Right Ascension | 18 : 43.2 (h:m) |
Declination | -32 : 18 (deg:m) |
Distance | 29.3 (kly) |
Visual Brightness | 7.9 (mag) |
Apparent Dimension | 8.0 (arc min) |
Discovered 1780 by Charles Messier.
Messier 70 (M70, NGC 6681) is one of the less bright and conspicuousglobular clusters in Messier's catalog.
Appearing roughly as bright and big as its neighborM69, globular star cluster M70 is indeed only a little more luminous and little bigger, and almost at the same distance(29,300 light years). Both are quite close to the galactic center, so they are both subject to quite strong tidal gravitational forces.As it is also at about the same southern declination, it is a difficult object from Paris where Messier observed it.
Charles Messier discovered thisglobular on August 31, 1780, anddescribed it as a "nebula without star."William Herschel was the first toresolve this globular cluster into stars and describes it as "a miniatureofM3."
M70 is 8.0 arc minutes in apparent angular and roughly 68 light years inlinear diameter, its bright visual core being only about 4'. It is rapidly receding from us, at about 200 km/sec. Only 2 variables are known in this stellar swarm.
The core of M70 is of extreme density, as it has undergone a core collapse somewhen in its history, similar to at least 21 and perhaps up to 29 of the 150 knownMilky Way globulars, includingM15,M30, and possiblyM62 andM79.
Globular cluster M70 became famous in 1995 when the greatcomet Hale-Bopp was discovered near it by Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp as they were observing this globular.
Last Modification: August 30, 2007