Ray Enright |While the Patient Slept |Trail Street
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Ray Enright does not have that good a track record as a director.He made a lot of musicals in the 1930's, which sometimes havegreat musical numbers from their choreographers, but which otherwiseare dismal viewing experiences in their dramatic sections.TheSinging Marine is just plain stupefying;On Your Toes(1939) is notable only for the Slaughter on Tenth Avenue Ballet,andDames (1934) for its Busby Berkeley finale (includingthe wonderful long sequence choreographing "I Only Have EyesFor You".) On the plus side,Ready, Willing and Able(1935) is more enjoyable throughout, although once again, thebig typewriter finale choreographed byBobby Connollyis the best part. Did Enright make any creative contribution tothe spectacular dance numbers that run through his films?
In the same year, Enright made an amusing comedy,The Traveling Saleslady(1935).
Still, this film must have been a hit with audiences, because it launched a whole series of films, in which every actress on the Warner Brothers lot played Eberhart'snurse detective Sarah Keate.
There are some vigorous camera movements, in whichEnright follows a character through a crowd:
Another notable sequence: when Scott rescues the old farmers thathad been tied up by bad guys. This sequence ends with an architecturallystriking shot. It looks much different from anything I've seenin a Western before. Some fresh visual thinking is at work here.
Brodie also gets some of the bestclothes of his career, ornate, spiffy Western suits. Costume designerAdele Balkan actually gives better clothes to supporting actorsBrodie and Ryan, than she does to star Randolph Scott. Whilethis is sociologically accurate - it makes sense for town moneybags Brodie to be better dressed than Marshall Scott - it somewhatviolates Hollywood tradition. Similarly inBodyguard (Richard Fleischer),Balkan has supporting actor Philip Terry in dressier suits thanlead Lawrence Tierney.
The elegant Western suits worn by RobertRyan and Steve Brodie inTrail Street are frequently pinstriped,and recall the dressy pinstriped suits worn by men in film noir,at its height in 1947. This is the first and only Western I canrecall seeing which adapts such modern noir looks to its Old Westcharacters' clothes. Pinstripes are especially effective at addingsome glamour to black and white films, such as bothTrail Streetand film noir. They are just as flattering to men here in Westernmode, as they are in the urban landscapes of film noir. Just threeyears later, in 1950, most Hollywood Westerns would break outin full color, in an attempt to give theater audiences an experiencethey could not get from their black and white TVs at home. Cowboycostumes would turn into symphonies of color. The experiment withpinstripe suits seen inTrail Street would have littlepoint or place in these all-color extravaganzas.