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Sat 18 Feb 1911 - The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954)
Page 7 - Family Notices
BERTRAM.—On the 5th February, at South
Yarra, to Mr. and Mrs. David Bertram—a son.
CARTER.—On the 25th January, at Seale Park,
Clunes to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carter—a son (John
DALY (nee Peterson). —On the 26th January, at
594 High-street, Preston, the wife of R. Daly—
a son (Robert Stanley) (premature).
GREER (nee Anderson). —On the 6th February, at
"Kalmar," Ewart-street, Malvern, to Mr. and Mrs.
James Greer—a daughter (Eunice Anderson).
GUIVER. —On the 4th February, at "Atholdell,"
Danks-street, Middle Park, to Mr. and Mrs. T.
Guiver, jun.—a son (George Albert).
HALL. —On the 9th February, at Nurse Wilson's,
"Inglenook," 62 Albion-street, East Brunswick, the
wife of G. Hall, England—a son (George Felix).
HIGGINBOTHAM. —On the 16th February, at
"Bethesda" private hospital, East Melbourne, the
wife of Frederick Higginbotham—a daughter. Both
JACOBS. —On the 15th January, at Scotchmer-
street, North Fitzroy, the wife of L. P. Jacobs—a
daughter (stillborn).
KELLY. —On the 10th February, at Miss Thorn's
private hospital, Bendigo, the wife of Piers Kelly—
a daughter.
KERR. —On the 5th February, at 67 O'Grady-
street, Albert Park, the wife of William Thomas
Kerr—a son (Malcolm Thomas). Both well.
KNEE. —On the 15th February, at Nurse Rankin's
private hospital, Armadale, the wife of A. W. Knee,
B.C.E., shire engineer, Tatura—a daughter.
LANE (nee Barber). —On the 8th February, at
Nurse Pagden's private hospital, The Avenue, Wind-
sor, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lane—a daughter.
McKENZIE. —On the 10th February, at "Loch
Broom," Point Nepean road, Elsternwick, to Mr. and
Mrs. A. McKenzie—a daughter.
MORRISON (nee McAdam). —On the 10th Febru-
ary, at Nurse Green's private nursing home, "St.
Albans," Manning-street, Brisbane, the wife of J.
Shaw Morrison—a daughter.
MORRISON. —On the 28th January, at Arcade-
buildings, High-street, Armadale, to Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. Morrison—a son.
NEAGLE (nee Selby). —On the 16th February, at
"Cooinda," Warragul, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Neagle
(Victorian Railways), Darnum—a daughter. Both
NEWBOUND (nee Harris). —On the 3rd February,
at their residence, 23 Bridge-street Northcote, the
wife of Henry J. Newbound—a daughter. Both doing
OCCLESTON (nee Goodyear). —On the 15th Feb-
ruary, to Mr. and Mrs. Berry Occleston—a son. New
Zealand and home papers copy.
OUTHRED (nee Reeve). —On the 12th February,
to Mr. and Mrs. Outhred, at "Lynn," Castella-
Sreet, Lillydale—a daughter.
PEERS (nee Jack). —On the 19th January, at the
Grand View Hotel, Fairfield Park, the wife of
Archibald A. Peers—a son.
RICHARDS (nee ColIie). —On the 15th, at Nurse
Baldwin private hospital, Tatura, the wife of Al-
bert Richards—a daughter.
SMITH. —On the 11th February, at Nurse Wilson's,
"Inglenook," 62 Albion-street, East Brunswick , the
wife of J. H. Smith, Sydney—a daughter. Both well.
TAYLOR (nee Fay BIades). —On the 25th January,
at Norwood-street, Newmarket, to Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Taylor, of Kyabram—a son.
THOMSON (nee Woodman). —On the 24th Janu-
ary, at Barkly-street, St. Kilda, to Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Thomson—a son.
THURMAN (nee Lampe). —On the 5th February,
at "St Ermin's" private hospital, Wangaratta, to
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Thurman—a daughter. (Both
WASHINGTON. —On the 14th February, at
Thomas-street, Half Moon Bay, the wife of W. S.
Washington—a son.
WESTLEY. —On the 4th February, at Nurse
Philip's private hospital, Prahan, the wife of
Walter Wellington Westley—a daughter.
WILSON. —On the 15th February, at "Cronulla,"
North-road, Elsternwick, the wife of A. W. Wilson—
a son.
WILSON (nee Ives). —On the 5th February, at
Montrose-street, Surrey Hills, the wife of Arthur S.
Wilson—a daughter (Hazel Iris). Both well.
WITHERS. —On the 7th February, at "Koroit,''
Moore-street, South Yarra, to Mr. and Mrs. Alf.
Withers—a daughter. Both well.
BIENVENU—MORCOMBE. —On the 29th Decem-
ber, 1910, at Presbyterian Church, Elsternwick East,
by the Rev. F. McQueen, Reginald Guerin Bien-
venu B.A., eldest son of G. Bienvenu, Oakleigh,
to Christina Edith, third daughter of E. B. Mor-
combe, Elsternwick.
BLANCH—SHAW. —On the 15th December, 1910,
at St. John's Presbyterian Church, Essendon, by the
Rev. Alexander Stewart, M.A., John Wilfred, third
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Blanch, Adelaide, to
Margaret Neilson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Shaw, Moonee Ponds. At home. "Mildara,"
Wanda-road, Malvern, Thursday and Friday, 23rd
and 24th February.
BOLDUAN—STENNING. —On the 18th January,
at the Methodist Church, Gladstone-street, Moonee
Ponds, by the Rev. J. P. McCann, Leslie B.
Bolduan, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Bolduan of
"Harkaway," Berwick, to Mary J., eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. F. Stenning, of Moonee Ponds.
Present address: — Tallangatta Valley, Tallangatta.
BOWTELL—HARCOMBE. —On the 18th January,
by the Rev. A. Uglow, at the bride's residence,
Albert Henry, the third eldest son of the late
David Womsley and Mary Bowtell, of Croxton, to
Ethel May, only daughter of Frederick and Louisa
Harcombe, of 63 Green-Street, Richmond.
BROWN—HEMPEL. —On the 21st December, at
Christ Church, St. Kilda, by the Rev. Canon
Sadlier, Joseph Alfred, only son of Sarah Ann
Brown, of Hawksburn, to Cecelia, second eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hempel, of St.
BUSSELL—FAIRLESS. —On the 7th February,
at Methodist Manse, Dryburgh-street, North Mel-
bourne, James Stephenson, eldest son of J. and
M. Bussell, Preston, to Elsie May, eldest daughter
of E. and A. Fairless, West Melbourne.
CARTER—REIDY. —On the 23rd January, at St.
