Opus development
Development chat takes place on#opus on irc.libera.chat.(→Webchat)
The Xiph.Org wiki has anOpus Todo page, and theIETF Codec WG page has list archives,meeting minutes, and technical presentation. Monty’sCELT demo page provides a broad overview ofthe MDCT layer of Opus.
If you wish to contribute to Opus, see theOpus contributing wiki page for more information.
Source code repository
Master git repository:
$ git clonehttps://gitlab.xiph.org/xiph/opus.git
There is also a mirror atGitHub.
See thedocumentation for an API reference and test vectors for verifying your implementation.
Opus-tools includes a set of tools for encoding/decoding Opus to and from wav. The files the tools produceare suitable for distribution with support for seeking, metadata, and multichannel.See also: theOggOpus mapping.
$ git clonehttps://gitlab.xiph.org/xiph/opus-tools.git
Opusfile provides a high-level API for decoding and seeking within .opus files similar to what libvorbisfileprovides for Vorbis.
$ git clonehttps://gitlab.xiph.org/xiph/opusfile.git
Libopusenc provides a high-level API for creating .opus files and streams.
$ git clonehttps://gitlab.xiph.org/xiph/libopusenc.git
Continuous integration
TheOpus continuous integration server performs automated builds and tests of Opus on many platformsand configurations.Some of the builds run on remote systems and may fail from time to time due to connectivity problems. The consoleoutput is available and usually very informative when builds fail.
Build status for theGithub mirrors and test results for pull requests there are provided byTravis andAppVeyor.
- Test coverage reports:
- Latest rendered codec specification:
- Static analysis results:
- Libopus API documentation: