



PIPE(7)                    Linux Programmer's ManualPIPE(7)NAME       pipe - overview of pipes and FIFOsDESCRIPTION       Pipes  and  FIFOs  (also known as named pipes) provide a unidirectional       interprocess communication channel.  A pipe has a read end and a  write       end.  Data written to the write end of a pipe can be read from the read       end of the pipe.       A pipe is created usingpipe(2), which creates a new pipe  and  returns       two  file  descriptors,  one referring to the read end of the pipe, the       other referring to the write end.  Pipes can be used to create a commu-       nication channel between related processes; seepipe(2) for an example.       A  FIFO (short for First In First Out) has a name within the filesystem       (created usingmkfifo(3)), and is opened usingopen(2).   Any  process       may  open a FIFO, assuming the file permissions allow it.  The read end       is opened using the O_RDONLY flag; the write end is  opened  using  the       O_WRONLY  flag.  Seefifo(7) for further details.  Note: although FIFOs       have a pathname in the filesystem, I/O on FIFOs does not involve opera-       tions on the underlying device (if there is one).   I/O on pipes and FIFOs       The only difference between pipes and FIFOs is the manner in which they       are created and opened.  Once these tasks have been  accomplished,  I/O       on pipes and FIFOs has exactly the same semantics.       If  a  process  attempts  to read from an empty pipe, thenread(2) will       block until data is available.  If a process attempts  to  write  to  a       full  pipe  (see below), thenwrite(2) blocks until sufficient data has       been read from the pipe to allow the write  to  complete.   Nonblocking       I/O  is  possible by using thefcntl(2) F_SETFL operation to enable the       O_NONBLOCK open file status flag.       The communication channel provided by a pipe is a byte stream: there is       no concept of message boundaries.       If  all file descriptors referring to the write end of a pipe have been       closed, then an attempt toread(2) from the pipe will  see  end-of-file       (read(2) will return 0).  If all file descriptors referring to the read       end of a pipe have been closed, then awrite(2) will  cause  a  SIGPIPE       signal to be generated for the calling process.  If the calling process       is ignoring this signal, thenwrite(2) fails with the error EPIPE.   An       application  that usespipe(2) andfork(2) should use suitableclose(2)       calls to close unnecessary duplicate  file  descriptors;  this  ensures       that end-of-file and SIGPIPE/EPIPE are delivered when appropriate.       It is not possible to applylseek(2) to a pipe.   Pipe capacity       A  pipe  has  a limited capacity.  If the pipe is full, then awrite(2)       will block or fail, depending on whether the  O_NONBLOCK  flag  is  set       (see  below).   Different implementations have different limits for the       pipe capacity.  Applications should not rely on a particular  capacity:       an  application  should  be designed so that a reading process consumes       data as soon as it is available, so that a writing process does not re-       main blocked.       In Linux versions before 2.6.11, the capacity of a pipe was the same as       the system page size (e.g., 4096 bytes on i386).  Since  Linux  2.6.11,       the  pipe  capacity  is 16 pages (i.e., 65,536 bytes in a system with a       page size of 4096 bytes).  Since Linux 2.6.35, the default pipe  capac-       ity  is 16 pages, but the capacity can be queried and set using the fc-ntl(2) F_GETPIPE_SZ and F_SETPIPE_SZ operations.  Seefcntl(2) for more       information.       The  followingioctl(2)  operation, which can be applied to a file de-       scriptor that refers to either end of a pipe, places  a  count  of  the       number  of unread bytes in the pipe in the int buffer pointed to by the       final argument of the call:           ioctl(fd, FIONREAD, &nbytes);       The FIONREAD operation is not specified in any standard,  but  is  pro-       vided on many implementations.   /proc files       On  Linux,  the following files control how much memory can be used for       pipes:       /proc/sys/fs/pipe-max-pages (only in Linux 2.6.34)              An upper limit, in pages, on the capacity that  an  unprivileged              user (one without the CAP_SYS_RESOURCE capability) can set for a              pipe.              The default value for this limit is 16 times  the  default  pipe              capacity (see above); the lower limit is two pages.              This  interface  was  removed  in  Linux  2.6.35,  in  favor  of              /proc/sys/fs/pipe-max-size.       /proc/sys/fs/pipe-max-size (since Linux 2.6.35)              The maximum size (in bytes) of individual pipes that can be  set              by users without the CAP_SYS_RESOURCE capability.  The value as-              signed to this file may be rounded upward, to reflect the  value              actually employed for a convenient implementation.  To determine              the rounded-up value, display the contents of  this  file  after              assigning a value to it.              The default value for this file is 1048576 (1 MiB).  The minimum              value that can be assigned to this file is the system page size.              Attempts  to  set a limit less than the page size causewrite(2)              to fail with the error EINVAL.              Since Linux 4.9, the value on this file also acts as  a  ceiling              on the default capacity of a new pipe or newly opened FIFO.       /proc/sys/fs/pipe-user-pages-hard (since Linux 4.5)              The hard limit on the total size (in pages) of all pipes created              or set by a single unprivileged user (i.e., one with neither the              CAP_SYS_RESOURCE  nor the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability).  So long as              the total number of pages allocated to  pipe  buffers  for  this              user  is at this limit, attempts to create new pipes will be de-              nied, and attempts to increase a pipe's capacity will be denied.              