There are 8 PEAR-related mailing lists available. Most of them have archives available, and they are also available as newsgroups on ournews server. The archives are searchable. The lists are described in more detail in themanual.
PEAR Mailing Lists | Moderated | Archive | Newsgroup | Name |
PEAR general list A list for people with questions on how to use PEAR | no | yes | yeshttp | pear-general |
PEAR developers list A list for the people who make PEAR packages | no | yes | yeshttp | pear-dev |
PEAR SVN list All commits to PEAR's SVN repository get automatically posted to this list | no | yes | yeshttp | pear-cvs |
PEAR documentation list A list for discussing topics related to the PEAR documentation. | no | yes | yeshttp | pear-doc |
PEAR QA list A list for managing PEAR's Quality Assurance process | no | yes | yeshttp | pear-qa |
PEAR Core development list A list for the people who make PEAR's core infrastructure | no | yes | yeshttp | pear-core |
PEAR webmaster list A list for the people managing PEAR's website | no | yes | yeshttp | pear-webmaster |
PEAR bugs list A list for people that want to monitor every single bug and comments/changes on those bugs | no | n/a | yeshttp | pear-bugs |
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