



[ Diagram of MWC 349 Disk ]

Circumstellar disk surrounding the hot star MWC 349. Maser emissions are thought tooccur in outer regions while lasers are operating nearer the central star.(CourtesyStrelnitskiet al., 1995)

The first "natural" laser in space was detected by scientists on boardNASA'sKuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO)as they trained the aircraft'sinfrared telescope on a young, very hot, luminous star in the constellationCygnus.

Discovery of this naturally occurring laser provides scientists with apowerful tool for probing the conditions in disks of gas and dustsurrounding young stars, according to Principal Investigator VladimirStrelnitski of theAstrophysics Laboratory,National Air and Space Museum(NASM),Washington, DC, who made the discovery. Scientistsbelieve that many of these circumstellar disks are regions where planetsare forming.

The laser is created as intense ultraviolet light from the star "pumps" orexcites the densely packed hydrogen atoms in the gaseous, dusty disksurrounding the star. Then, when the infrared light shines on the excitedhydrogen atoms, it causes the atoms to emit an intense beam of light atexactly the same wavelength, creating the circumstellar laser, accordingto Sean W. J. Colgan of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence(SETI)Institute, Mountain View, CA, a co-investigator in the discovery.

The discovery was made as the KAO, the world's only flying observatory,returned toMoffett Field,CA, from observing missions based in Hawaii.Co-investigators in the discovery are Howard A. Smith, also of NASM;Michael R. Haas and Edwin F. Erickson,Ames Research Center,Mountain View, CA; and Colgan.

Strelnitski used a sensitive liquid helium-cooled spectrometer attached tothe KAO telescope to search for selected "lasing lines" in the infraredregion of the spectrum between 50-500 microns (100 to 1000 times thewavelength of visible light).

The natural laser was detected at 169 microns as the scientists viewed thenearly edge-on gas and dust disk surrounding the peculiar star known asMWC 349. The "lasing line" has an intensity six times brighter thannon-amplified spontaneous emissions at the same wavelength, Strelnitski said.

The existence of natural lasers was predicted more than 15 years ago,following the successful amplification of both microwave and visible lightwavelengths in laboratory experiments, and the discovery ofamplified microwavesin space.

(COMMENT: This statement is not exactly correct, stellar laserswere predicted more than a quarter of a century ago by the astrophysicistD.H. Menzelin a remarkable paper onLaser Action in Non-LTE Stellar Atmospheres)

American physicist and Nobel laureateCharles Townesfirst proposed thepractical amplification of electromagnetic radiation by stimulated emissionin 1951. In 1954, his group atColumbia Universitycreated the firstlaboratory amplifier of microwaves, calling it aMASER(Microwave Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation.)

In 1960Theodore Maiman atHughes Research Laboratoriesdeveloped a device to amplify visible light, creatingthe first LASER(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.)

Not long after the invention of laboratory masers and lasers, the firstnatural maserswere discovered in interstellar and circumstellar gasclouds.Townes,a frequent investigator onboard the KAO, was among thediscoverers of the first strong astrophysical water masers.

Astrophysical masers,due to their extremely high intensity and spectralpurity, are valuable tools in studies of the birth and death of theirassociated stars. On Earth, many scientific and industrial applications ofmasers and lasers have been developed, such as keepingexact time,bar-code reading in supermarkets and performing"bloodless surgery."

Astrophysical masers can be observed from the ground with specialinstruments, but the major part of the infrared spectrum where potentiallasers might be seen is hidden from the ground observer by Earth'sabsorbing atmosphere.

This long awaited discovery of a natural laser was made on the lastscheduled flight of the KAO instrument -- the Ames Cryogenic GratingSpectrometer. The instrument permits sensitive detection of emission fromatoms and molecules throughout the mid- and far-infrared spectraldomain.

The KAO is scheduled for retirement this fall. NASA plans to begindevelopment of the follow-on airborne observatorySOFIAin 1996, withfirst flight scheduled for the year 2000.

Don SavageHeadquarters, Washington, DC      August 29, 1995(Phone:  202/358-1547)Diane FarrarAmes Research Center, Mountain View, CA(Phone:  415/604-3934)RELEASE:95-14895-35


Laser line spectral profile

Spectral line profile of the H-26-alpha maser transition in MWC 349(Strelnitski et al., 1995)The shape of this microwave laser line (354 GHz) is similar to the H-15-alphainfrared laser line at 169 microns (1775 GHz). These velocity profiles aretypical of microwave laser emissions in many other sources and probably indicatehigh velocity outflows towards and away from the observer.


