James stands forJava Apache Mail Enterprise Server!
It has a modular architecture based on a rich set ofmodern andefficient components which provides at the endcomplete, stable, secure and extendable Mail Servers running on the JVM.
Create yourown personal solution of emails treatment by assembling the components you need thanks to the Inversion of Control mail platform offered and go further customizing filtering and routing rules usingJames Mailet Container.
Your James servercan also be used as Mail Transfer Agent, by enabling onlySMTP or as aIMAP Mail Delivery Agent.
docker run -p "465:465" -p "993:993" apache/james:demo-3.8.2
Apache James Project is an Open Source all-volunteer project obtaining its strength from its Community made of developers and users. All are welcome to the Community!
That way, we recommend that Users, Developers, Curious and Fans join the James Community.
James is a project that lives from the contributions of its community.
Anyone can contribute! That's right, we always want to hear from people with contributions to the code, the documentation, the website, and bug reports. We more than welcome non-coding contributions.
Here are different ways to contribute:
At LINAGORA, we chose JAMES as the Mail Delivery Agent of our OpenPaaS product:
Our deployment currently allows serving a hundred users over JMAP, SMTP and IMAP.