Paul's, Ascot Vale, by the Rev. R. Brett, William
Herbert Harrison, elder son of late H. J. Carter
(Flemington), to Greta Mary May, eldest daughter
of H. D. Reidy, Esq., of West Milby, New South
Wales (formerly of Port Fairy).
CONLON—REGAN. —On the 21st December, at St.
Mary's, Williamstown, by Rev. F. A. Conlon
(brother of the bridegroom), assisted by Rev. T.
Brazil, Thomas, sixth son of the late P. Conlon,
of Geelong to Ellen (Nellie), only daughter of Mrs.
regan and the late John Regan, of Williamstown.
Present address: "Wadeles", Parker-street, Wil-
DALY—MONGOVAN. —On the 1st February, at
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Ballarat, by Very Rev. J.
Shiel, Thomas Joseph, only son of the late Thomas
Daly and Mrs. Daly, late of Ballarat and Castle-
maine, to Eileen Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Mongovan, Corner Villa, Sturt-street,
Ballarat, and grandaughter of the late Mr. Daniel
DENNEHY—TIERNEY. —On the 26th December,
1910, at St. Joseph's, South Yarra, by the
Rev. R. S. Benson, William, youngest son of John
Dennehy, Lillydale, to May, twin daughter of Frank
Tierney, Tivoll-road, South Yarra.
EGAN—GRIFFITHS. —On the 19th January, at
the Presbyterian Church, Balranald, by the Rev.
G. T. Hughes, John Mathew, second son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. M. Egan, Bendigo, to Pauline
Grace (Dolly), third daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Aaron Griffiths, Balranald, New South Wales (late
of Donald).
FORSCUTT—CORMICK. —On the 25th January, at
St. John's, Clifton Hill, by the Rev. Father Ken-
nedy, Alexander K., eighth son of S. and G.
Forscutt, Gertrude-street, Fitzroy, to Elly, youngest
daughter of the late M. B. and K. Cormick, Bruns-
wick-street, Fitzroy.
FREAME—MORRIS. —On the 16th January, at
St. Bartholomew's Church of England, Burnley, by
the Rev. Alfred Gates, George, second son of J.
and E. Freame, of Port Melbourne, to Nancy, eld-
est daughter of A. and C. Morris, of Hay, New South
GRAHAM—TWENTYMAN. —On the 21st Decem-
ber, 1910, at Scots' Church, Collins-street, by the
Rev. Dr. Marshall, Matthew B., only son of Francis
Graham of Fitzroy, to Lilian C., eldest daughter
of the late E. Twentyman and Mrs. Twentyman of
Hawthorn. At home, "Wahroonga", 92 Denmark-
street, Kew, 21st and 22nd.
HAYES—WALKER. —On the 18th January, at the
residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. John
Crean, Willian G. H. Hayes to Ethel M. Walker,
third eldest daughter of Sarah Alice and Edward
Walker, 152 Dow-street, Port Melbourne.
HOTCHIN—BARBER. —On the 16th December,
1910, at St. Anselm's, Middle Park, Samuel King
Hotchin to Mary Adelaide Barber. At home, Cam-
berwell, 24th and 25th February.
IBBOTSON—TROY. —On the 21st January, by the
Rev. K E Hamilton, William Frederick, youngest
son of the late Edward Charles Ibbotson, of Shef-
field, to Amy, youngest daughter of the late John
Troy, of Dundee, Scotland.
JOHNSON—ROBERTS. —On the 21st January, at
St. Paul's, Ballarat, by the Rev. T. W. Sapsford,
assisted by Rev. T. A. Colebrook, Frank Gordon,
youngest son of James Johnson, of Brighton Beach,
to Celia, youngest daughter of Mrs. J. C. Roberts,
of Ballarat. Present address: "Cymru," Boxshall-
street, Middle Brighton.
KORTUM—WENDEL. —On the 8th February, at
Werribee, by the Rev. J. R. Currie, William Harold,
fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kortum of "Pine
Lodge," Elmore to Gertrude, fourth daughter of the
late Geo. Wendel, of Colbinabbin, and Mrs. Bain,
of Werribee.
MILLS—MATTHEWS. —On the 3rd February, at
the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev.
G. Tait, Renton B., eldest son of W. and E.
Mills, "The Grange," East Malvern, to Carrie,
eldest daughter of B. and U. Matthews, Punt-road,
South Yarra.
MINTO—DAVIDSON. —(Diamond Wedding.) —On
the 18th February, at Bishopwearmoth Church of
England, near Chester-street, Co. Durham, Fran-
cis, the son of Thomas and Sarah Minto, to Eliza-
beth Jane, the daughter of Thomas and Mary
Davidson, both of Durham, England. Present ad-
dress, View Point-street, Ararat. Home, Ameri-
can and Australian papers please copy.
NASH—COLEE. —On the 18th January, at St.
John's Church of England, Melbourne, by Rev.
Cadwaladr Thomas, Raymond A., second son of
the late William Henry and Amy F. Nash, "Ful-
ham," Cameron-street, North Brunswick, to Violet,
eldest daughter of Herry and Esther Colee, Rodda-
street, Coburg.
PAICE—CURNOW. —On the 24th December, 1910,
at St. Luke's Church of England, South Melbourne,
by the Rev. David Ross Hewton, Leonard John
(Jack), youngest son of the late J. T. and M. A.
Paice, of Port Melbourne to Violet Rovena, third
daughter of Mrs. J. A. Curnow, Port Melbourne.
PATRICK—QUIRK. —On the 1st February, at St.
Mary's Church, St. Kilda East, by the Rev. J. J.
Cusack, John, son of Jane and the late Andrew
Patrick, of Jarrow, England, to Ellen Catherine
Kirby, daughter of the late John and Julian Quirk,
of "Innisfail," Greaves-street, Fitzroy, Melbourne.
English papers please copy.
PEARSON—McPARLAND. —On the 31st Decem-
ber, 1910, at St. Joseph's R.C. Church, South Yarra,
by the Rev. Father Benson, David, second son of
the late Thomas William Pearson, of Wangaratta,
to Ethel May (Effie), youngest daughter of the late
Patrick McParland, of Melbourne.
RUFF—DUNN. —On the 2nd February, at St.
James' Old Cathedral, Little Collins-street, Mel-
bourne, by the Rev. H. F. Scott, Edward, third son
of the late Abraham and Mrs. S. Ruff, of Pearson-
street, Sale, to Edith Emily, third daughter if the
late William and Mrs. E. Dunn of Warragul.
