


The 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2009) will be held 25-29 October 2009 at theWestfields Conference Center near Washington, DC.

ISWC is the major international forum where the latest research results and technical innovations on all aspects of the Semantic Web are presented.

29 October 2009
Congratulations toISWC 2009 award winners.

27 October 2009
Submit Lightning Talkshere from 11am-3pm today.

21 October 2009
Metadata for ISWC 2009 is now available at

20 October 2009
TheISWC 2009 Program Book,including the complete final schedule,is now available.

13 October 2009
Detailed programs are now available for theDoctoral Consortium,Research Track,Semantic Web In Use Track,andIndustry Track.A consolidated Program Booklet will be available for download shortly.

1 October 2009
Online registration will remain available through October 19.

20 September 2009
The list ofAccepted Posters and Demos is now available.

16 September 2009
The full-day tutorial Building Semantic Web Applications forGovernment has been divided into the half-day tutorialsSemantic Web Basics (AM) andBuilding Semantic Web Applications for Government (PM). If desired, you can update your registrationhere.

15 September 2009
ISWC 2009 now has aCrowdVine social neworking site(likeISWC 2008),which has been seeded with room- and ride-sharing discussion threads.

11 September 2009
Early registration has been extended to September 16 due to registration site problems.

10 September 2009
AMentoring Lunch has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 28.

8 September 2009
Early registration closes 12 September 2009.

8 September 2009
ADraft Schedule is now available.

7 September 2009
Registration is now open for the seventh annual Semantic Web Challenge, which will be organized at ISWC 2009. The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2009. Please see the Semantic Web Challenge website ( for further details.

27 August 2009
TheList of Semantic Web In Use Track Accepted Papers is now available.

26 August 2009
Registration is nowopen.

16 August 2009
TheList of Research Track Accepted Papers is now available.

15 July 2009
TheList of Accepted Tutorials is now available.

4 July 2009
Registration rates and deadlines are now available.

27 June 2009
Information onStudent Fellowships is now available.

19 June 2009
TheList of Accepted Workshops is now available.

30 May 2009
The Semantic Web In Use Track submission deadline has been revised to 21 June 2009, to remain synchronised with the Research Track.

21 May 2009
Research Track deadlines have been updated due to an inconsistency between the email andweb calls. Abstracts are now due June 8, with full papers due June 21.

13 May 2009
Exhibitor Informationis now available.

7 April 2009
Tom Mitchellhas been confirmed as an Invited Speaker.

28 February 2009
Calls for Papers have been published.

23 December 2008
Pat Hayes andNova Spivack have been confirmed as Invited Speakers.

16 December 2008
Hotel reservations at the conference rate of $219/night can now be madeonline.

14 October 2008
Conference andsponsorshipflyers are now available.

The International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) series is organized and managed by theSemantic Web Science Association (SWSA).

Invited Speakers

Pat Hayes

Pat Hayes (Institute for Human and Machine Cognition):BLOGIC; or,Now What's in a Link?

Nova Spivack (Radar Networks):Present, Personalized and Precise: Defining Search for Web 3.0

Tom Mitchell (Carnegie-Mellon University):Populating the Semantic Web by Macro-Reading Internet Text

BBN Technologies

Lockheed Martin



Clark & Parsia



NeOn Project

Orbis Technologies

Progeny Systems

SRI International

X-Media Project




Yahoo Labs

