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Open source file format identification, validation & characterisation

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Currently v1.32.1 06-02-2025

Details of the latest release, including release notescan be found on GitHub.

JHOVE is a file format identification, validation and characterisation tool. It is implemented as aJava application and is usable on any Unix, Windows, or OS X platform with appropriate Java installation.

Supported Formats

AIFF-hulAudio Interchange File Format.aifaudio/x-aiff
ASCII-hulASCII textapplication/octet-stream
GIF-hulGraphics Interchange Format.gifimage/gif
GZIP-kbGzip (GNU zip) format.gzapplication/gzip
HTML-hulHTML (Hypertext Markup Language) format.html, .htmtext/html
JPEG-hulJPEG format.jpg/.jls(for JPEG-LA)/.spf(for SPIFF)image/jpeg
JPEG2000-hulJPEG 2000 (ISO/IEC 15444) format.jpg/.jls(for JPEG-LA)/.spf(for SPIFF)image/jp2 (for JP2)/ image/jpx (for JPX)
PDF-hulPDF (Portable Document Format) format.pdfapplication/pdf
JHOVE TIFF-hulTIFF (Tagged Image File Format) format.tiff (nominal)/ TIFF (Mac OS)image/tiff/ image/tiff-fx (for TIFF-FX)/ image.ief (for Class F)
UTF8-hultext/plain; charset=UTF-8
WARC-kbWARC (Web ARChive) format.warc/ .warc.gzapplication/warc
WAVE-hulAudio for Windows format (WAVE).wav/ .bwf/ .rt64audio/vnd.wave
XML-hulXML (Extensible Markup Language) format.xmltext/xml
EPUB-ptcEPUB format.epubapplication/epub+zip

JHOVE supports two user interfaces:

  1. Acommand-line interface
  2. ASwing-basedGUI interface

Getting started

Thegettting started guide is on this site.


JHOVE is made available by theOpen Preservation Foundation under theGNULesser General Public License (LGPL).

Note that some previous versions of JHOVE were released under theGNUGeneral Public License (GPL).

Mailing list

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