Apache Lenya is an Open Source Java/XML Content Management System and comes with revision control, multi-site management, scheduling, search, WYSIWYG editors, and workflow. Please see somescreenshots ortry it for yourself.
The current stable version of Apache Lenya is 2.0.4. This is the recommended version for production use. You will at least need the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, version 1.4.2. Please follow theinstallation instructions.
At the moment we don't provide binary versions, you'll find more information on thedownload page.
If you have additional requirements beyond the features listed below, you have access to allApache Cocoon features to develop them.
Copyright © 1999-2011The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
Apache Lenya, Apache, and the Apache feather logo are trademarksof The Apache Software Foundation.