SIM—COOK. —On the 5th January, at "Kilsyth,"
Eaglehawk, by the Rev. Alex. McDonald, M.A., of
Surrey Hills, Hedley George, eldest son of George
Sim, Esq., "Turriff", Box Hill, to Florence Mar-
garet, daughter of the late William Cook, Esq., of
Eaglehawk. Present address, Claremout, Western
SMITH—ADAMS. —On the 21st January, at the
Presbyterian Church, Lennox-street, Richmond, by
the Rev. H. Kelly, Albert George, second son of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, of Abbotsford, to Violet
Muriel, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
Adams, of Richmond. Present Address: "Kenley,"
Studley-street, Abbotsford.
THOMAS—NICOL. —On the 19th January, at
Malvern, by the Rev. J. R. Harcourt, B.A., Henry
Roberts, elder son of Edward Thomas, of Bendigo,
to Kirsten Woolmer, only daughter of W. P. Nicol,
of Warracknabeal. Present address; Meryl-street,
THOMPSON—WEBBER. —On the 2nd January,
at St. John's Church of England, Latrobe-street, by
Rev. Cadwaladr Thomas, Ivo Lindus, youngest son
of Captain John Thompson, of Middle Park, to
Bertha Lutzia, daughter of Abel Webber, Westport,
New Zealand.
TUCKER—LOWE. —On the 21st January, at St.
James' Church, Elsternwick, by the Rev. M.
Gough, Francis John, second son of George and
Amy Tucker, of McKinnon, Brighton, to Louisa
May, second daughter of Joseph and Martha Lowe,
of Ormond.
VAUGHAN—BANKS. —On the 24th December, at
Howe-crescent, by the Rev. P. Doran, William
James, eldest son of John Vaughan, South Mel-
bourne, to Lillain Maud, second daughter of Flor-
ence and the late Charles Banks, granddaughter of
the late Tamillas Mappin. Bendigo papers please
WYER—BUGG. —On the 17th January, at St. Au-
gustine's Church, Moreland, by Rev. J. S. Woods,
Charles Frederick, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wyer,
Brunswick, to Ethel May, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Bugg, Moreland. At home 23rd February, 51
Gower-street, Preston.
ARTHUR. —On the 13th February, at his resi-
dence, 42 Louisa-street, Coburg, John, the dearly
beloved husband of Eliza Arthur, aged 87 years. In-
terred privately on the 15th February.
Oh, for the touch of the vanished hand,
And the sound of the voice that it still.
CANN. —On the 17th February, at Children's Hos-
pital, Carlton, after an operation, Ida Ellen, beloved
eldest daughter of H. H. and E. E. Cann, of
Mount Blackwood, aged 10 years and 4 months.
Safe in the arms of Jesus.
DEBBLE. —On the 17th February, at her son-in-
law's residence, Public Library, Latrobe-street, Mel-
bourne, Jane, relict of late Daniel Deeble (late of
Bendigo), beloved mother of the late Mrs. Grace
George, Mrs. Jane Deeble (Western Australia), Mrs.
Thomas Dober (Melbourne), William, Daniel and
John Deeble, aged 81 years and 6 months.
At rest.
ESNOUF. —On the 13th February, at her son's re-
sidence, Anstruther-street, Echuca West, Emma,
relict of the late Philip Esnouf, aged 79 years. In-
terred at Echuca. Jersey papers please copy.
FARRELL. —On the 1st January at her residence,
Cabra Park, Dublin, Mary Keogh Farrell, widow of
the late James Farrell, formerly M.P. for Castle-
maine, and for many years Parliamentary Librarian.
FORSCUTT. —On the 17th February, at St. Vin-
cent's Hospital, Alexander Kirkbride (Alick), be-
loved husband of Elly and eighth son of S. and G.
Forscutt, of 99 Gertrude-st., Fitzroy.
FORSTER. —On the 17th February, at "Wood-
ford," 2 Alfred-street, Prahran, Kate? Gertrude, be-
loved youngest daughter of E. J. and Emma Forster,
aged 9 years.
FURPHY. —On the 9th February, at Shepparton,
Elma, second daughter of W. S. and A. Furphy,
aged 8 years.
GRANGER. —On the 17th February, Georgina
Elizabeth, beloved wife of William James Granger,
22 Ayr-street, Ascot Vale; mother of Georgina, Al-
bert James, Joseph Wiiliam and Sydney Wilfred;
daughter of the late Joseph and Elizabeth Isabella
Turner, Liverpool-street, Hobart, and sister of
Joseph Turner, furniture warehouseman, Hobart;
Mrs. Harriett Barnes, Hobart; and Mrs. Williamina
Mason, Launceston, Tasmania, aged 43 years. Pri-
vate interment. No flowers (by request).
Her heart was fixed, trusting in the Lord.
GREAVES. —On the 12th February, at her resi-
dence, Toongabbie, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr.
Thomas Greaves, sister of Mrs. Youlden (Toongab-
bie) and Mrs. Cribbins (Kew), after a short illness,
aged 71.
HAYES. —On the 15th February, at 470 Madeline-
street, Carlton, William Doria Hayes, dearly loved
only son of Margaret Hayes, and beloved brother of
Rita and Beattie. Privately interred on the 16th.
At rest.
HENDRICK. —On the 17th February, at Creswick,
suddenly, Arabella, relict of the late Peter Hed-
rick, of Buninyong, aged 65 years.
Deeply regretted.
HORKINGS. —On the 17th February, at the resi-
dence of his parents, 6 Gardner-street, Richmond,
George Frederick, dearly beloved youngest son of
John E. and Alice Horkings, aged 5 years and 9
A little sufferer at rest.
LEGGE. —On the 17th February, at his residence,
27 Victoria-grove, East Brunswick, Samuel, the
dearly beloved husband of Hetty Isabella, and father
of Herbert, Leonard, Arthur and Minnie, aged 76. A
colonist of 69 years.
LEWIEN. —On the 17th February, at her parents'
residence, Charles-street, Burwood, Edith Mary,
second eldest daughter of Mary Ann and Edward
Lewien, aged 15 years.
LEWTHWAITE. —On the 14th February, at Warra-
gul, Ellen Firth, the dearly beloved wife of Arthur
Lewthwaite, aged 55 years.
Most deeply loved and deeply mourned.
McDOWELL. —On the 16th February, at his late
residence, High-street, Yea, Robert Francis
McDowell, foster father of Albert Sykes, aged 70
McINTOSH. —On the 14th February, at Subiaco,
Western Australia, after great suffering, David
McRitchie, dearly loved husband of Letitia McIntosh,
beloved father of Will and Alex., South Africa ;
Mrs. E. Hade, Bass ; Mrs. C. Hardingham, Mrs. H.
Pickersgill, Letitia, Ethel, Ellie, Western Australia;
James (Sydney), dearly loved brother of Mrs. Flem-
ing, Grantville, and Mrs. Andrew, Scotland, aged
73 years 9 months.
Sweet rest.
