Southern Pinwheel
Right Ascension | 13 : 37.0 (h:m) |
Declination | -29 : 52 (deg:m) |
Distance | 15000 (kly) |
Visual Brightness | 7.6 (mag) |
Apparent Dimension | 11x10 (arc min) |
Discovered 1752 by Nicholas Louis de Lacaille.
Messier 83 (M83, NGC 5236) is one of the most conspicuous spiral galaxies inthe sky. Situated in constellation Hydra, it is the southernmost galaxy inMessier's catalog.
M83 was discovered byNicholas Louis de Lacaille at the Cape of Good Hope on February 23, 1752; it washis object Lacaille I.6.Thus it became the first galaxy to be discovered beyond theLocal Group, and the third of all galaxies, afterM31 andM32. It was nextcataloged byCharles Messier on February 17, 1781; from his mid-northern location in Paris (at 49 degrees Northern latitude), it is such a difficult object that he stated that: "One is only able with the greatest concentration to see it at all." The present author can confirm it is one of the most difficult Messier objectsfrom South Germany. Due to this fact, older Northern-compiled catalogs tended tounderestimate its brightness considerably; e.g., Becvar has it at a mere 10.1 mag only.
Early 19th century Australian observerJames Dunlop has it as No. 628 inhis catalog. Its spiral structure was noted and sketched byWilliam Lassell who described it as a "three-branched spiral."
M83 was classified as intermediate between normal and barred spiral galaxies by G. de Vaucouleurs, in his classification this is SAB(s)c. It is magnificient in our image, has very well defined spiral arms and displays avery dynamic appearance, appealing by the red and blue knots tracing the arms. The red knots are apparently diffuse gaseous nebulae in which star formation is just taking place, and which are excited to shine by its very hot young stars. The blue regions represent young stellar populations which have formed shortly (i.e., some million or some dozens of million years ago).Between the pronounced spiral arms are regions with fewer stars. Dark dust lanes follow the spiral structure throughout the disk, and may be traced well into the central region to the nucleus, which has only 20" diameter.This nucleus shows strong emission lines. It is composed of an older yellowishstellar population which dominates the whole central region, and extends along the barlike structure.
Our image was obtained byDavid Malin with the 3.9-meter Anglo-Australian Telescope of theAustralian Astronomical Observatory. Interested parties can getmore detailed information on this image.Also available aremore images of M83 with thesame telescope.
David Malin, in his older publications, always gave a distance of about25 million light years, as he does in his bookA View of the Universein chapter 4, while in his Galaxies chapter 8, he joins the lot of thoseclaiming a distance of about 10 million light years, and gives an argument,namely that the brightest stars can be viewed as individuals over this distance. M83 recedes at 337 km/sec, implying a bit larger distance fromHubble's law (H0=75 yields about 15 million light years, uncorrected for thedisturbation by theVirgo cluster of galaxies, the Virgo centric flow, but in excellent agreement with the value of 15.3 millionlight years given in R. Brent Tully'sNearby Galaxies Catalog).Kepple/Sanner give another deviating distance value of 22 million ly.
This galaxy is sometimes called the "Southern Pinwheel". It forms a small physical group, theM83 group, with the peculiar radio galaxyCentaurus A (NGC 5128) and the unusual galaxy NGC 5253 in Centaurus. R. Brent Tully also lists the following smaller and fainter presumable (or possible) members of this group:NGC 4945, NGC 5102, NGC 5164, NGC 5408, ESO 381-20 (MCG-6-28-017; 1243-33), ESO 324-24 (MCG-6-30-003; 1324-41), ESO 444-84 (MCG-5-32-000; 1334-27),ESO 325-11 (1342-41), and ESO 383-87 (MCG-6-30-025; 1346-35).
Five or six supernovae were reported in M83 up to now:
For years, M83 had been the galaxy with most discovered supernovae, but semi-recentlyNGC 6946 passed this mark and at the time of this writing (March 2009), holds the current record with a total number of 9. Moreover,M61 has now also caught up and equalled themark of six supernovae in late 2008.
M83 is one of the showpieces in the southern deep sky, but difficult for mid-northern observers, as already stated. It is even rather difficult to find:First locate one of the stars Gamma or Pi Hydrae. It can be found either by star hopping from Gamma Hydrae (mag 3.00, spectral type G5 III) which is 6.5 deg N and 3deg 15' (19 min in RA) W, or from Pi Hydrae (3.27 mag, spectral type K2 III) from which M83 is about 3deg 15' S and 6deg 20' W. Following a trail of 5th to 7th mag stars, one arrives at a yellowish 5.83-mag star of spectral type F6 and a mag 7.0 white star (spectrum A5 V) which lie about 30' NE of M83. Star hopping from Gamma will bring you close to NGC 5061 (H 1.138), an elliptical galaxy of mag 10.2.
Southerners may find it easier by locating M83 from the constellation Centaurus, as it is just north of the border from Hydra to this constellation. From Iota and Theta Centauri, in the Head of the Centaurus figure, locate the starsi,h andk (mentioned by Messier) as well asg Centauri, all between mag 4 and 5; they are also known as 1i Cen, 2g Cen, 3k Cen, and 4h Cen.g andi just point to M83 (and further to Gamma Hydrae); the galaxy comes beyondi, at double distance from it than hasg.
Last Modification: March 9, 2009