The lower and upper levels of this far infrared laser arehigh Rydberg states, i.e. the H-15-alpha laser transition is takingplace between levels with quantum number in the mid teens.In the historical review of astronomical spectroscopy section we mentioned thatmetastable states become overpopulated in the extended atmospheres ofshell stars : In a low density plasma,the high Rydberg (large n) states of Hydrogen and other atoms can have very longlifetimes. Experimental studies demonstrate that the lifetime increasesapproximately as the cube of the effective principal quantum number,in agreement with hydrogenic theory. It is obvious that, in practical terms,high Rydberg states with long lifetimes will behave as metastable states.Thehigh Rydberg states are considered metastable because of theirrelatively longer lifetime in a low density plasma as compared to the lowerquantum levels. For example, the H-alpha-15 transition has an effectivelifetime hundreds of time longer than spontaneous Balmer radiation.

Radio Stars

In a recent paperStrelnitskiet al. (1995)called the star MWC349A a'radio star' due to the strong emissions of radiationin the low frequency part of the electromagnetic spectrum.In the 1960'squasarswere also known as'radio stars', then in the 1970's Varshni discoveredlaser action in quasars.With the recent discovery of a laser in the starsEta Carinae andMWC 349 and also in the central star of planetary nebulaNGC 7027;it seems that laser action is common to many of these'radio-active' objects.Is is therefore no wonder that the radio morphology and behavior ofquasars is related to other jet emitting stars such asSS433 andYoung Stellar Objects (YSO)which are very similar to quasars such asCygnus-A,3C 345they are all objects within the galaxy.In fact their properties are so similar that two recent 'radio stars',GRS 1915-105 andGRO J1655-40have been nicknamed'mini-quasars' by their discoverers.It is also not surprising many quasars appear to be'Naked'.


  1. Strelnitski,V.S., Smith,H.A., Haas,M.R., Colgan,S.W.J., Erikson,E.F., Geis,N., Hollenbach,D.J.,Townes,C.H.: 1995,Airborne Astronomy Symposium on the Galactic Ecosystem: From Gas to Stars to Dust (N96-13618 02-88), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume73 p 271-274.A search for hydrogen lasers in MWC 349 from the KAO
  2. Thum,C., Strelnitski,V.S., Martin-Pintado,J.: 1995,AA.,300, 843.Hydrogen recombination {beta}-lines in MWC 349.
  3. Ponomarev,V.O., Smith,H.A., Strelnitski,V.S.: 1994,ApJ.,424, 976.Modeling of the Hydrogen Maser Disk in MWC 349
  4. Smith,H.A., Strelnitski,V.S., Thum,C., Matthews,H.E.: 1993,Bull.Amer.Astron.Soc.,183, 4401.Detection of the First beta-line Hydrogren Maser in MWC 349
  5. Strelnitski,V.S., Smith,H.A., Ponomarev,V.O.: 1992,Bull.Amer.Astron.Soc.,181, 1705.Modeling of The Hydrogen Maser Disk in MWC349
  6. Ponomarev,V.O., Strelnitski,V.S., Chugal,N.N.: 1990,Astron.Tsirk.,1545, 37.Radio recombination line maser in MWC 349 : how does it work ?
  7. Ponomarev,V.O., Smirnov,G.T., Strelnitski,V.S., Chugal,N.N.: 1989,Astron.Tsirk.,1540, 5.Kinematical interpretation of the maser radio recombination lines from MWC 349.
  8. Doel,R.C., Gray,M.D., Field,D., Jones,K.N.: 1993,AA,280, 592.FIR lasers from dense OH maser regions
  9. Laser Focus World, Oct 1995 :MWC 349, Natural laser discovered in space
  10. Sky and Telescope, Weekly News Bull., Sep.8, 1995 -A Laser in Space
  11. Scientists Discover First 'Natural' Laser in Space, (An Unlimited Vision On-Line Publication)
  12. High Rydberg metastable states in circumstellar envelopes and shell stars.
  13. Star Formation Newsletter

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