MILNE. —On the 9th February, at the residence of
Mrs. M. B. Thomson, Hamilton, Margaret Milne,
sister of the late Rev. D. Milne.
PARSONS. —On the 14th February, at Geelong,
William Parsons, the dearly beloved father of Mrs.
Anstee, Geelong ; Mrs. Notman, Skipton, aged 86
years. Interred at Skipton.
RUTLEDGE. —On the 17th February, Joseph Pat-
rick, dearly beloved and only son of Joseph and
Margaret Rutledge, and much loved brother of Mrs.
J. Foley, Mrs. W. Seton, of Toora ; Mrs. C. Doherty,
of Gippsland, and Nance Rutledge, 340 Cardigan-
street, Carlton.
Rest in peace.
SMITH. —On the 13th February, at the Melbourne
Hospital, Ada Mary, the dearly beloved mother of
Florrie, late of Victorian Homes, aged 50 years.
Privately interred on 15th February.
SPEARY. —On the 11th February, at Ballarat,
Thomas, dearly loved eldest son of the late Catherine
and William Speary, South Yarra, and loving father
of Katie Speary, Lansell-road, Toorak. Interred
Melbourne Cemetery.
Sadly missed.
SULLIVAN. —On the 9th February, at Guildford,
Western Australia, George, the dearly beloved hus-
band of Katie, of Western Australia, and second
eldest son of Thomas and Josie Sullivan, 795 Mt.
Alexander-road, Essendon, and beloved brother of
Walter, John, William, and James, aged 30 years and
4 months. R.I.P.
Most dearly loved and deeply mourned.
WALTERS. —Eleanor Jane, the beloved wife of
Frederick Walters, of Denbigh-road, Armadale (late
Shoobra-road, Elsternwick), aged 49 years.
WARREN. —On the 17th February, at Yarra Junc-
tion, Louis Charlotte, beloved wife of James L.
Warren, suddenly, of heart failure, aged 52 years.
WATTS. —On the 14th February, at her residence,
Raymond-street, Sale, Emily, relict of the late
Thomas Watts, aged 81. An old colonist of 59 years.
ALLEN. —In fond and loving memory of my dear
father, who departed this life on 19th February, 1893?,
in London. Home papers please copy.
—Inserted by his loving son, Lou, Leah, Isaac and
Clara Allen, of Melbourne.
ALLISON. —In loving remembrance of my dear
husband and our dear father, who departed this life
19th February, 1908.
Gone, but not forgotten.
BEST. —In loving memory of our dear son and
brother, Harry, who departed this life on the 18th
February, 1910.
With Christ, which is far better.
Thy way, not mine, O Lord,
However dark it be;
Lead too by Thine own hand,
Choose out the path for me.
—Inserted by his loving parents, brother and sisters.
BEST. —In loving memory of my dear husband and
our dear father, Thomas Henry, who departed this
life on the 18th February, 1910, at Melbourne.
The midnight stars are shining
Upon his silent grave;
Where, sleeping without dreaming,
Lies the one we could not save.
The winds of heaven blow softly
O'er that sweet and hallowed spot;
For 'mid the 'changing scene of life,
By us he's not forgot.
— Inserted by his loving wife, daughter, sons and
BIRKETT. —In loving memory of my dear husband,
Matthew, who passed to a higher life on the 16th
February, 1907.
What peaceful hours we once enjoyed,
How sweet their memory still;
But now I find an aching void
This world can never fill.
—Inserted by his sorrowing wife, E. Birkett, 93 Park-
street, East Brunswick.
BLAKE. —In loving memory, of our dear mother
Mary, who passed away at 131 Peel-street, North
Melbourne, on the 19th February, 1910; also our dear
father Thomas Symons, who passed away 29th Janu-
ary, 1910.
—Inserted by their loving son and daughters.
BOWRA. —In loving memory of my dear father,
who departed this life, at Ballarat, 19th February,
1910; also my brother Stanley, who died 13th June,
Sleep in peace, our dearest father,
Thou art happy, thou art blest;
Earthly cares and sorrows ended,
Nought can break thy holy rest.
—Inserted by his loving daughter Olive.
CHAMPION. —In loving memory of our dear
mother, Ellen Champion, who passed peacefully away
19th February, 1907, at North Melbourne; also our
dear father, John Champion, who died 31st May,
1902, at North Melbourne.
Sadly missed.
Four years have passed, our hearts still sure.
As years go on we miss her more;
Her loving smile, her cheerful face,
No one can fill our mother's place.
A loss that stings our feeling hearts,
For hard it was indeed to part;
The thoughts drop many a silent tear.
For those we lost were truly dear.
—Inserted by their loving daughters, E. Furlongcr
and A. Montgomery.
COCHRANE (nee Gouldthorp). —In loving memory
of our dear daughter and sister, Ethel May, who de-
parted this life on the 19th February, 1909.
We think we see your dear smile,
Although two years have passed,
And in memory still you live,
And will until the last.
— Inserted by her loving mother, father, brothers and
sisters, Mentone.
CULLIN. —In loving memory of my dear mother,
who died February, 1907.
—Inserted by W.C.
DODDS. —In ever loving memory of my dear mo-
ther, who departed this life on 18th February, 1909,
at 22 John-street, East Brunswick.
'Tis two long years, dear mother, since
God's angel to thee came.
And took thy soul to heaven, where
Would knew no care or pain.
Ah! mother, dear, we feel thy loss,
We miss thy dear face so;
Deep in our hearts we mourn for thee
More than our tears can show.
—Inserted by her loving daughter, and son-in-law,
Lily and Bert Flegg, also little Bertie.
DOWLER. —In the remembrance of my darling,
daughter, Letitia Veronica (Tessie), who departed
this life on the 18th February, 1910, at South Mel-
bourne, aged 1 year and 7 months.
Though lost to sight.
To memory ever dear.
—Inserted by her loving father, H. R Dowler.
DYER. —In loving memory of our dear mother,
Clara Jane, who died on 18th February, 1910; also
our dear father, Charles, who died 9th November,
1901, at Ramsden-street, Clifton Hill.
One year has passed, our hearts still sore
As time goes on we miss her more;
Her loving smile, her tender face.
There's none can fill dear mother's place.
A better mother and father never dwelt on the
Or proved to their children a true mother's and
father's worth.
—Inserted by their loving daughter and sons, Edith,
Harry and Bert Dyer.
FLITTON. —In sad and loving remembrance of our
beloved niece and cousin, "Bubbles," who died in
the Geelong Hospital of typhoid fever the 18th day
of February, 1910, aged 16 years and six months.
Sadly missed.
—Inserted by her loving uncle, auntie and cousins,
Mysa, Rai and Douglas.
FRANKS. —In loving memory of our dear mother,
Mrs. Sarah Matilda Franks, who died at Auburn,
19th February, 1910 (late Tallangatta).
