dcterms:accessRights | |
nlon:antecedentSource | - 원시자료로부터 재생산된 파일 (xsd:string)
nlon:audienceNote | |
dc:creator | - United States Army, Pacific (xsd:string)
nlon:datePublished | - 2025-02-26T19:56:27 (xsd:dateTime)
dcterms:description | - 미국 국립문서기록관리청 소장자료 2008년도 영인한 자료임 (xsd:string)
- 파일(File) (xsd:string)
- 폴더 'Hq Far East Command UN Command, Folder #2 Appendix I to Command Report, April 1953'와 병합 (xsd:string)
bibframe:extent | |
nlon:genre | |
dcterms:hasFormat | |
nlon:holdingItemNote | - CD청구기호: OB 911.009-320-3 (xsd:string)
- 소장원본청구기호: 270/81/9-10/5-1/E.2 (A1)/Box79 (xsd:string)
dcterms:identifier | - WAR200801119 (xsd:string)
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- POW (xsd:string)
- UNCMAC (xsd:string)
rdfs:label | - Hq Far East Command UN Command, Folder #1-2 Appendix I to Command Report, April 1953 (xsd:string)
nlon:locationNote | - National Archives and Records Administration 미국 MdCpNA (xsd:string)
nlon:reproductionNote | - 전자자료. 서울. 국립중앙도서관, 2008. JPG300dpi이미지 (xsd:string)
nlon:restriction | |
dcterms:subject | |
dcterms:title | - Hq Far East Command UN Command, Folder #1-2 Appendix I to Command Report, April 1953 (xsd:string)
nlon:titleOfAdditionalPhysicalForm | - 미국 국립문서기록관리청 소장 한국관련문서 (xsd:string)
nlon:titleOfSeries | - RG 550 Records of United States Army, Pacific (xsd:string)
- Records of HQ, US Army, Pacific, Military History Office, Classified Organizational History Files (xsd:string)
rdf:type | |
nlon:typeOfResource | |
nlon:uniformTitleOfSeries | - RG 550 Records of United States Army, Pacific (xsd:string)
- Records of HQ, US Army, Pacific, Military History Office, Classified Organizational History Files (xsd:string)
nlon:volumeOfSeries | - Record Group (xsd:string)
- Series (xsd:string)