Byrne; married1906 to May A.Sesnon (sister-in-law ofJohnHenry McCooey); uncle by marriage ofJohnHenry McCooey Jr..
 Political family:McCooey-Ambrofamily of Brooklyn, New York.
 Byrne, James R. — ofEssexCounty, N.J.Member ofNewJersey state house of assembly from Essex County, 1914.Burial location unknown. Byrne, James R. — ofBuchananCounty, Mo.Member ofMissouristate house of representatives from Buchanan County 4th District,1919-20.Burial location unknown. Byrne, James S. — of New York. Democrat. Candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 37th District, 1944.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, James W.(c.1787-1862) —of Texas. Born inIreland,about 1787.Served in the Texas Army during the Texas War of Independence; memberofTexasRepublic Senate from District of Goliad, Refugio and SanPatricio, 1840-43.Catholic.Died in Lamar,AransasCounty, Tex.,September10, 1862 (ageabout 75years).Burial location unknown. Byrne, Jane Margaret(1934-2014) —also known asJane M. Byrne;Jane MargaretBurke —of Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.Born, in John B. MurphyHospital,Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.,May 24,1934.Democrat.Mayorof Chicago, Ill., 1979-83; defeated in primary, 1983, 1987, 1991.Female.Catholic.Died in Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.,November14, 2014 (age80 years, 174days).Interment atCalvaryCemetery, Evanston, Ill.
 Relatives:Daughter of William Patrick Burke and Katherine Marie (Nolan) Burke;married1956 toWilliam Patrick Byrne; married1978 to JayWendell McMullen.
 Epitaph: "Mayor of Chicago: Take FromOur Past To Give To Our Future."
 See alsoWikipediaarticle —NNDBdossier —Internet Movie Databaseprofile —Find-A-Gravememorial —OurCampaignscandidate detail
 Books by Jane Byrne:MyChicago (1992)
 Books about Jane Byrne: Bill & LoriGranger,FightingJane: Mayor Jane Byrne and the Chicago Machine
 Byrne, Jennie C. — of New Rochelle,WestchesterCounty, N.Y.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromNew York,1956.Female.Still living as of 1956. Byrne, John F. — ofSt.Louis, Mo.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMissouri,1924,1928.Burial location unknown. Byrne, John F. — of Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.Democrat. Member ofPennsylvaniastate senate, 1951-52, 1967-70 (8th District 1951-52, 6thDistrict 1967-70); delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1952,1956,1960,1964.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, John J. — of Flatbush (now part of Brooklyn),KingsCounty, N.Y.Postmaster atFlatbush,N.Y., 1887.Burial location unknown. Byrne, John R.(1858-1932) —of Upper Tyrone Township,FayetteCounty, Pa.; Everson,FayetteCounty, Pa.Born inHuntingdonCounty, Pa.,April 9,1858.Republican.Coaloperator; member ofPennsylvaniastate house of representatives, 1887-88; delegate to RepublicanNational Convention from Pennsylvania,1896(alternate),1924,1928.Catholic.Died in Everson,FayetteCounty, Pa.,October2, 1932 (age74 years, 176days).Interment atSt. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Cemetery, Scottdale, Pa.
 See alsoFind-A-Gravememorial
 Byrne, John T. — of Eureka,St. LouisCounty, Mo.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMissouri,1912.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Joseph — of Bismarck,BurleighCounty, N.Dak.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from NorthDakota,1940,1944(alternate).Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, Joseph H. — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Independence League candidate for Presidential Elector for New York,1908.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Joseph L. (b.1859) —Born inIreland,1859.Not U.S. citizen;commissionmerchant;journalist;U.S. Vice & Deputy Consul inValencia, 1900-11.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Joseph M. — ofEssexCounty, N.J.Member ofNewJersey state house of assembly from Essex County, 1893-94.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Joseph M., Jr. — of Newark,EssexCounty, N.J.Democrat. Member ofNewJersey state house of assembly from Essex County, 1932; delegateto Democratic National Convention from New Jersey,1948.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Joseph M. — of Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1964.Still living as of 1964. Byrne, Joseph P. — of New York. Republican. Candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 6th District, 1932.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Katherine — of Putnam,WindhamCounty, Conn.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention fromConnecticut,1924(member,Committeeon Permanent Organization),1928,1932,1936,1940;member ofRepublicanNational Committee from Connecticut, 1932-40;vice-chair ofConnecticut Republican Party, 1940.Female.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Kathleen A. — of Jamestown,ChautauquaCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York,1980,1984.Female.Still living as of 1984. Byrne, L. A. — Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Arkansas,1884.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Leslie Larkin (b.1946) —also known asLeslie L. Byrne — of Virginia. Born in Salt Lake City,Salt LakeCounty, Utah,October27, 1946.Democrat. Member ofVirginiastate house of delegates 38th District, 1986-93;U.S.Representative from Virginia 11th District, 1993-95; defeated,1994.Female.Member,League of WomenVoters.Still living as of 1998.
