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Thu 28 Jun 1917 - The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954)
Yesterday the personnel of the National
Cabinet was determined by the members
of the Parliamentary National Party, and
the new Ministerial team will be sworn
in this morning. Mr. Lefroy, as the Pre
mier, will take over the reins of office
from Mr. Frank "Wilsoq at 230 p.m. to
day, and the new Adm`aisiration will as
sume control of the affairs of the State.
In, response to the summons, the attend
ance of members of the Parliamentary
National Party at Parliament House yes
terday afternoon at 2.30 was a large one.
There were, it is stated, 2A members pre
sent, the seven absentees including Messrs..
F. Wilsou, J. Mitchell, J. D. tonnolly, and
G. Foley. the last-mentioned having left
the city for his electorate. The first busi
ness to be decided was the proportional
representation of each of the political sec
tions: of the party, the determination of
members, as evidenced in the final selec
tion of the team, being as follows:
Ministers. Ministers.
Liberal Party ...... .. 4 0
Country Party ...... - 1 2
National Labour Party .. 1 1
The decision having been arrived at that
the selection of the members to be includ
ed in-the Ministry should be by means of
an exhaustive ballot by the members as a
whole, and not by members of the several
sections voting for representatives from
their own ranks, the task of choosing the
team was then commenced, Messrs. Gar
diner and Nairn; it is understood, acting
as scrutineers. The ballot took a conedder
able time to complete. and it was not till
after 5.30 that the list was completed.
Members adjourned to drink the health of
the National Ministers, subsequent to which
a brief meeting of Ministers themselves
was held to complete arrangements for to
day's formalities. Mr. Lefroy, accompanied
by Mr. W. J. George, then left Parlia
ment House to wait upon his Excellency
the Governor to acquaint him with the per"
sonnel of the Oabinet, which was subse
quently made available to a "West Austra
lian" reporter as follows, the names of
Ministers .:b?ing given, Mir. Lrfroy stated,
in the order of precedence:
Mr. H. B. Lefroy: Premier and Minis
ter for Lands and Agriculture.
Mr. H. P. Colebatch: Colonial Secretary
and Minister for Education.
Mr. W. J. George: Minister'for Works
and Trading Concerns.
Mr. R. T. Robinson: Attorney-General
and Minister for Woods and Forests.
Mr. J. Gardiner: Colonial Treasurer.
Mr. J. Scaddan: Minister' for Minesand
Mr. C. F. Bater:. Honorary Minister. .
Mr. F. E: S. Wllmott: Honorary Mint
Mr. C. A. Hudson: Honorary Minister.
'Although the Premier-designate (Mr.
Lefroy) intimated in a brief statement-lest
night that the allocation of- departnenla
which the Honorary MilzdFers will take
charge of had not yet been decided, an'
aniouncement was 'made during the even'
ing at the dinner tendered to the delegates
attending the Primary' Producers' Confer
ence that Mr. WilLhott would assist the
Premier by taking charge of the Lands De.
partment. It is understood that Mr. Hud
son will assist the Attorney-General, and
that Mr. Baxter will either take over the
Industries - Departitent "or elseihelp 'Mi.
'Colebstch, who has so many departments
under hsis control. From the foregoing
list of Ministers, .it will be seen that only
two-Messr. 'Gardiner ' and Sexddan-- ll
be required, undef the'existing legislation,
to go before their constituents for re-eleo
tion before they can. take their seats in
the House. Of the Liberal Government,
only two members-Messrs. Wilsan and
Mitchell-are not included in the. new
team, both having, refrained from al?end=
ing the recent meetings of the Parlianen
tary National Party..
The selection of Mr. Gardiner renders the
Speakership vacant, and it is understood
that the' prospects of Mr. ý. Taylor for
the position are regarded favourably by
tbe party. ,
In the course of a brief statement last
night the new Premier .(Mr. Lefroy), in
announcing the personnel of his Cabinet,
said that members af the Parliamentary
National Party .-had, at their meeting that
afternoon, decided upon the proportional
representation of the different' sections in
the new Government, and had -then taken
a ballot regarding the selection of Minis
ters, the narty votin' as a Whole, with thej
result already stated. When asked who
would take chage of the Industries De-i
"partment, Mr. Lefroy said that such do
tails had not yet been decEded. "We want
to discuss these matters," he said, "and it
cnnaot be expected that-we should' fill up
all the details as to how the different de
partments shell be reshuffles all at once. I
think I have done. very well in allocating
the portfolios already. We cannot'be,rushed
too much in these matters."
In response to an inquiry as to whether
be would make any statement as to the
policy of the new Government, Mr. Lefroy
said that he could not say anything; and
in -reply to a further query as to whether
it was a matter that had yet to be decided
by Cabinet, he said:--"Certainly. That is
to say, Ministers have not been in con
sultstion yet. We have oply just come
together, and it is nomt usual for a Premier
to expound his poicy stright away, and
certainly not, until he has. disussed the
matter with his Ministers."
Asked as to whether the new Ministers
Messrs. Scaddan and Grdiner-would go to
their constituente before the general elec
tions, Mr. Lefroy said that that point had
not been decided, a similar reply beihg re
oeived to a further query regarding the
date upon which the Government 'wod
meet the House.
IThe deposed Liberal Pr?mier, Mr. Frank
Wilson, was asked lst night if he would
comment upon the lates·t deyelopment in
connection with the National movement.
"At the present juncture," he replied, "I
do not desire to say anything beyond stat
ing that Mr. Lefroy has advised me that
the new Government are to be sworn in at
10.30 to-morrow, and I have arranged to
hand over to him at 2.30 p.m."