There are griefs that cannot find comfort,
And wounds that cannot be healed;
There are sorrows so deep in the human heart
That cannot be half revealed.
— Inserted by her sorrowing children, George, Jack,
May and Maud.
GRAHAM. —In memory of my beloved wife, Rose
Ada Graham, who died at Royal Hotel, Melton, on
the 19th February, 1910.
Gone, but not forgotten.
—Inserted by her husband.
GRAHAM. —In loving memory of my dearly beloved
daughter, Rose Ada Graham, who died at Melton,
19th February, 1910; also my dearly loved son, Willie,
who died 5th September, 1902.
Dear is the grave where my darlings lie,
Dear is the memory that never shall fade;
Flowers may wither, leaves fade and die,
Some may forget her, but never shall I.
—Inserted by her loving mother, M. Duncan.
IEVERS. —In loving remembrance of Cr. William
Ievers jun., M.P., Carlton South, who died on the
19th February, 1895.
May his soul rest in peace.
JACKSON. —In ever loving memory of our beloved
Albert, who was taken home 19th February, 1906;
also his three brothers, who died in infancy.
They are peacefully sleeping, resting at last,
Earth's weary troubles and suffering past;
Jesus has taken them home to His breast,
Sleeping so peacefully, ever at rest.
Still sadly missed, mother, and mourned.
KEILY. —In loving remembrance of our dear
mother, who departed this life on the 18th February,
1903, at her residence, 328 Young-street, Fitzroy.
Farewell, dear mother, your days are passed,
You loved us while your days did last;
You always strove to do your best,
And now in heaven have gone to rest.
Your end was sudden, mother dear,
it made us weep and sigh;
And oh, it was so hard to think
We could not say good-bye.
—Inserted by her loving husband, daughter and sons.
KERR. —In sad and loving remembrance of our
dear mother, Catherine Kerr, who departed this life
on the 18th February, 1907, at Bouverie-street, Carl-
ton; also our dear father, James Kerr, who died
on the 21st June, 1887, at Carlton. R.I.P.
Sadly missed.
Gone from our side, oh, how sadly we miss you;
Lovingly, mother, your memory we'll keep;
Never till life ends will we ever forget thee,
Dear to our hearts is the place where you sleep.
A mother more true never dwelt on this earth.
Or proved to her children a true mother's worth;
But 'midst all our sorrow one joy doth remain—
She is only at rest and is free from all pain,
—Inserted by their loving daughters and son-in-law,
E. Kerr, and B. and P. O'Rourke.
LAVERS. —In loving memory of our friend and
superintendent, Mr. Chas. F. Lavers, who departed
this life on Friday, 18th February, 1910.
There is sweet rest in heaven.
—Inserted by the scholars, teachers and officers of
the North Melbourne Methodist Sunday School.
MACARTNEY. —In loving memory of our dear
little Olive, who departed this life on the I8th
February, 1910.
—Inserted by her sorrowing parents, H. and L.
McCULLAGH. —In loving memory of my dear hus-
band John McCullagh, who passed away on the
19th February, 1910, at "Portsea," Burwood-road,
MILLER. —In sad and loving remembrance of our
dearly beloved mother, who departed this life on
the 19th February, 1907, at her late residence, "Glen-
luce." R.I.P.
Four sad years have passed, our hearts still sore,
As time goes on, mother, we miss you more;
When days are dark and friends are few,
Oft, darling mother, how we long for you.
So sadly missed.
—Inserted by her loving daughter and sons.
O'RYAN. —In sad and loving remembrance of my
dear auntie, Mary Ann O'Ryan, who departed this
life on 18th February, 1909, at her residence, 103
Cardigan-street, Carlton.
Years may come and time may fly-
Every leaf may fade and die;
Every rising sun may set.
But my auntie dear I shall never forget.
Gone, but not forgotten.
—Inserted by her loving neice, Florrie.
O'RYAN. —In loving remembrance of our dear mo-
ther, Mary Ann O'Ryan ; who departed this life at 103
Cardigan-street, Carlton ; also our dear father, Fran-
cis Edmond O'Ryan, who died at 159 Bouverie-street,
Carlton. R.I.P.
Sadly missed.
When days are dark and friends are few,
Dear mother, how I think of you;
The time has passed, my heart still sore,
As time rolls on I miss you more.
Always in our saddest moments,
How we wish that you were here;
But, alas, we cannot see you,
Our best friend, our mother dear.
We who loved her, sadly miss her.
Though we knew that God knew best
When He eased her pain and suffering
And took our dear mother home to rest.
We cannot clasp your hand, dear dad,
Your face we cannot see;
But let this little token tell,
We still remember thee.
—Inserted by their loving daughters and sons, Nel-
lie, Ettie, Frances, Frank and Charlie.
O'RYAN. —In loving remembrance of my dear mother,
Mury Ann O'Ryan, who departed this life on the 18th
February, 1909, at Cardigan-street, Carlton ; also my
dear father Francis Edmund O'Ryan, who departed
this life on the 21st July, 1902, at Bouverie-street,
Gone, but not forgotten.
Sweet to my memory, dear to my heart.
My love for my mother never shall part;
I know that my days, be they many or few,
What be days, dearest mother, in remembrance of you.
Kind was the mother we loved and lost,
True, good hearted and tender;
And in the days that we thought of her most,
Death came and rent us asunder.
Thou are not forgotten, father dear
Nor ever wilt thou be;
As long, as life and memory last
I will remember thee.
—Inserted by their loving daughter and son-in-law,
L. and J. Duncan.
PASCOE.— ln loving memory of my dear wife,
Mary Ann Pascoe, who died at Windsor on the 19th
February, 1910.
Deeply mourned.
—Inserted by her loving husband and children.
PASCOE (nee Greenwood). —In loving memory of
our dear sister, Pollie, who passed away at 26 The
Avenue, Windsor, on 19th February, 1910, youngest
daugnter of the late L. and M. A. Greenwood, of
"Edenleigh," Parker-street, Footscray.
Though her loving voice is silent,
Aud her true heart ceased to beat;
How we miss her well known footsteps,
And her form we used to greet.
—Inserted by her loving sisters and brothers.
PONTIN. —In loving memory of my dear husband
and father, who departed this life 18th February,
No burdens yonder.
All sorrow past;
No burdens yonder.
Home at last.
—Inserted by bis loving wife, daughters and son.
POWELL. —In loving memory of our dear mother,
who departed this life on the 16th February, 1910,
at 239 Bay-street, Port Melbourne; also our dear
brother, Robert Alfred, who died on the 17th De-
cember, 1893.
Mother and brother, safe in the vale,
Watch for the boatman, wait for the sail.