When the value of this limit is zero (which is the default),  no              hard limit is applied.       /proc/sys/fs/pipe-user-pages-soft (since Linux 4.5)              The soft limit on the total size (in pages) of all pipes created              or set by a single unprivileged user (i.e., one with neither the              CAP_SYS_RESOURCE  nor the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability).  So long as              the total number of pages allocated to  pipe  buffers  for  this              user  is  at this limit, individual pipes created by a user will              be limited to one page, and attempts to increase a pipe's capac-              ity will be denied.              When  the value of this limit is zero, no soft limit is applied.              The default value for this file is 16384, which permits creating              up to 1024 pipes with the default capacity.       Before  Linux  4.9,  some  bugs affected the handling of the pipe-user-       pages-soft and pipe-user-pages-hard limits; see BUGS.   PIPE_BUF       POSIX.1 says thatwrite(2)s of less than PIPE_BUF bytes must be atomic:       the  output  data  is  written  to  the  pipe as a contiguous sequence.       Writes of more than PIPE_BUF bytes may be nonatomic: the kernel may in-       terleave  the  data  with data written by other processes.  POSIX.1 re-       quires PIPE_BUF to be at least 512 bytes.  (On Linux, PIPE_BUF is  4096       bytes.)  The precise semantics depend on whether the file descriptor is       nonblocking (O_NONBLOCK), whether there are  multiple  writers  to  the       pipe, and on n, the number of bytes to be written:       O_NONBLOCK disabled, n <= PIPE_BUF              All  n bytes are written atomically;write(2) may block if there              is not room for n bytes to be written immediately       O_NONBLOCK enabled, n <= PIPE_BUF              If there is room to write n bytes to  the  pipe,  thenwrite(2)              succeeds  immediately,  writing  all n bytes; otherwisewrite(2)              fails, with errno set to EAGAIN.       O_NONBLOCK disabled, n > PIPE_BUF              The write is nonatomic: the data given towrite(2) may be inter-              leaved  withwrite(2)s by other process; thewrite(2) blocks un-              til n bytes have been written.       O_NONBLOCK enabled, n > PIPE_BUF              If the pipe is full, thenwrite(2) fails, with errno set to  EA-              GAIN.   Otherwise,  from  1  to  n bytes may be written (i.e., a              "partial write" may occur; the caller should  check  the  return              value  fromwrite(2)  to see how many bytes were actually writ-              ten), and these bytes may be interleaved with  writes  by  other              processes.   Open file status flags       The  only  open file status flags that can be meaningfully applied to a       pipe or FIFO are O_NONBLOCK and O_ASYNC.       Setting the O_ASYNC flag for the read end of a  pipe  causes  a  signal       (SIGIO  by default) to be generated when new input becomes available on       the pipe.  The target for delivery of signals must be set using the fc-ntl(2)  F_SETOWN command.  On Linux, O_ASYNC is supported for pipes and       FIFOs only since kernel 2.6.   Portability notes       On some systems (but not Linux), pipes are bidirectional: data  can  be       transmitted in both directions between the pipe ends.  POSIX.1 requires       only unidirectional pipes.  Portable applications should avoid reliance       on bidirectional pipe semantics.   BUGS       Before  Linux  4.9,  some  bugs affected the handling of the pipe-user-       pages-soft and pipe-user-pages-hard  limits  when  using  thefcntl(2)       F_SETPIPE_SZ operation to change a pipe's capacity:       (1)  When increasing the pipe capacity, the checks against the soft and            hard limits were made against existing consumption,  and  excluded            the  memory required for the increased pipe capacity.  The new in-            crease in pipe capacity could then push the total memory  used  by            the  user for pipes (possibly far) over a limit.  (This could also            trigger the problem described next.)            Starting with Linux 4.9, the limit checking  includes  the  memory            required for the new pipe capacity.       (2)  The  limit  checks  were performed even when the new pipe capacity            was less than the existing pipe  capacity.   This  could  lead  to            problems  if a user set a large pipe capacity, and then the limits            were lowered, with the result that the user could  no  longer  de-            crease the pipe capacity.            Starting  with  Linux 4.9, checks against the limits are performed            only when increasing a pipe's capacity; an unprivileged  user  can            always decrease a pipe's capacity.       (3)  The  accounting  and checking against the limits were done as fol-            lows:            (a) Test whether the user has exceeded the limit.            (b) Make the new pipe buffer allocation.            (c) Account new allocation against the limits.            This was racey.  Multiple processes could pass point (a)  simulta-            neously,  and  then  allocate pipe buffers that were accounted for            only in step (c), with the result that the user's pipe buffer  al-            location could be pushed over the limit.            Starting  with  Linux 4.9, the accounting step is performed before            doing the allocation, and the operation fails if the  limit  would            be exceeded.       Before  Linux  4.9, bugs similar to points (1) and (3) could also occur       when the kernel allocated memory for a new pipe buffer; that  is,  when       callingpipe(2) and when opening a previously unopened FIFO.SEE ALSOmkfifo(1),dup(2),fcntl(2),open(2),pipe(2),poll(2),select(2),socketpair(2),splice(2),stat(2),tee(2),vmsplice(2),mkfifo(3),epoll(7),fifo(7)COLOPHON       This  page  is  part of release 5.05 of the Linux man-pages project.  A       description of the project, information about reporting bugs,  and  the       latest     version     of     this    page,    can    be    found    at                             2017-09-15PIPE(7)
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