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Mon 20 Nov 1995 - The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995)
Page 26 - SPORT Wanted: leader to revitalise the ailing life-blood of ACT rugby in '96
Wanted: leader to revitalise the ailing life-blood of ACT rugby in '96
Sports Editor
Mainly as a result of the ACT
Rugby Union being accepted into
next season's Super 12 competi
tion, 1996 is going to be one of
the most important for the code
in this Territory.
Because of the success and im
petus provided by the Kookabur
ras in the AAMI Cup last season
plus an excellent record against
visiting international teams, our
credibility has been established
but getting it recognised at the
national level is another priority.
This has to be addressed but
so, too, and very quickly, must a
number of other problems which,
if ignored, will escalate and with
in a short space of time reduce
ACT rugby to a shambles.
That situation, considering
what has happened in the past
year or so, is closer to occurring
than many would like to think or
admit is possible. As a result of
the AAMI Cup entry and now the
Super 12 foray, too many things
have been put on hold, particular
ly at the life-blood level, with the
clubs. The majority of the clubs
in ACT and district are battling
to survive and although the eco
nomic downturn can be blamed
largely for this, there are other
contributing factors and getting
things back on an even keel is
going to take a power of work by
many people.
The appointment of Mark Sin
derberry to manage the affairs of
the ACT Rugby Union is a move
that must be applauded. The hir
ing of coach Rod Macqueen and
the recruiting of a number of
first-class players from interstate
and overseas is a smart business
move because it will ensure the
team will be competitive in its
first year. Hopefully someone was
just horsing around when they
suggested the team is to be called
the "Brumbies".
There is more, though, much
more that has to be done to stop
the slide. A severe but not crip
pling financial loss by the Kooka
burra campaign — to be shared
by underwriters the Tuggeranong
Vikings Club and the ACTRU —
is one immediate hurdle.
Sure, the union is about to re
ceive a huge injection of cash but
it will not be a bottomless pit as
many mistakenly believe. There
is money, but it looks to be ac
counted for, and there is a lot
more work to be done.
To tidy up loose ends, to get
the Super 12 under way, to organ
ise the Kookaburras, to inject
confidence in the local club, ju
nior and schoolboy scene and to
provide ancillary support for the
code across the board in Can
berra is a huge task which will
fall to one man — the president
of the ACTRU — who will be
known later tonight.
Three men are contesting the
position, incumbent Greg O'Con
nor, Jim Shonk and David Lewis.
If scuttlebutt is correct Lewis is a
stand-out favourite and when the
big picture is viewed, he would
be an excellent choice who would
engender nothing but confidence.
Because of the Kookaburras'
participation in the AAMI Cup
and, since then, the inclusion of
the ACT in the Super 12, there
has been a lot of non-activity in
district rugby and while some
clubs are fighting for their sur
vival on and off the field, all are
concerned at the declining stan
dard. Last season, with around 80
of the better district players com
mitted to three Kookaburra
teams, the first-grade standard in
Canberra was equal to the stan
dard of a reasonable second-grade
competition just 12 months be
O'Connor has done a good job
and nurtured the ACT into some
thing difficult and daring but he
does not have the confidence of
the clubs, who will dictate the
voting tonight.
Shonk has points on the board
when it comes to achieving
things positive and wonderful but
he will always be seen as being
"from Vikings". There is an
undertone from other clubs and
some sad individuals that Vikings
control what happens, everything
that opens and shuts in ACT rug
by and, like Royals have previ
ously, the club unjustly suffers
from the tall-poppy syndrome.
There is no doubt that had it
not been for Tuggeranong's infu
sion of cash and personnel into
ACT rugby — and into a few of
its opposition clubs — the AC
TRU would have crashed and
burned two or three years ago.
To recreate what has been a
marvellous sport, to resurrect the
high standard of club rugby,
maintain the standard of repre
sentative rugby and to enable the
ACT to take its rightful place as
an equal in terms of national rec
ognition, sacrifices have to be
made. Clubs, referees, coaches,
administrators and players right
now have to make a commitment
to support whoever is at the
helm. If they want to be involved
they have to put up or shut up.
Consultation, long-term plan
ning, revisiting and grooming the
grass-roots levels — and this is
where every sector desperately
needs the volunteers who sadly
have slipped away over the years
— and placing trust in those
elected to carry out the members'
wishes will help the ACTRU sur
vive initially, and then prosper.
Lewis, with his knowledge [of
rugby and its administration] at
all levels, his unbridled passion
for the game and his preoccupa
tion with doing the right thing
and getting things right, is al
ready held in high esteem at the
national level. Of the three candi
dates he is probably the most in
dependent and he is a man who
has earned and deserved the re
spect of thousands of players and
administrators, at all levels,
around Australia.
He should get the job and the
rest of us should then simply con
centrate on helping him make
ACT rugby the best it can possi
bly be.
Article identifier
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APA citation
SPORT Wanted: leader to revitalise the ailing life-blood of ACT rugby in '96 (1995, November 20).The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), p. 26. Retrieved March 31, 2025, from
MLA citation
"SPORT Wanted: leader to revitalise the ailing life-blood of ACT rugby in '96"The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995) 20 November 1995: 26. Web. 31 Mar 2025 <>.
Harvard/Australian citation
1995 'SPORT Wanted: leader to revitalise the ailing life-blood of ACT rugby in '96',The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), 20 November, p. 26. , viewed 31 Mar 2025,
Wikipedia citation
{{cite news |url= |title=SPORT Wanted: leader to revitalise the ailing life-blood of ACT rugby in '96 |newspaper=[[The Canberra Times]] |volume=71, |issue=22,131 |location=Australian Capital Territory, Australia |date=20 November 1995 |accessdate=31 March 2025 |page=26 |via=National Library of Australia}}

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