


+94 47 2 235122

Kataragama, Sri Lanka


Introductory Articles

climbing katiraimalai

Pilgrims climbing Katiraimalai / Vedihitikanda

The number of Tamil and Sinhalese pilgrims who visit the historic Kathirgamam Kathiraimalai Murugan temple is day by day increasing.

climbing katiraimalai

Kathirkamām, the Abode of Skanda

Patrick Harrigan and VS. Krishnan offer an illustrated introduction to Kathirkamām, the Abode of Skanda in Sri Lanka

Invoking the faith

Kataragama : Invoking the faith

Legends that surround the essence of Kataragama is tightly woven with Lord Murugan, God of War, Love and Beauty who is also known by the names of Skanda and Kataragama Deviyo.

Muruga Bhakti Ashrams

Kataragama Skanda: A God for All Seasons

Pageantry, ceremony and ritual are part of everyday life in Sri Lanka. No matter when you visit this isle, you're bound to be caught up in some form of national celebration.

kataragama festivals

An Introduction to Kataragama

Tamil Hindus of Sri Lanka and South India refer to the place as Katirkamam and it has a famous Hindu shrine dedicated to Lord Katirkaman.

temple Kataragama

Kataragama: Beyond Festival, Story of People & Faith

Synonymous with rituals and godly belief, Kataragama in southeast Sri Lanka is a place of worship that every Sri Lankan pledges to visit at least once in their lifetime.

magic of Kataragama

The Magic of Kataragama

The city of Kataragama resembles an island, recovering from a war, of a different kind of peace which can be experienced by surrendering oneself to God.

Facts about Kataragama

Facts about Kataragama

The focus of worship in Kataragama was not always where it is today. Formerly, the god lived upon Vedahiti Kanda, 'The Peak Where He Was', i.e. before Lord Skanda, Valli Amma

Kataragama belongs to All

Kataragama belongs to All

Trustee of the Kataragama Mosque and Shrine al-Haj M.L.A. Gaffar, addressing the devotees at the Esala festival Flag-hoisting Ceremony on July 23, 1998, said that only at one place in the world do people of three

Esala Festival

Kataragama Esala Festival Primer

Kataragama is a common place of worship for both Buddhists and Hindus. Hindu devotees fill the precincts of the Kataragama devale to participate in the numerous offerings and seek the protection of God

water cutting kataragama

Kataragama: Its Origin, Era of Decline and Revival

The history of Sri Lanka beginning from the 3rd Century B.C. to 18th Century A.D. is one of the best documented. Our island has a collection of historical chronicles

Kathiramalai Kanda

Kataragama: Domain of Benevolent God Skanda

Kataragama, the domain of God Skanda (Lord Murugan Katirkaman, Kadirkamam, Subrahmanya, Kandasamy, Kadiradeva, Katiradeva, Katiravel, Karttikeya, and Tarakajit) located in the Deep

king mahasena

Kataragama: Where Sinhala & Hindu Cultures are Interwoven

Few places lavish the luxury of extreme serenity and spiritual bliss just upon setting foot into it the way the Kiri Vehera temple in Kataragama does.

kataragama old days

Kataragama: Memories of Sixty Years Ago

We from Kandy of long ago, sixty or more years back, were strangers to Kataragama. Of course we had heard about the Devale and all that but we did not undertake pilgrimages to this southern holy place.