Bearing the loved ones over the tide,
Into the harbor, near to their side.
—Inserted by her loving son and daughter-in-law,
Arthur and Lucy Powell.
POLLARD. —In memory of my dear wife, who
died on the 13th February, 1904.
Not forgotten.
— Inserted by her husband, John Pollard.
PREECE. —In loving memory of our dear daughter
and sister, Florence Isabel, who departed this life
on the 19th February, 1910.
Others may forget her, but we never shall
Safe in the arms of Jesus.
—Inserted by her loving parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Tadd ; and her brothers and sisters.
RICHARDS. —In loving memory of our dear
mother, Mary Richards, late of Beechworth, who
died at Melbourne on the 21st February, 1910.
Parted now; we'll meet you by and bye,
When heaven's gates unroll.
—Flora Nicholson.
SMITH. —In loving remembrance of our dear
daughter, who died at Yarraville, 18th February,
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home.
Which never can be filled.
—Inserted by her loving father and mother, A. and
J. Smith.
THOMSON. —In loving memory of our dear
mother, who died at McIvor-road, Heathcote, 18th
February, 1909 ; also our dear father, died 7th May,
Dear is the grave where our parents are laid,
Sweet is the memory that never will fade;
Flowers may wither, leaves fade and die,
If others forget them, never will we.
—Inserted by their loving daughters, M.W., K.C.,
TREZISE. —In sad and loving memory of our dear
mother and my dear friend, Elizabeth Trezise, who
died on the 17th February, 1907, aged 44 years.
Dear is the grave where our mother is laid.
Dear is the memory that never will fade:
Flowers may wither, leaves fade and die,
Some may forget you, but never will we.
—Inserted by her loving daughter and son, Ida
Godfrey, Jack Trezise, and dear friend, M. Leighton.
WAGHT. —In loving memory of our dear boy,
Albert (Bert), who was accidentally drowned at
Melbourne, 18th February, 1910.
In the midst of life we are in death.
—Inserted by his sorrowing parents, Ballarat.
WALKER. —In loving remembrance of my dear
husband, John Henry, who died at Flemington, 19th
February, 1891.
Dearest father, though you're resting
In your peaceful grave's embrace.
Your loving memory we will cherish
Till we see your heavenly face.
—Inserted by his loving wife and family.
WARREN. —In sad remembrance of our dear sons
and brothers, William Albert, who was accidentally
killed at Gembrook-road on the 25th January, 1899 ;
also Alfred John, who died on the 18th February,
1905, of appendicitis.
We little thought his time so short
ln this world to remain,
Nor thought that when from home he went
He ne'er return again.
Years may roll and time may fly
Every leaf will fade and die;
Every rising sun will est.
But our dear loved ones we never shall forget.
—Inserted by their loving parents, James and Grace
Warren ; also brother and sister, R. C. and K.
WATSON. —In loving memory of my dear husband
and our dear father, who died at 5 Perth-street,
Prahran, on the 19th February, 1910.
WELSH. —In loving memory of my dear son, Willie,
who was killed at Maryborough on 13th February,
Two years have passed, our hearts still sore;
As years go on we miss him more;
His loving smile and cheerful face,
There's none can fill my dear son's place.
—Inserted by his mother and stepfather, E. and J.
Johnson, Eldorado.
WELSH. —In loving memory of my beloved hus-
band, William, who was accidentally killed at
Maryborough railway station, on 18th February, 1909.
Forget him, no, we never shall,
We loved him here and love him still;
His memory is as dear to-day
As in the hour he passed away,
—Inserted by his loving wife and child, and brother-
in-law, A.P.
WILKINSON. —In loving memory of our dear
mother, who died at Mansfield 20th February, 1907.
— Inserted by her sorrowful children.
FAMILY desire to express their sincere and
heartfelt THANKS to their numerous friends for
their kind expressions of sympathy shown by visits,
letters, telegrams and cards in their recent sad
bereavement, especially thanking Rev. Papaconstan-
tinos, Dr. Bouton, Dr. Ratten, also doctors and
staff at the Homœopathic Hospital, and Mr.
Brown, undertaker, for the able manner in which
he carried out the funeral arrangements.
11 Bourke-street, East Brunswick.
FAMILY desire to tender their THANKS to
their many friends for expressions of sympathy, let-
ters, telegrams and floral tributes, in their recent
sad bereavement ; also Dr. Sabelberg, Nurse McLen-
non and Mrs. Unkles, for their kindness and atten-
181 Clarke-street, Port Melbourne.
MR. and Mrs. DAVID BAND desire to express
their heartfelt THANKS to their many
friends for their kind expressions of sympathy by
letters, cards, visits and floral tributes in their re-
cent sad bereavement.
12 Rushall-crescent, North Fitzroy.
MR. and Mrs. E. J. PHILP and FAMILY de-
sire to tender their sincere THANKS to their
many kind friends for expression of sympathy shown
by letters, telegrams and floral tributes ; also Dr.
Lee, for his unremitting kindness in their sad be-
16 Amess-street, North Carlton.
MR. and Mrs. HOGHTON and RELATIVES de-
sire to THANK their many friends for kind
expressions of sympathy during their recent sad be-
reavement; also to Thank the Metropolitan Farm,
employes and Victorian Anglers' Club for floral tri-
butes, and Mesdames Pierce and Graymore, for their
kind attention, and desire all to accept this as a
heartfelt acknowledgment of all letters and cards.
MR. and Mrs. WEBB JOHNSON desire to convey
their sincere THANKS to all kind friends for
kind expressions of sympathy, letters, telegrams,
cards and floral tributes during their sad bereave-
ment ; also Dr. Cahill (Flemington), Nurse, Dob-
son (of Children's Hospital), for kind sympathy, and
Dr. B. Milne Sutherland for his untiring attention
and kindness during 3½ years of their darling girlie's
MR. J. WE1R and FAMILY desire To THANK
their many friends for telegrams, letters and
floral tributes ; also Drs. Webb and Downing, Mrs. J.
Sawyers, and the Yarraville police, for their kind
attention during their sad bereavement.
18 Simpson-street, Yarraville.
MRS. A. CORRIS and FAMILY desire to
THANK their many friends for kind expres-
sions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement,
and especially Mr. J. Walsh and Mrs. M. Riley,
employes Paterson, Laing, Bruce, employes L. E.
Goldstein, members Caradoc Lodge, U.A.O.D.; also
members of Brougham-street Methodist Football
15 Buncle-street, North Melbourne.
MRS. DUNCAN and FAMILY, of 96 Keele-street,
Collingwwood, desires to express their heartfelt
THANKS, to their many friends for their kind ex-
pressions of sympathy, letters, cards, telegrams, and
floral tributes; also Dr. Wickens, the Rev. Mr. Eun-
son and Mrs. Patterson, for their untiring attention
during their recent sad bereavement.