The late Minister for Industries (Mr.
James Mitchell), whenrseen yesterday morn
ing, made the following statement regard
ing his position, in explaining.the reasons
which prevented him from attending the
meeting of the .,Parliamentary National
Party that afternoon:-
"Although I will not attend the Parlia
mentary National Party meeting this after
noon, 1 wish to mako it quite clear that I
am a Nationalist. I do not agree with the
methods which have brought about the pre_
sent-crisis. I cannot see how a Government
formed by the means adopted for the s'
lection of Ministers can be regarded as
National in a broad and true sense. That
the National Party is at present a con
glomeration of parties is amply proved by
the fact that representation, on the basis
of numbers, is to be given to the three
parties to the contract. To my mind the
new Ministry will be merely a coalition
Government-a stop-gap Government-to be
replaced by the people's representatives re
turned as Nationalists and owing alle.nce
to no other party, as is the case at pre
sent. I will not attend the meeting, be
cause I believe I have no right to vote for
the representatives of the Labour Party,
who will represent' Labour views in the
Cabinet. Although I am not far
removed from the Country Party,
I do not think that I have a right
to vote for the selection of its representa=
tives. In the same way I do not,. think
that the representatives of the other two
parties have a right to elect the Liberal
quota. Undoubtedly until after the elec
tions each party is striving to maintain its
separate identity, and for very 'obvious rea
"I realise that in staying away I lose
any chance I may have had of election,
but what of that? I do not flatter myself
that -I should have been elected after the
stand I have taken. You see, I am not
submissive-Caucus control would soon be
come unbearable and impossible. I recog
nise that it is the duty of all members to
give generous support to any Government,
no matter how. formed, in these tinies of
stress, and' I will lend such support, con
sistent with the interests of the State. and
the Empire."
. Contrary to expectations, the members of
the Legislative Council were not preint at
yesterday's meeting of the Parliamentary
National Party. An invitation has been
extended 'to members of the Upper House,
however, to attend a meeting of dhe party
at 11 o'clock this morning at Parliament
House and to join the National Party.
An announcement appears elsewhere in
thbi issue by the Farmers .and Settiers'
Association calling for nominations in cn
nection with the forthcoming general elec
tions for the Legislative Assembly for the
following seats:--Irwin, Murray-Wellington,
York, Moore, Northam, Swan, and, SuseL.
Nominations are receivable up to 10. am.
on Saturday, August U, such nominations
to' be accompanied by azi undertakidng in
writing, and signed by the person nomnat- '
ag, to "adhere to the principles and de
tails of the party policy and of the con
stitution." The following district' councils
of the Farmers. and Settlers' Association
are also advised in the advertisement' to
.make the necessary arrangements for call
ing nominations in the electorates '.under
their, control, namely-Avon, Greenough,
Pingelly, Toodyay, Albany, Wagin, Eatan
ning, Beverley, and Nelson.
As stated in these columns some time
ago, the position of the Country Party in
connection with the National Government
will become decidedly interesting when con=
sideration is given to the National move
ment at the annual conference : of the
Farmers and Settlers' Association, which is
fixed for Angust 9 next. It is understood
that evidence is not' wanting that the en
dorsement of the action of the Parliament
ary members of the Country Party in en
tering the ranks of the National Govern
ment may not be forthcoming when the
conference meets in August, particularly
in view. of the decision of the association
last year, which went against any coalition
Sbeing entered into by the Country Party
i without the endorsement of the conference.
SIn the event of an a4verse decision being
arrived at it will be interesting to see
whether the Country Party, like the Labour
Party, will be split into sections, and a
National Country Party and an Oftcia
{Gountry Party become separate factors in
i'State politics.
To the Editor.
Sir,-I feel sure that the electors of the
State will view with alarm the reshuffling
of Parliamentary parties under the guise
of Nationalism. Most of us irecognise the
main object has been to get rid of Messrs.
Wilson and Mitchell, two of the strongest
memlomrs of the Liberal Ministry, and
one searches in vain for a reason. unless it
can be found in the clauses of the Tenth
Commandment. All who have known Mr.
Lefroy, as I have, for many years, know
that he is the soul of honour, aid one
cann~t help feeling 'that he has been made
a cat?panw to sit others. Feeling, himself,
that now is the time to sink party differ
ences and to all pull together for the good
of the comuntry, he of course credits others
with the same wish, and nattrally cannot
see where it leads him to. At no previous
period of the State's history have we so
needed a strong man at the head o~ the
Government as the present, and Mr. Le
froya greatest admirers cannot claim that
h ms the man for the moment. That he
is personally populao is generally admitted,
bu it is not the popular man we wamnt
just now so much as the strong man; and,
tholugh everyone was tired of the constant
bickeing amongst members of opposing
parties, I fear the latest more of sacrificin
two of our ablest administrators to replace
them by others less able will be. resented
by the general public-Yours, etc.,
Northam, June 26.
Article identifier
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APA citation
STATE POLITICS. (1917, June 28).The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved March 30, 2025, from
MLA citation
"STATE POLITICS."The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) 28 June 1917: 7. Web. 30 Mar 2025 <>.
Harvard/Australian citation
1917 'STATE POLITICS.',The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), 28 June, p. 7. , viewed 30 Mar 2025,
Wikipedia citation
{{cite news |url= |title=STATE POLITICS. |newspaper=[[The West Australian]] |volume=XXXIII, |issue=4,754 |location=Western Australia |date=28 June 1917 |accessdate=30 March 2025 |page=7 |via=National Library of Australia}}

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