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What is OpenSimulator?

Image of past Moment:
Opensimulator Community Conference 2013

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Other downloads may be found at either theDownload page, or theOpenSim Release Repository

OpenSimulator is an open source multi-platform, multi-user 3D application server. It can be used to create a virtual environment (or world) which can be accessed through a variety of clients, on multiple protocols. It also has an optional facility (theHypergrid) to allow users to visit other OpenSimulator installations across the web from their 'home' OpenSimulator installation. In this way, it is the basis of a nascent distributed Metaverse.

OpenSimulator allows virtual world developers to customize their worlds using the technologies they feel work best - we've designed the framework to be easily extensible. OpenSimulator is written inC#, running on Windows, Unix-like machines and on several plaforms on.NET. The source code is released under aBSD License, a commercially friendly license to embed OpenSimulator in products. If you want to know about our development history, seeHistory.

Out of the box, OpenSimulator can be used to simulate virtual environments similar toSecond Life™, given that it supports the core ofSL's messaging protocol. However, OpenSimulator is not just a clone of the Second Life server platform. Rather, the project aims to enable innovative feature development for virtual environments and the Metaverse at large. So only a subset of viewers for Second Life do implement Opensimulator features, seeCompatible Viewers.

OpenSimulator is getting more stable over time but is still a high complex software system that can suffer various bugs and quirks; handle with care!


  • Supports online, multi-user 3D environments as small as 1 simulator or as large as thousands of simulators.
  • Supports 3D virtual spaces of variable size.
  • Supports multiple clients and protocols - access the same world at the same time via multiple protocols.
  • Supports realtime Physics Simulation, with multiple engine options.
  • Supports clients that create 3D content in real time.
  • Supports inworld scripting using LSL/OSSL.
  • Provides unlimited ability to customize virtual world applications through the use ofscene plugin modules.

For a more extensive list, see theFeature Matrix.

Running an OpenSimulator-Based World

Participating in the OpenSimulator Community

OpenSimulator is anopen source project, and is powered by the community members that devote time and energy to the effort. There are many ways to participate and contribute to the community:

  • Participate viaIRC. There are channels for users and developers.
  • Participate via theMailing Lists. There are mailing lists for OpenSimulator use and development, as well as broader topics such as education and the Hypergrid.
  • Contribute to this wiki, making the OpenSimulator documentation even better. Don't be afraid of making mistakes - they can be easily corrected.
  • Reportbugs or submitpatches via ourmantis bug tracker. If you're submitting code, please read through theContributions Policy before starting.
  • Create an OpenSimulator related project hosted on theForge orelsewhere on the web. In the forge there are over a dozen registered projects, and it's a great way to further extend the OpenSimulator community.
  • Participate to open content creation for OpenSimulator. More details atArtist Home.
  • Participate in the weeklyOffice Hours for OpenSimulator development.

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