 See alsocongressionalbiography —Govtrack.uspage
 Byrne, M. S. — of Bowman,BowmanCounty, N.Dak.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromNorth Dakota,1952.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, Margaret Mary — also known asPeggy Byrne — Member ofMinnesotastate house of representatives District 64-B, 1975-82.Female.Still living as of 1982.
 See alsoMinnesotaLegislator record
 Byrne, Martha — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York,1920,1924,1932(alternate),1936(alternate),1940(alternate);delegateto New York convention to ratify 21st amendment, 1933.Female.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Matthew J. — Republican. Candidate forJustice ofNew York Supreme Court 9th District, 2004.Still living as of 2004. Byrne, Michael, Jr. — of Grass Valley,NevadaCounty, Calif.Postmaster atGrassValley, Calif., 1887.Burial location unknown. Byrne,MichaelSeeWilliam MichaelByrne Byrne, Michael G. — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Independence League candidate for Presidential Elector for New York,1908.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Michael J. — of Waterbury,New HavenCounty, Conn.Democrat. Candidate forConnecticutstate house of representatives from Waterbury, 1900.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Myles J. — of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Democrat.Delegateto New York state constitutional convention 5th District, 1938.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, Nancy — of Princeton,MercerCounty, N.J.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey,1988.Female.Still living as of 1988. Byrne, Napoleon B. — of Berkeley,AlamedaCounty, Calif.Postmaster atBerkeley,Calif., 1887.Burial location unknown.
 Presumably namedfor:NapoleonBonaparte
 Byrne, Patricia Mary(1925-2007) —also known asPatricia M. Byrne — Born in Ohio,June 1,1925.Foreign Service officer; U.S. Ambassador toMali, 1976;Burma, 1979-83.Female.DiedNovember23, 2007 (age82 years, 175days).Burial location unknown.
 See alsoU.S. State Dept career summary —NNDBdossier
 Byrne, Patrick — of Detroit,WayneCounty, Mich.Republican. Candidate forMichiganstate senate 5th District, 1942; Republican Presidential Electorfor Michigan,1948(voted forThomasE. Dewey andEarlWarren); Republican candidate for Presidential Elector forMichigan,1968(on behalf ofRichardM. Nixon andSpiroT. Agnew).Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, Patrick S. — of Spokane,SpokaneCounty, Wash.Democrat.Mayorof Spokane, Wash., 1901-03; candidate forU.S.Representative from Washington at-large, 1906.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Paul L. — of Chico,ButteCounty, Calif.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention fromCalifornia,1960.Still living as of 1960. Byrne,PeggySeeMargaret MaryByrne Byrne, Peter — of Bon Homme,Bon HommeCounty, S.Dak.Member ofSouthDakota state senate 4th District, 1891-92.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Peter J. — of Roosevelt,NassauCounty, Long Island, N.Y.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromNew York,1964.Still living as of 1964. Byrne, Peyton — ofBraxtonCounty, W.Va.Member ofWestVirginia state house of delegates from Braxton County, 1887.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Phyllis (bornc.1931) —of Lewes,SussexCounty, Del.Born about 1931. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Delaware,2004.Female.Still living as of 2004. Byrne, R. R. — of Ukiah,MendocinoCounty, Calif.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromCalifornia,1920.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Raymond — Libertarian. Candidate forU.S.Representative from New Jersey 3rd District, 2002.Still living as of 2002. Byrne, Raymond — Better For America candidate for Presidential Elector for New Mexico,2016(on behalf ofEvanMcMullin andNathanJohnson).Still living as of 2016. Byrne, Richard P.(1880-1958) —of DeWitt,OnondagaCounty, N.Y.Born near Pompey,OnondagaCounty, N.Y.,October27, 1880.Democrat.Lawyer;candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 35th District, 1934; delegate toDemocratic National Convention from New York,1944,1948,1952;member ofNew Yorkstate senate 43rd District, 1945-46; member ofNew YorkDemocratic State Committee, 1945.Member,American BarAssociation.Died, in Crouse-IrvingHospital,Syracuse,OnondagaCounty, N.Y.,July 18,1958 (age77 years, 264days).Interment atPompeyHill Cemetery, Pompey, N.Y. Byrne, Richard W. — of Kansas City,JacksonCounty, Mo.Republican. Candidate forMissouristate senate 11th District, 1952; candidate forU.S.Representative from Missouri 5th District, 1958.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, Robert — of Arnegard,McKenzieCounty, N.Dak.Secretaryof state of North Dakota, 1925-.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Robert J. — Conservative. Candidate forU.S.Representative from New York 33rd District, 1978.Still living as of 1978. Byrne, Thomas — Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois,1900.Burial location unknown. Byrne, Thomas P. — of West Hartford,HartfordCounty, Conn.Republican. Member ofConnecticutstate house of representatives 11th District; elected 1970.Still living as of 1970. Byrne, Thomas Robert(1923-2009) —also known asThomas R. Byrne — of St. Paul,RamseyCounty, Minn.Born in St. Paul,RamseyCounty, Minn.,March 9,1923.Served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II;lawyer;mayorof St. Paul, Minn., 1966-70.Catholic.Irishancestry. Member,AmericanLegion;Veterans ofForeign Wars.DiedApril 5,2009 (age86 years, 27days).Burial location unknown.
 See alsoWikipediaarticle
 Byrne, Thomas Ryan(1923-2014) —also known asThomas R. Byrne — of Pennsylvania. Born in West Englewood,BergenCounty, N.J.,February4, 1923.Historian;economist;Foreign Service officer; U.S. Ambassador toNorway, 1973-76;Czechoslovakia, 1976-78.Died in Bethesda,MontgomeryCounty, Md.,March20, 2014 (age91 years, 44days).Interment atGateof Heaven Cemetery, Silver Spring, Md.
 See alsoWikipediaarticle —U.S. State Dept career summary —Find-A-Gravememorial
 Byrne, W. J. — of Natchez,AdamsCounty, Miss.Mayorof Natchez, Miss., 1937.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, W.MichaelSeeWilliam MichaelByrne Byrne, Walter G. — of New York,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from New York County 16th District, 1890-92.Burial location unknown. Byrne, William — ofBaltimore,Md.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Maryland,1860.Burial location unknown. Byrne, William A. — Republican. Union Republican candidate forU.S.Representative from Delaware at-large, 1902.Burial location unknown. Byrne, William B., Jr. — of New York. Democrat. Candidate forNew Yorkstate senate 34th District, 1956.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, William B. — of Henderson,ClarkCounty, Nev.Mayorof Henderson, Nev., 1957-65.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, William E. — of Tupper Lake,FranklinCounty, N.Y.Mayorof Tupper Lake, N.Y., 1947.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. Byrne, William E. R. — ofKanawhaCounty, W.Va.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from WestVirginia,1896;member ofWestVirginia state house of delegates from Kanawha County, 1923-24.Burial location unknown. Byrne, William Matthew, Sr.(1896-1974) —also known asWilliam M. Byrne, Sr. — Born in Bakersfield,KernCounty, Calif.,July 10,1896.Served in the U.S. Navy during World War I;lawyer;member ofCaliforniastate assembly, 1925-31; municipal judge in California, 1943-48;superior court judge in California, 1948-50;U.S.District Judge for the Southern District of California, 1950-66;took senior status 1966.DiedMarch 9,1974 (age77 years, 242days).Burial location unknown. Byrne, William Matthew, Jr.(1930-2006) —also known asWilliam M. Byrne, Jr. — Born in Los Angeles,Los AngelesCounty, Calif.,September3, 1930.Lawyer;law clerk for U.S. District JudgePeirsonM. Hall;U.S.Attorney for the Central District of California, 1967-70;U.S.District Judge for the Central District of California, 1971-98;took senior status 1998; senior judge, 1998-2006.Died in Los Feliz, Los Angeles,Los AngelesCounty, Calif.,January12, 2006 (age75 years, 131days).Burial location unknown. Byrne, William Michael — also known asW. Michael Byrne —U.S.Attorney for Delaware, 1899-1902, 1902-03.Burial location unknown.William T. ByrneByrne, William Thomas(1876-1952) —also known asWilliam T. Byrne — of Loudonville,AlbanyCounty, N.Y.Born in Bean Hill, Florida town,MontgomeryCounty, N.Y.,March 6,1876.Democrat.Lawyer;member ofNew Yorkstate senate 30th District, 1923-36;U.S.Representative from New York, 1937-52 (28th District 1937-45,32nd District 1945-52); died in office 1952.Died in Troy,RensselaerCounty, N.Y.,January27, 1952 (age75 years, 327days).Interment atSt.John's Cemetery, Colonie, N.Y.
 See alsocongressionalbiography —Govtrack.uspage
 Image source: New York Red Book1936

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of apolitical graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
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