MRS. E. E. HAGGARTY desires to express her
sincere THANKS to her many friends for the
kind letters, cards, floral tributes and visits, espe-
cially the neighbors who so willingly assisted her in
her sore trouble and sad bereavement.
"Alva," Tennyson-street, Kew.
MRS. MOY LING and FAMILY desire to express
their sincere and heartfelt GRATITUDE to
Nurse Batterham and Drs. Morton and Robertson
for untiring attention and kindness to their dear
husbund and father during his illness ; to Revs. Ed-
gar, McCallum, Hunt and Cox for many kindnesses
shown, and to their numerous friends for the many
tokens and kind expressions of sympathy in their
recent sad bereavement.
"Canton," Rathdown-street, North Carlton.
MRS. ELLIS PRICE and FAMILY desire to re-
turn sincere THANKS for kind expressions of
sympathy by letters, cards and floral tributes in
their recent sad bereavement.
55 Fairbairn-road, Toorak.
MRS. WEEDING and FAMILY desire to express
their sincere THANKS to their many friends
for their kind expressions of sympathy shown during
their recent sad and sudden bereavement, letters,
telegrams, cards, visits and floral tributes, and espe-
cially thank Mr. Bean, also doctors and nurses of
No. 19 Ward, Melbourne Hospital, for their kind-
ness. 356 Queen's-parade, Clifton Hill.
MRS. A. HEYMANSON desires to convey her
heartfelt THANKS to all kind relations and
friends for expressions of sympathy shown by visits,
letters, telegrams and cards received during her
recent sad and sudden bereavement.
Barkly-street, St. Kilda.
their numerous kind friends for their sympa-
thy in their recent sad bereavement ; also for letters,
telegrams and floral tributes.
15 Yarra-street, Richmond.
THE BROTHERS and SISTERS of the late
JULIA BROWN wish to THANK their many
friends for their kind expressions of sympathy in
their sad bereavement ; also the doctors, and
nurses in the Alfred Hospital, especially Sister Rho-
224 Adderley-street, West Melbourne.
THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. MARY P. GREN-
FELL return their sincere THANKS to their
many friends for flowers, visits and kind expressions
of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement,
especially to Rev. C. Tregear, Sister Agnes and
Mrs. Monckton.
9 Dinsdale-street, Albert Park.
THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. MARY J. HEW-
ETT return sincere THANKS to their many
kind friends for expressions of sympathy shown by
messages, visits and floral tributes during their re-
cent sad bereavement ; also to Dr. Spowers and tohe
matron and nurses of "Bethesda" Private Hospital.
118 Westgarth-street, Fitzroy.
desire to express heartfelt THANKS to their
kind friends for expressions of sympathy shown in
their recent sad bereavement, especially thanking,
Rev. A. Caffin, Rev. L. L. Wenzel and Dr. Suther-
land for their unremitting attention and kindness.
"Fernleigh," Selbourne-street, Ascot Vale.
TOZER. —Mr. and Mrs. A. J. TOZER wish to con-
vey their THANKS to their many friends for
their kind sympathy in their late sad bereavement ;
particular thanks to Dr. S. P. Sewell and Nurse
McCoskey? for their kind attention.
Tlie iiluok, UG Elizabeth-street,
Wedding l'rcsuiU, in SilTer end gihfrpfate Dia
mond ltingi, from £5. ltcliablo Guu Melt.t ...itches,
2i/. A visit vviii repay you.
A— WILL j'lutun scon taking gentT's "silver'
htoimtcd Lmbrelln from telephone box, Haw-'
uioin station, Monday night, rcturu Station Muster,
Hawtliom. '
BULL Dog Lost, Mouday,' briudlc, male, ansuvra
ntune Leo. Detaiucr prosecuted, 1G Gocd-
w ocxl-st, , Richmond.
Branded MB (coujo.ned) on shoulder;
AB uu near siioitider, lrind fetlocks white.
'i\ivra Hail, Piuliran.
IOUND, Uanoc. in rivur, rtlfairflcid. Owner Jtarc
iHil by-cripttem. .5d Amvvick-B-iifton'
»j'6UMD.»Dr. k..Ai(en'j' Moian%alnut Stain
J- is uuriralled for Coloring Grey Jlair any sltade.
17KJUND. wasliiKg day a pleasure; no toiling, oaly
. boiling, with iVarleeu. Try it to-day.
"J'bUND Straying, dark ' bay Mare, no 'visible
JL inands, white star oil forrtiead. liuixtutor, '
Town Uall iHuwtiiotn.
Jj'ljCND, Settcj Dirt half bred. Ian, \vhi:c; "not
-l ( claimwl 3Mayb, sold" for 1-xih.uuco. 17 JJyioa-
IjSoUNL), gqid iting, S. Mell)., S u uda y "v vcck
Owner have same p.iying expenscw. Before 7
to-night, li_BiTire-PL, S. Melb.
ITIOUKD, Andorson's Creek-rd.. Ringwood, alwut
week. lady's CoaL Owner may have by de
scribing Mrs. Grant, lUngwood.
IMPOUNDED, at Footscray I'lacc of Safe -Cus
tody, one Jersey Calf, about 2 years, TC on
off rump, and one wliito Hull Calf, red and while
head, no brands, about 1 year. Will be sold (if not
claimed) lo pay expcn.vts.
M.JJ WHITEHEAD, Acting City Inspector.
LEFT In 4.29 train to Box 11111, Friday grey Over-
Kill Ca ®tii's)« JtowonL News Agency, Box
T EFTToiT Stir inat77l0.'l4 pTtnT'lfasendim lo.Vrelb.
-L/ train, lady's i'eggy Bag, containing, keys, money
and impels, initials on kig. Fimlcr rowarded, L,
J. &har;ra_Ncttg Aguncy. Kcnsiugton.
T EF'i1, 4.J3 p.ui. Kew train, from city. Parcel, toii
J taming four small lwrceLv. Reward. Return
to JIfuuoto. Tutrfatialo-rd., 'i\x>raJc.
.tiKtomn train. 'Ttiuiclfty.r '54lh7crwim Coat,
J Skirt, iu cardboard box. iteward, Lift Attcn-
chmt,_Oxftvd-ch., Bourko-st. , .
T' KFlV id Budi'a Head Hotel. Liit'c" Lonsdale st.,
XJ. Bicycle, Holland & ltolfe. .owner can have
fiamc bjpaying expenses and davcribing._
I EFT, Cliap?l8t. electric" irams, Tiiursday, sil'fer
. mounted crook Umbrella, lady's. Reward.
Gimrwar, Ckudon-rd., Toorak. .
