found:Its Provinsiale koerant, 9 Sept. 1994:t.p. (Provinsie Oos-Transvaal; Province of Eastern Transvaal)
found:Economist, Apr. 23-29, 1994:p. 22 (E. Transvaal, one of the nine new provinces of South Africa)
found:Phone call to BGN, 3 Aug. 1995(official name: Province of Eastern Transvaal)
found:Web. geog.(Transvaal; earlier, as independent state, South African Republic. Former province, NE Rep. of South Africa. History: Estab. as South African Republic 1856; annexed by British 1877-81; rebellion of Boers 1880-81 and restoration of republic 1881; as Transvaal annexed by British 1900 and later made crown colony; granted self-government 1906; joined Union (now Rep.) of South Africa 1910. Ceased to exist as an administrative entity 1994 and roughly split into Eastern Transvaal (now Mpumalanga) and Northern Transvaal (now Northern) provs.)
notfound:Investing in KwaZulu-Natal, 1996: p. 1 (South Africa is divided into nine provinces [including] Mpumalanga);Columbia gaz. (Transvaal, former province, NE Republic of South Afr. As a result of its greater pop. and wealth, it was divided into 4 smaller provs; namely North-West, Gauteng, Northern, and Mpumalanga provs.)