LEI'Tr, Parcel, contoiuing pip?ra, SL Kilda train,
. Tuesday evening. Rcturu to tiu address given
inside the parcel.
I OST, between Svrucston nnd Exhibition -sis."
J Leather Strap, small euninel uatcli and half
yearly ticket > attached. Reward. Return Paierson,
Laing A; Bruce, Fliudors-1. Millinery, _ __
LGST, Fox Terrier, l/rack apot over eyes, collar on.
Reward. UiMfiiAra, Gicnfcrrie-rd., Kew.
LOSTiritccorda and Memorandum Books, Victoria
av., . Allien P. £5 rewui'd. Juiues Hiuuieu,
Uul- Exchange, 363 Collins-st.
LOST," ""Toorak, lady's Hat llox, containing 4 girts1
lutes. Kcvraru. Mrs. Buxton, milliner, care
(Joio'a ' Book—arcade. -
I" OST.""Chci|iie, 'Kojil U.u»k, No. 39.896. £43 18/U,
U drawn by Davis. Lancaster Jc Co.. pyabH- to
Mtindell and Co.; i>aynient iteopisxl. ItowaTd. Mun-
dcll.& Qo., 538-44 Fimdere sL
LOST. "St, Hilda pier," Malacca piking SticlT
silver inomitcd. Reward. I'rinue Wales
Hotoi, St. Kilda.
OST, gontleinan'd rolled gold keyless Watch, be-
u tevreen city and Hawthorn. Good reward, to
<fl»urch-sL. Hawlhurn. ;
goidHuitinl lting, between Uore-sL:' i-'itz-
JLi roy and city. Reward. 175 Victona-uar.,
L-iraroy. . " . -
LOfiT, Flinders-court, gold SIccto Link, monncnitn.
WIG.— Reward. Wilke, Mitchell, Fliudois-
txnirt- ; ' ' .
LOST, gold wishbone. Southern Crow Brooch, IxT-
twecn Malvuni and Prahran, Thursday. Re-
vvu id, Malvern l>ispcnsary. .
LOST, Packet, containing military forms. Finder
. please return to address pu packet, or Aral
Office. North rote. Reward.
LOST. Purse, keys. FHoders-l.. near Elinabcth-stT
Reward. Carnegie's, IPG Elfaabeth-sL
IOSf. l>et-wecn Enderby. 14 Quccn's-fd., nnd Mills-
4j wyn-st., nmctiiyst JSarring. Reward. Bndcrhy.
I" OST!" Wednesday last. Sundown Park "races. Set-
J 'tling Sheet. Reward. D. Etlieridgc, Victorian
Club. .
"|" (1ST. S. Melb., small Book, blnck cover, contain'- '
XJ ing tea orders &c. . Reward. Core Jones, ,
news agent. S. Mclb. \
LOST. -Thursday night, dress.—circlo. Opera Hou.,
lij'eglasscs. Please return 21514 CommTcial-itl.,
ITaliran. , Reward.
LOST, gold "Brooch, between Graiiam and Bay sts.,
4th, key. lieart, attached Reward. 156 Gift-
liam-st, ' ;
LOST, gold bar Brocch, between Iter Majesty's
Theatre and Camberwel!. Telephone Canterbuty,
21)7111. Itcvvard.
LOST, on road to Broadmeadows, lady Coat. Itc-
__vvanL 41_ Franciv-sL, Ascot Vale. — __
L OST. Parcofa Receipt Book, Thursday night. Re-
ward. Carriers' Office, J. Macaracy, 310
Lopwlale-st.. Mclb,
LOST. '-'Sivecucles, Richmond bus or Toornk-rd.
Reward. M. Kidd. 13G ,Toorak-rd., S. Yana.
LOST," "in city, small lady's Bag,.—containing
purse. Please return George Robertson's, book-
roller: Eliza beth-Et, Reward. — "
I"0T, Australian Terrier, black with white hair
J cn head, witii . collar. Reward. 114 Tark-
sL, W., Brunswick.
IOST, GreyltruncL fawn, slut. £5 reward. 10
J o'clock Sunday, Sim)vson, Baliarat, Dcon-st.,
Mooneo Ponds. y
LOST, gold Pin, 'With half moon abd Aimtralla
attached, lvetwcen N>wrs-Pt. and' N. Fitzroy.
Rciwnrd. _ 27S StatVrjf.t., N. Carlton. '»
T OST. gold chain Bracelet, with padlock, Tbufa-
U . day night, between Ascot Vale apd Mooneo
Ponda; ktepsako. Itoward, ;12 Marshall-Bt., Mooned
Pomfa. _ _ ....
X OST. dagger Brooch. Australia in" "centre, "be-
XJ tween (Honfcrrio and Abbotsford. Reward.
14 Grosvcner-st.. Abl«tafoid.
LOST." Tuesday, gold Bracelet,"" aetpeartsr"«ap-
phiri'9, between St. Kilda, Fitzroy and Rich
mond. Reward. 22 Tho Avenue, Balaclava.
LOST, a sllrer Medal, gold " centre, from Stirretf
Hills Football Club. W. Harvey Rochester- i
rd.; Canterbury. Reward. " I
T OST,- Spectacles, gold rimmed, in caieT between
AJ beach ami DaukH-eL, Albori Pk., Tliuridav
Reward. 249 Danks-st. ' ' y
rOST,- Watch, silver, initialled M.E., Ix-tweeu
J Eglinton-st 'ami Fieniington-brMse. Reward.
161 Eglinton-sL. Mooneo Potida '
LOS/fTSllver Medal, attach wMo metal chain. It'
>rar<L_ _28 Hucklcy-sL ,_Rwtxd<>g.
IOST, red" Cow, marked "onoff rump7torPoft
J car, sold cow market on the 8th. MThail
IOST, Wth January, bar Broocli, sapphire, dia
J moiufa, between city, 51 Kcnt-sL, FIcmlngton.
Reward, £3.
I OST, from Beaumaris., hay Horse, TP
(conjoined) near shoulder. Canon Tucker
Glen Iris. Tel. 240, MalvMti.— .
T OST. . Saturday," lfWi. geld cable Bangle hrtnwn
l' '
Article identifier
Page identifier
APA citation
Family Notices (1911, February 18).The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved March 28, 2025, from
MLA citation
"Family Notices"The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) 18 February 1911: 7. Web. 28 Mar 2025 <>.
Harvard/Australian citation
1911 'Family Notices',The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), 18 February, p. 7. , viewed 28 Mar 2025,
Wikipedia citation
{{cite news |url= |title=Family Notices |newspaper=[[The Age]] |issue=17,450 |location=Victoria, Australia |date=18 February 1911 |accessdate=28 March 2025 |page=7 |via=National Library of Australia}}

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